Chapter 19

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Naomi and I are dumped unceremoniously on the ground in a cell somewhere. I crawl out of the bag, quickly grabbing it and pulling it over myself. Naomi does the same thing, then sees a small pile of clothing in the corner. "There looks like a shirt for both of us."

Naomi grabs one, throwing it over herself, then throws the other one to me.

I pull it over my head, then stand. We are in a rather small cell, the iron bars all rusty and grimy. I can hear labored breathing from all over the prison, which means that there are a bunch of other people down here. The guards seem to have left, so I take the chance and put my face up to the bars, trying to see the others.

"Hello?" My voice echoes around the cavernous room, and I beat on the door. "Why are we here?"

"They fight us." I whip my head around to where the small voice came from. In the cell directly in front of Naomi and I. What I first had assumed to be just a small pile of rags in the corner of the cell was, in fact, a young girl.

Her face is streaked with dirt, her gray brown eyes dull and without hope. A festering cut shows through her torn shirt, and rags cover her hands and feet. "They do what?"

"They fight us. They capture tiny girls like you and me, then set us against the biggest male wolves in the pack. If you put up a big fight you get to be one of the Alpha's mistresses." The girl says glumly, then perks up.

"But you look strong. Maybe they'll pair you with Isaac; he was injured today."

I frown. "But why would the Alpha do this? We both have very powerful mates; it would be dumb to challenge them."

The girl glances at my neck. "You haven't been marked, therefore you are technically up for grabs."

I look at her, horrified. While I had mixed feelings about Paul at the moment, the thought of being bound to another, evil alpha made me cringe.

"But what about my friend, Naomi." I glanced back, seeing the girl curled up on the cot in the corner, sleeping. "She bares my brother's mark."

The girl shrugs. "They'll either kill her or your brother."

My heart clenches at the news. While I hated my brother, it would devastate Naomi. Oddly enough I had come to like the small girl.

"When will we fight?" The girl scratches her head, pushing back her greasy brown hair.

"Your friend will go first since she's smaller, you'll be for the Friday finale since you look like a fighter."

"What if we just lay there?" The girl laughs.

"He'll kill you. Without a doubt, he will kill you."

I turn away from the small girl, walking over to the barred window at the edge of the cell. "What's your name?"

"Hallie." She says, and that's the end of our conversation.

I stare out the window, staring out into the forest surrounding this prison. Eventually I decide to lie down, scooting Naomi over some on the cot and curl up beside of her, my heart aching for something.

But I can't exactly put my finger on what it is.


I come to gasping for breath, shivering violently from the sudden appearance of cold. "Wake up!" A guard bellows, an empty bucket in his hands.

My canines come out to play, and I can sense my eyes beginning to glow. "What was that for?" I snarl, and the guard rolls his eyes.

"What did you expect us to do? Come in here and coddle you?" He bites out, and I growl loudly, lunging towards him.

He slams the cell door shut, and I cling to the bars, growling fiercely. "I can't wait until you and Abdul fight it out tomorrow. You're gonna put on a good show, arentcha?"

I untangle myself, stepping back. "What do you want?" I seethe, and he gestures towards a still half-asleep Naomi. "She fights today."

Naomi swallows. "I'm what?"

The guard looks at me, then begrudgingly opens the door, holding me at gunpoint while he grabs Naomi and hauls her out of the cell. "You're fighting today, girlie. Too bad the rest of you whores can't watch her get her behind handed to her on a silver platter!"

With a loud bang, the guard and Naomi disappear out the door.

Hours pass. I pace around my cell, eat what little food that's brought to me, and look out my window. I'm bored out of my mind, and have began to hum nursery rhymes whenever the door bangs open again and Naomi limps through the door.

She's shoved through the door to our cell, and I gasp in horror at her injuries. One of her eyes is blacked, there's a cut along her jaw and her nose is still healing. Along her sides are different sized scratches, gashes, and bites.

Her ankle's twisted at an odd angle, and her breathing is heavy and slow. She collapses on the floor, whimpering slightly. It is then that I see a huge knot on the back of her head, and a bite on her neck that is bleeding profusely.

I kneel beside of her, lifting her shaking frame and lay her on the cot. "Can we have some water?" I ask to no one in particular.

Nobody replies, so I sigh and begin to take off her torn shirt. I hold the wounds closed so that they will heal. It's an agonizing process; some of them split right back open and begin pouring blood.

Once all her major wounds are healed, I correct her ankle and nose, causing her to cry out in pain. Soon after she fell unconscious, her breathing deep and even.

I feel disgusting from the blood and grime all over me. Oh what I would give for a long, hot shower. I sit, propped against the wall, and watch Naomi to make sure nothing major happens. Eventually I must fall asleep, because I am brutally awakened the next morning.

It is time for me to fight.

//can we discuss how pathetically described this is like omg whatever bye -aleysah\\

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