Chapter 33

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"Could you two 'ave been any louder last night? Wasn't putting everyone in 'eat enough?" Adaline snaps the following morning, her green eyes tired.

"Is that a request? Because I'd be happy to oblige." I challenge, enjoying the blush from anger that covers her cheeks.

"The least you could do as Luna is insure that everyone can 'ave a good night's sleep!" Adaline gripes, pouring herself a cup of coffee.

"Well, you know, I tried but look where that got me. Me going into heat and everyone in a frenzy." I say smugly, taking a sip of my orange juice.

Adaline simply glares at her coffee, swirling the now tan liquid around her mug.

I take my orange juice into the living room, sitting on the sofa beside Brin.

"That whor-"

"Be nice."

"-se faced Frenchie still giving you trouble?"

I shake my head. "Not much. She'll make a remark about Paul or me every now and then but at least she's not throwing herself at him in every waking moment."

"Like she'd ever get him." Brin says, rolling her eyes.


"Besides, didn't you hear? She found her mate last night."

"Awesome for her. Who is it?"

Brin giggles, her grin malicious. "It's Alpha Curtis, the Alpha of Blue Gemini, it's his son!"

I make a face. "You mean the tall one that stares at every woman here like she's a free bag of M&Ms? Ew."

Brin laughs. "That's the one! Those two definitely deserve to be together, sort of like you and Paul."

I crinkle my nose. "But Paul and I aren't anything alike."

Brin rolls her eyes. "Puh-lease. You two are so similar it's scary. You both know how to handle yourselves in bad situations, neither of you like being the center of attention, and you two ooze authority."

I blush, looking down so my hair falls in my face. "Is it that noticeable?"

"Uh, yeah. Definitely."

"What about you and Aaron? You two are polar opposites. You're outgoing and ballsy whereas Aaron is shy and reserved."

"Ever heard the term opposites attract?" Brin smiles wryly. "This is one of those times."

"Hmmm." I muse, stroking my chin like I have a goatee.

"'Hmmm' what?" Brin asks, stealing the TV remote from some kid of a different pack.

"Just a meaningless 'hmmm'." I watch as Brin flips through the channels, getting dirty looks from some of the adults and teens in the room.

Brin returns them, setting the channel on Princess Sofia and leaving it.

I chuckle at her immaturity, seeing some of the people get up and leave the room immediately.

The children of our pack gather around the TV, squealing at the chance of getting to see a cartoon.

Brin watches them for a few minutes, her tawny eyes shifting back and forth between the kids.

"When are you two going to try?" her question takes me off guard, making me nearly snort orange juice in surprise.

"Try for kids?" Something in me dances at the thought of being pregnant with Paul's child, but another part of me, the human part, cringes.

"Not for a while."

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