Chapter 21

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Alpha Elliot bares his teeth in the direction of Paul's voice, still inches from my face.

"You should've claimed her if you wanted her, Paul!" He growls, lifting his hands from my own to brace himself on the ground. An even fiercer growl answers him.

"Get off her, Elliot. I'd hate to kill you in front of your pack."

Elliot opens his mouth to answer, but I use the advantage of my freed hands to shove him as hard as I can in the breadbox. He wheezes, tipping backwards onto Abdul, who in turn rolls away from him.

I shimmy out from beneath the gasping Alpha and am on my feet in an instant, looking around frantically for Paul.

My eyes land on him and my heart swells. I push it down, though. I still have mixed feelings about him, even if the hallucinations had faded for now.

"Lyssa!" He begins to run towards me, but Alpha Elliot jumps to his feet before he can reach me.

"She's mine, Paul! Back off!" He snarls, claws and canines lengthening.

"Fate paired her with me! Not you! Me!" Paul seethes, shoving him backwards.

I internally scoff. Fate sucked at pairing mates. Paul and I are about as different from each other as it gets.

"She obviously wasn't happy with you! Why'd she run off if she loved you?"

I tilt my head. He makes a good point, but I'd rather be with Paul than this monster. Paul pauses himself, a cold look settling in his eyes. "Says the man who's mate committed suicide."

The crowd falls silent. Elliot laughs, looking half perturbed and half amused. "You think by mentioning my mate that it'll phase me? You should know me better than that, Paul."

I gape at the Alpha. He must truly be evil; not even Elijah was that cold towards his mate so said Naomi, and I hated him with my entire being. To not care if your mate hated you so much to kill herself..crazy.

Paul shrugs, glancing towards the crowd. "Good to know you've not changed, Elliot. It just gave me a little bit of time."

Elliot's brow furrows and his mouth opens, but the words never come. He falls foreword, the dagger that was sprouted through his stomach sliding free easily. A bruised and bloodied Aaron stands behind him, wiping his face on his shirt sleeve.


I start at Paul's voice, but do as told. We've made it past the shocked crowd that is slowly coming out of it and are nearly to the treeline with the rest of Paul's backup close by whenever I come screeching to a stop. "Naomi! I can't leave her!"

I do a U-turn, ignoring a swearing Paul. I run straight back to the prison, busting through the doors. The guard inside jumps awake, but I'm already on him. I have his keys from him quick as a whip, then deliver a swift hit to the chin, making his eyes roll back in his head.

I rush to mine and Naomi's cell, unlocking it and picking her up. "Hey!" I turn, seeing Hallie standing at the door with a frown on her face.

"At least give me the keys so I can free the others!"

I relent, tossing her the keys before zipping back out the door with Naomi in my arms. Paul looks confused at the appearance of the red head, but I ignore him. "Where are we going?" I ask over the wind, and Paul shakes his head.

"Where do you think, Lyssa? Home."

//so i literally wrote half of this waiting for my dentist to call me back so he could pull four of my teeth...ugh it was terrible bec he uses this numbing agent that makes you sleepy, so to keep you awake he puts epinephrine in it and i had like eight of those things and it was TERRIBLE! my heart was racing; i took my pulse after the fourth or fifth shot and it was 114 then, and soon after whenever i had the last one i started shaking so hard i nearly fell out of the dentist chair..and my mouth has been numb.

yeah..try eating with the lower portion of your mouth out of commission.... no bueno. anyways thanks for reading, i probably wont be updating for a while because I need to update all my other books so yeah. expect at LEAST a week before the next chapter is uploaded. thanks for putting up with me and my freaky schedule, SOON IT WILL BE SUMMER AND ILL BE ON BREAK, SO DONT FRET.

one last thing tho, so my bf and i got into this huge fight bec my friend rides his bus and he apparently sat by this girl and my friend said they were holding hands and everyone said that they were dating, but he swears against it and there is no picture proof so idek what to believe anymore! granted the boy doesn't have the best rep but i try to look past what society has named people and get to know them myself. k? k. anyways, I just want to know if this has happened to any of yall :'D probly not bec yeah im special but anyways yeah okay bye ALEYSAH\\

p.s. sorry for the shortness of the chapter, its like barely 900 words, if even that so yeah... sorry bout that people. i swear the next chapter will be longer, whenever its updated. love all yall! byeeeee

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