Chapter 4

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Home. My older sister's joyful face. Dad's laugh. Mom's smile. My little sister's snaggletooth grin. My grandad's stern face.
All of these things keep me going, but there's one thing that has a small yet strong hold on me, the thing that pulls me back towards the pack.

Paul. The mating bond has grown stronger just by us being near each other, and now, it's hurting me to even think of leaving him. But I have to. I will not become their puppet. I was trained to kill them, not live with them.

The Wall comes into view, a huge gray thing that looms above everything, guarded by thousands and thousands of soldiers, with even more people hidden inside.

Soldiers patrol on the ground level, not yet seeing me, the small Asian girl running for her life.

I emerge from the tree line, startling several men who were about to venture into the forest on a hunt, but I keep going, running as fast as I can.

But I can hear how close the wolves are. Their yips and barks are as close as ever, and I find myself crying in terror.

Some men rush towards me, while I rush towards them, and the wolves chase after me.

If someone were to freeze this moment, right here, where I am just feet away from safety, but also feet away from capture, and someone were to paint it, they would call it Just Out Of Reach.

Because that is definitely how I feel.

I run another two feet before jumping towards the men, who move to let me through, then form a circle around me.

The wolves snarl, and I can see what's going on through the boots of the men surrounding me.

Paul is pacing, looking at the men mournfully, while the others look defensive about their Alpha.

I hear one man speak into his radio, saying that Lyssa Irwin has been found, and to send her family out immediately.

I sigh softly, feeling so tired now. I must've run two and a half miles to get here, and I can feel every inch of it now that the adrenaline has worn off.

I hear the cracking if bones, and then Paul's deep voice echoes off the wall.

"She belongs with me." His voice holds anguish, and the mating bond threatens to choke me, so I close my eyes, wishing that my family would hurry up and get out here.

"She is one of us. She will never belong to one of your kind." One of the soldiers says nastily, and Paul growls.

"We are mates. Fate put us together, and you can't go against Fate." Paul says, and I grit my teeth, trying to focus on anything but Paul.

"Right. Like a human and a were would ever work out. Lyssa isn't going back." The same soldier pipes up, and Paul snarls.

"She belongs with me!" He shouts, and I whimper softly, the mating pull becoming painful.

"No. She doesn't. She belongs with her family." The familiar voice bounces around in my brain for a second before I process who's it is.

"Daddy!" I shout, getting up and breaking through the line of soldiers to my father.

I haven't called him daddy since I was four or five, and I can see that he is pleased with it. I hug him, squeezing him as tight as I can, and he stoops down to be able to hug me. See, my dad isn't Asian, it's my mom that is. My dad is a 6'6 black haired man built like a bus.

Oddly enough I inherited none of his height. Lindsey, my older sister, did. She's sort of a mix between Mom and Dad. Fay, my little sister, is a mix of our parents, like Lindsey. She's eight and half my height, so I think she's going to be short like me. Me and my twin, Elijah, were the only ones who looked exactly like one of our parents. I look like Mom, and Eli looked like Dad.

I pull back from Dad, then look at Mom and hug her too, glad to have the small inch over her. It's just an inch, but at least I don't feel so short. I hug Lindsey, Grandad, and Fay, too, and sigh when I get done. There should've been one more, but we lost Elijah to a hunt last spring, and I miss him dearly.

I hear Paul again and wince when the mating bond tugs at my heart strings, trying to ignore him. My mother sees, and she looks at me, dark brown eyes looking concerned.

"Are you hurt, Lyssie?" Lyssie is her nickname for me, and as childish as it sounds, I really don't mind it.

"No. It's just..." I trail off and motion towards Paul, who is staring at me, and I can practically feel the hurt and love rolling off him in waves.

"That monster? What happened? Are you two...?" I nod, and Mom gasps, along with the rest of my family.

Well, except my dad. He draws his gun, walking forward to where the line of soldiers are, and stand among them.

"You hurt my daughter." Dad growls, aiming the gun at him.

Paul looks at him, hazel eyes bright with hurt and anger, and he growls.

"No, Dad, you can't kill him! As much as I would love for you to, you can't kill him!" The mating bond sends angry pricks up and down my skin when I said the word kill. Paul looks scared, big hazel fearful that I might actually want him dead.

"Why not Lyssa? He needs to die. Every single abomination that is their kind needs to be destroyed." Dad snaps, raising his gun again.

"No, Dad! If you kill him I'll die too because of the bond!" I shout grabbing his arm and holding it in place.

This seems to snap my father out of whatever dad mode daze he was in, but now he ushers me backwards into the confines of the Wall. Back into safety.

"I'm coming back for you, Lyssa! You can't go against Fate!" Paul's words echo off the inside gates of the wall, and I huff one last breath as the gates shut with a bang.

I am home. I am safe.

//Not the longest chap I've done. Ah well. Maybe next time.


Pic of Aaron to the side

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