Chapter 31

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Alpha! Luna! You must wake up!

I jolt awake at the loud voice echoing in my mind. Within moments, Paul is upright as well, and I can hear chaos downstairs. The clock reads 3:28 a.m., and I feel a flash of anger at the time of being woken. What can I say, I value my sleep. A lot.

"They're attacking us." Paul's voice is soft, but I can sense both his anger and panic.

"Well now would be the time to do it." I say glumly, throwing on some clothes.

I run out of our room and towards the armory, Paul following in suit.

I grab several knives, sticking them in a belt around my waist. A loaded pistol goes in the holster at my left hip; another in my boot.

I sheath a short sword in the side of my other boot, then pull my hair up into a pony tail.

Paul glances at me, then does a double take, swearing softly. "Never thought it'd be a turn on to see you dressed for a fight."

He skims his hands over my hips, then jerks me roughly to him. My breath catches in my throat, and Paul lowers his mouth to mine.

"Oi! Love birds!"

Aaron's voice echoes through the room, tinged with a teasing tone. "It's time for fighting, not smooching."

Reluctantly, I break the kiss, sending a mock glare towards Aaron. Paul grabs my hand, leading me downstairs.

"Promise me you'll be careful?" Paul says, handing me a coat.

"Promise." I reply, handing him his own coat.

"You'll be careful too?"

Paul only grins. "This isn't my first rodeo, Lyss. I've had a couple experiences with fighting."

"Good. So there should be no reason why you end up hurt."

Paul chuckles. "Everyone gets hurt every once in a while. But I promise I'll try my bestest to not get hurt."

I raise a brow, pulling on a hat. "Bestest isn't a word, Paul."

"Sure it is. I just made it."

I roll my eyes, throwing Paul's hat at him. It hits him in the face, making him stagger backwards and fall onto his butt.

I laugh, kneeling in front of him and putting his hat on for him, my face inches from his.

"Love you." He says softly, his hazel eyes twinkling.

"Love you too." I whisper back, feeling a surge of adoration from Paul.

"You said it back." He tucks a lock of my hair behind my ear gently, his eyes filling with tears.

I smile bashfully, standing. "Yeah, just be careful okay?"

"Of course." Paul looks down at me, grinning. "Lets go kick some butt."

Once around a quarter of us are gathered downstairs, Paul leads us outside. The guards who had been posted earlier are holding the rogues off, but barely.

There's around two hundred of the rogues left. We greatly outnumber them, but it doesn't take a large army to defeat a smaller one; it simply who's the better fighter.

I draw two of my throwing knives, sending them whizzing into their target quickly before moving on.

I stick pretty close to Paul, who wields a sword, hacking away at different rogues.

Whenever I run out of throwing knifed, I draw my short sword from my boot. My swings are precise and deadly, a pile of bodies ending up at my feet within minutes.

I hear a shout to my left and my blood fizzes, urging me to go and help whoever is hurt.

I run my sword through the rogue I was fighting before running towards the unending screams.

I have to break through a circle of rogues to find the person, but when I do, I nearly faint.

A man is glaring at one of our fighters, I think his name is Erik, and the soldier is writhing on the ground in pain.

I can sense the magic use, but I don't know what he's doing.

I glance at Erik again, cringing at the sight. Blood is being pushed out of nearly every orifice on him.

The rogue's gaze is filled with glee, and fury fills me. I break away from the men who are currently fighting me, charging the magic-user.

"You sick man! What is your problem?"

With every word I swing at him, his magic dropping a sword into his hands in seconds.

I go on the offense, feinting to my right then sticking my sword straight through the man.

He folds in on himself, and I wrench my weapon from him in disgust.

I look over at Erik, and feel a pang of sadness. He's dead.

With a fierce cry I reenter the battle, this time avenging the violent death of Erik.

//i am an awful human being im so sry, ive been so busy lately. idk how long this chapter is, but ive been working on it for ages. had a bit if writers block lately, which sucks. its getting closer to my deadline and im being uber slow about updating. urgh.

once again, so so sry about the late update i love you all thnx for all the views and pls don't forget to comment, vote, & share!!! -a\\

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