Chapter 15

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"We must be more than just machines."

Paul's hands come flying up, deflecting the jaws of my wolf that are trying to clamp down onto his neck, my mind a pulsing mass of gnarled and twisted memories.

I snap again, snarling, clawing at his arms that hold me up. He drops me, and I land on all fours, lips curled back, canines jutted down. I circle him as he debates whether or not to attack me. The sound of other fights reaches my ears, but I don't let that distract me.

"Lyssa you must remember that these, these things they are monsters! Sever yourself from them, don't let them kill us!"

My mother's voice fills my ears, and I shake my head, snarling again. I lunge towards Paul's left, and he takes the bait, moving to my right side, where I jump on him, my sharp teeth inches from his neck. He slaps my muzzle away at the last moment, sending my careening away.

Pain explodes along my face again and again, yet Paul is not near me. It is the ghost of a serum, Paul's voice entering my mind.

"When will you ever learn, you filthy girl?" He draws his hand back again, striking me across the cheek, tears stinging at my eyes.

I blink and the image and pain fades, but another rolling wave of hate surges through me. Paul simply looks at me, as if anticipating my next move. I jump at him again, but my mind is not on the fight. It's on another memory of the serum.

"Lyssa!" My head spins at my little sister's voice. "Lyssa, help me please!" I turn in the direction of her voice, away from Paul, seeing a shivering image of my little sister, with a eviler, more sinister version of Paul standing behind her, gun to her temple.

"Lyssa!" Her voice cracks, the gun goes off, and she slumps to the ground. I let out a howl of anger and run over to where I saw her, meeting an empty spot of grass.

"Lyss?" My mother's voice has me turning my head, which is pounding, sharp knives of pain stabbing through it.

I shift and start to rise, but Mom raises a gun. "Lyssa how could you?" Her voice is ragged, and I feel a tear slip down my cheek.

"Do what?" I cry, collapsing.

"Kill her! How could you?" I look down, seeing my hands covered in blood and Fay, my little sister's, mutilated body lying at my feet, her small pale hand lying on my leg.

I go to take it, but the image jars and she is gone, along with my mother. "Lyssa?" I turn, seeing Paul, but I just back away, not caring about my nudity. "No, don't hit me anymore." I mumble, pressing the heels of my hands to my eyes.

"I've never hit you." Paul says softly, bending down and reaching towards me.

I jerk away from his touch, backing away, stumbling upright. I can sense that Colin and Aaron are holding Xerxes and Elijah off, but with everything those two know, it won't be for long. Paul stands, hand still outstretched.

"Come on Lyssa, I promise I won't hurt you."

"He's lying to you, Lyss." I look over and see Lindsey looking back at me, her expression as serious as ever.

"Lyssa?" I turn back to Paul, who's hand is drenched in blood.

"Look at what he's done, Lyssa!" My father's voice thunders, and suddenly Lindsey's body is laying at his feet, blood everywhere.

I blanch at the smell, the thick coppery scent everywhere. "You can trust me, Lyssa." Paul's gaze is ever steady, and I look over at my father, who is shaking his head no. "He's a monster, Lyssa."

I blink hard, and when I open my eyes, my father and Lindsey are gone, leaving Paul, hand outstretched, in front of me. "Please." His hazel eyes hold truth, but I take another step back, remembering the hate and evil that lingered in them during my hazy nightmares.

"No! No, I don't want to!" I back away, turning and running away from him, uncertainty reigning where the hate did.

I shift, bounding across the field, the tall grass easily hiding my movements in the wind. "You stupid, stupid girl!" Xerxes roars.

I simply speed up, recalling what he said, about me being built for speed. I can outrun any of these, and maintain said speed for hours. "Lyssa!"

I ignore Paul's cry, needing to run away from them. I needed to get back to my family, as fast as I possibly could.

It's not that hard, actually, to retrace my steps back to the Wall. I pick up scents much easier now, not to mention the fact that my brain has a built in GPS now, so I always know what coordinations I'm at. I pick up several scents at once, seemingly having passed an invisible barrier between where humans where and where it was purely wolves.

My sensitive ears pick up the sounds of human activity by three miles away from the entrance to the wall. I have to be really careful right now, because if a hunter were to come across me, I'm either going to have to run, kill them, or be killed.

The third one isn't an option.

I slink through the trees, my velvet tread undetectable by human ears. I hear the rustling of brush, and smell the pungeant smell of a human, I freeze. We pass within inches of each other, me, a small inexperianced black and silver wolf, and them, a skilled hunter trained to take my kind down. Just as I was..

Luckily I come across a small cabin, and outside said cabin is a clothesline. I smile at the sight of some dresses and shift, then grab one that's close to my size. I put it on, huffing whenever I realize I'll have to go barefoot now. Whatever. I got this. I can tough this out.

No. No I cannot. I hiss as another hidden rock cuts the bottom of my foot, feeling tears prick my eyes. By the time I even make it to the outskirts of the Wall, the dress is torn, my feet bloodied, and I feel as if I could sleep for eternity.

I wasn't recognized immediately, at first I was just thought to be another scraggler that didn't fare well in the forest. "Who are you?" One of the soldiers asks, his gunn ready.

I sigh, stopping. "My name is Lyssa." This is all I get out before the soldiers surround me, personally walking me up to the entrance of the Wall. Apparently, my family has been sending search parties out for me, occasionally finding a trail, and then going cold again. It feels unnatural, almost like an intrusion, to be a werewolf and pretending to be human. It left a bad taste in my mouth.

"Lyssa!" I look up to see Fay, my little sister, and Lindsey, my older sister, rushing towards me. I smile, but remain where I'm at, the pain in my feet becoming unbareable.

I blink, and suddenly Fay is no longer running towards me, but instead lying on the ground, half of her intestines lying out on the ground near her. It is clearly the work of a wolf, a monster, such as myself. Lindsey is kneeled over her, crying.

"How could you?" She screams at me, and I take a step back, bumping into a soldier.

"Careful." He steadies me, and I turn.

Suddenly, he is Paul, looming over me with a ferocious grin. "I told you you belong to me!"

I scream, lurching backwards. I hit someone else an whirl. "Lyssa?" Lindsey's voice is worried, but directly in the middle of her forehead is a bullet hole, the blood running over her eyes and nose, landing in her mouth.

And then I cannot breathe, as if someone is bearing down on my throat, cutting off my oxygen supply. I scratch at my neck, making it bleed. My brothers face appears over me, and his orange eyes are ablaze.

"You're such a failure. It's a shame. I really liked you, sis." Then he puts a gun to my head and pulls the trigger.

I let out a strangled gurgling sound before slumping to the ground, my head striking it with a resounding crack.

//bruh. This chapter screwed with my head and I wrote it. Forgive me. It's not been proofread. Ugh. Bye. -aleyysahh\\


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