Chapter 32

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I'm not sure how long we fight. Darkness turns to daylight, temperatures rise from freezing to a little more tolerable. Packmembers and rogues litter the grounds; we've lost more than expected today.

Once the last rogue is killed and our fallen soldiers either taken to the infirmary or burial service, I numbly make my way to the second floor, dropping my weapons off in the armory.

I scurry up another flight of stairs, but pause at Paul and I's room. The door is open.

I can distinctly remember the click of Paul shutting it when we left. I cock my head, listening closely.

Someone's rummaging around in something in there. I push the door open a bit further on silent hinges, peeking around the edge.

The intruder is female, but I can't tell who it is. She has long blonde hair falling nearly to her butt, and an almost perfect figure.

It all clicks into place, and I feel anger burn in my chest. I shove open the door, startling Adaline.

"What do you think you're doing in my room?" I thunder, glaring at the girl.

"I was waiting on Paul. But you 'ad to show up, deedn't you?"

I glance down at Adaline's half naked body, my anger doubling.

"Get. Out!" I roar, shoving the girl backwards.

"I'm telling you for the very last time that Paul is mine! He's my mate, not yours, so get that through your thick head!" I seethe, stomping towards Adaline.

"If I catch you acting out again towards Paul, then I will kick you out myself! You'll sit in that prison until the day I die! Is that understood?"

Adaline nods her head weakly, keeping her head bowed as she scurries out the door.

Not even two seconds later does Paul walk in, looking confused. Seeing the look on my face, he chuckles.

"I won't even ask."


We get attacked eleven times in the next three weeks. More of our forces are used, and now the women are all trained as hunters. The biggest battle to the war is looming closer still; Paul wagers it'll be sometime next week whenever we have to fight all of the remaining rogues.

It seems like all he does nowadays, Paul. Eat, sleep, and breath battle plans. He maps out several different scenarios of how the rogues would attack us, each one placing us soldiers in a different position on the grounds.

I get next to no time with him. This effects me more than I know it, along with every unmated male and female in the packhouse.

Later tonight, after we've finished another fight, I grab Paul's hand and lead him upstairs.

"What's got you in such a hurry?" Paul teases whenever I slam the door shut behind us, locking it.

"I've not gotten to spend time with you," I pout, hugging him, "I just wanted to be with you for a bit."

Paul gives me a pained look, his hazel eyes dull. "It's not my fault, Lyss. With the battles and needing more reinforcements-"

I press my finger to his lips, silencing him. "Didn't say it was. I just want you to myself for a little bit."

The air in the room seems to spike a few degrees, making me uncomfortably hot. Paul smiles, dipping his head down and kissing me.

"Pick a movie for us to watch, babe, I'm gonna take a shower." I say, walking into the bathroom.

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