Chapter 7

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"It was a she-wolf. A crazy one. Elijah had killed her mate sometime earlier that day, and she caught his scent. She then tracked him down and killed him. Franco was nearby at the time and killed her. It took seventeen bullets to take her down. Her name, which he forced out of her with a truth serum, was Serena du Champ. She was the little sister of the Alpha from one of the biggest packs in the world. If he finds out, we're in big trouble."

My father's voice rings in my ears, and I gasp.

"Lyss?" I jump at Paul's voice. I hadn't even heard the door open and close.

"Yeah?" I ask breathlessly.

"Uh, you okay?" I know he's implying about earlier, and I shrug.

"I'm still not home."

"I wasn't talking about that."

"Oh. Yeah. It was just, just a memory resurfacing."

Paul raised a brow.


"When my brother was killed."

The distaste in my voice is easy to read.

"I'm assuming by one of my kind?" The sympathy in his voice makes my heart hurt.


There's quite a bit of a long pause, but its not one that I find uncomfortable.

"How many have you killed?"

My question takes Paul off guard.

"Humans?" I can hear the regret in his voice already.


Paul hesitates.

"Two. Once because my sister was being shot at and another because I was being shot at."

I nod. "At least it's only two."

Paul stays quiet.

"Do you have any siblings?" He asks after a while.

"Two sisters, one older and one younger. Used to have a twin brother two, but he was killed."

Paul takes my hand. Instead of jerking away, I let him hold it. The tingles are running wild over my body.

"I know how you feel, to lose a sibling."

I swallow, guilt rising.

"I lost my sister about a year ago."

I nod slightly.

Paul frowns. "How do you know?"

I look at him, and clear my throat. "She killed my brother. Another hunter killed her."

"Was it you?" I shake my head.

"I was sick at the time."

Paul looks away, holding my hand tighter. It's sort of uncomfortable, but I don't feel like moving.

We remain silent, clutching each other's hands like lifelines.

short an sweet guys. sorry.

im having christmas at my nanas. it's great.


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