Chapter 34

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It's midday when the next attack comes. Paul and I are in the middle of a chess match whenever we hear warning shouts from the patrols.

"They're coming from the far end! Pouring out of the treeline!"

Paul jumps to his feet, grabbing his weapons belt. He undoes the hold on the sheaths and holsters, then turns to me. "Be safe."

We fall into position, marching out the door to face the attackers. They seem so small in comparison to us; all of our troops came out this time.

There's no hesitation this time; both parties charging at the exact same time. It takes a while before anyone breaks through the line to face me. Paul made sure I'm behind all the troops.

It's a huge, brutish man that runs towards me, his face contorted in rage. I welcome the flow of adrenaline, feeling it rush to my fingers then back up to my chest, burning. I unsheathe my sword, balancing on the balls of my feet as I wait for him to get to me.

He swings at me wildly, teeth bared. I match him, stroke for stroke. We circle each other in a deadly dance, blades clashing together. The man takes a step back, throwing his head back and roaring before coming at me with a fearsome downwards stroke.

I block it, then twist my blade, running the length of it up his in a glide, disarming him. Within a split second I run my blade through him, kicking his body off of it. Instead of hanging back like Paul told me to, I charge foreword and break through the lines.

My blade never stops moving. I twist and turn, a deadly proportion of Lyssa and sword. Equally balanced. No matter if it's male of female, if it's a rogue I kill it. Another person pushes past the lines and comes back to back with me, their own sword a blur of action.

"Fancy seeing you here."

My face splits into a smile at Naomi's voice, and I laugh. "Indeed, soldier. Odd situation isn't it?"

I hear her chuckle right as I run another person through with my sword. A circle of people surround us, closing in quickly. I reach back into my mind, unlocking my magic.

It doesn't faze the rogues. They continue to walk closer, their teeth bared.

I growl, flashing my canines at them, then flick my wrist. A bunch of them are blown backwards, breaking the circle.

More simply fill their places, their growls filling the air. The rogues still continue to close in, and one large female actually bests me, flicking her wrist and disarming me.

I growl, flicking my wrist again and sending another group flying. While they're climbing back onto their feet, I glare at the woman.

She has jet black hair falling down her back in sheets as straight as a board. Her gray eyes are angry, and her canines are bared in a ferocious snarl.

The woman swings her sword at me in a large arc, and would've sliced me right down the middle, but stops with the blade just above her head.

She makes a funny face, then her eyes glaze and she begins to attack other rogues. They swear, momentarily distracted from me, and I use this to my advantage.

With me and this unnamed woman working together, we push through the ranks of people. I can begin to feel the effects of the magic, so I release her from my grip. I quickly running her through with my sword while she's still dazed. I can tell I'm reaching my limits for magical usage; I'm getting a headache.

I somehow make my way over to Paul through all the discord, taking a small moment to smile at him. He just glances at me, too focused on taking on four rogues at once to give me a second look.

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