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𝕿𝖍𝖊 lights dim, whispers go silent, and Diana Humera fakes a practiced smile as she lightly taps the perfectly adjusted mic

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𝕿𝖍𝖊 lights dim, whispers go silent, and Diana Humera fakes a practiced smile as she lightly taps the perfectly adjusted mic.

"Aia, I'm going to get closer to the camera. Come with me will you?" The blond woman asks, gracefully getting up from her seat with the excess fabric of her expensive dress pinched delicately in her hands.

"You know this is the part of the awards for proficient heroes right? You're not expecting an award for that, are you?" Her daughter smirks as the snakes in the hero's hair perk up slightly to give her a pointed look.

"It looks smoother to move now rather than later, we need to keep up appearances and I don't trust the photographers outside." The woman says, looking the teenager over for any misplaced hair that might show up on camera.

"Those cameras are going to be on us for 5 seconds max before they have to be, that's way too far for five seconds." The woman huffs at Aia's attitude but rather than keep trying with the girl she just picks up her Marini.

"Just don't forget you're nominated this year so when you win do as we practiced." Slit-gold eyes meeting identical younger ones in scorning.

"Surprised not confused, grateful but humble, chin up, smile, a few waves, and a far too extensive explanation of walking. We've only been over it since you started getting these things." Mai Uwabami hums in approval and gives her daughter a smile before finally heading to the front of the room where the majority of pro heroes sat waiting for their own turn in the spotlight.

Her daughter sat back and fixed her golden earrings as she watched the woman known to the world as the snake hero Uwabami turn on her charm and try to enchant the much younger hero Hawks. Aia too was a Uwabami with a snake quirk but her mom has claimed that title like every fraction of screen time she could wrap herself in.

The girl didn't want to go to the front to avoid pretending to care about how close Endeavor was to beating All Might or the ratings of the newest interview about Mt. Lady and Midnight's drama. She didn't hate any of the heroes, but these things were less about heroics and more about competition. So, it's all that was talked about and frankly, it was a waste.

"Is this seat taken?" A smiling red-haired girl asked, standing where her mom was just seconds ago.

"It was but it seems my company slithered away so get comfy I guess." Aia looks the girl up and down from the side of her eye. She looked around her age but was completely unfamiliar. They were too far from the cameras to be seen so she wasn't any new hero to be introduced like Hawks had been at a similar event a few years ago. Aia thought she knew all the heroes and their families by now so it was odd to see a new face.

Either way, she wasn't the type to care too much about what some stranger was doing. She stayed in her lane unless it was hurting others who was she to care what people did? Yet, there was something different about the new companion. Aia tried grasping what she wanted from just looking through her peripheral vision but the girl just continued her staring.

maybe, someday. {himiko toga x oc}Where stories live. Discover now