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Thanks to her quirk, Aia smells blood at her doorstep before she sees it. The moment she does, the hero training kicks in quickly.

She has never been a target, staying tactfully unproblematic in public while she builds a reputation in the hero world. Her mother, however, is not a favorite of countless villains especially after Stain left his mark on their society. If there's blood at her doorstep, who knows what revenge seeking killer is lurking around her house without caring how different she is to the matriarch.

Still in her hero suit from a last minute training session at the school, Aia camouflages as close as she could get to the slightly open window, thankful the special material blends in alongside her skin. Dagger in hand and cursing her lack of a heightened hearing, she inches closer to get a view of the inside without compromising her quirk's mobility limitations.

The house seems empty from the inside, even the most valuable ornaments glistening in their place. Most would consider themselves lucky but she knows better.

Money is one of the least dangerous motivations for the world she grew up in.

Usually, she'd simply send in a snake to let her know what the threat was, but just her luck, quirk limitation training had exhausted them all for when she needed them most.

Doubling up on her other defenses with another of the knives she keeps tucked away, Aia creaks the door open just in time to notice a dangerously silver gleam from the corner of her eye. Repositioning herself without a second thought to where she saw the movement, Aia cuts her dagger through the air aimed for what would be an arm and almost certain she hits her target but proven wrong by a nest of blond hair suddenly at her side.

"For a top hero student, you're terrible with that thing." Himiko pants, putting all her weight on the girl from exhaustion regardless of how easily she dodged the almost assault.

"Himiko?" Aia asked, voice even and calm despite the uninvited guest that she thought just seconds ago was out to kill her. That is, until she remembers what first made her draw that conclusion and takes her girlfriend's disheveled shape in. "Holy shit! Are you okay? That wasn't me was it? I thought you were an intruder, Himiko I'-"

maybe, someday. {himiko toga x oc}Where stories live. Discover now