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"I wanted to keep having fun with you; Why'd you have to go and figure me out so quickly?" Toga pouts, seemingly unfazed by the various snakes wrapped around her body, so she stays strapped to the chair.

"Why'd you lie? I hate liars." Aia growled, kneeling to the girl's level and closing in on her face menacingly.

"If I tell you, you won't like me anymore." She argues.

"That's not for you to decide." Aia was sure she would still like the ginger. It was kind of annoying how sure she was. Because the matter was even across all her faces, this is probably the only unattractive thing the mysterious girl has done.

"Well, I don't want your decision because then I wouldn't be by your side like I want." The words, however obsessive they may sound, light something up within Aia. It may not be enough to break through the emotionless exterior she's put on, but through a whisper of her true feelings, she tells her snakes to relax their grip.

"Why are you so convinced I wouldn't want you near me?" Aia asks in a softer tone. She was used to being wanted but never chased. As selfish as it may sound, having someone think she is worth more than looks felt good; even if, they also thought she was worth more than themselves for some unfathomable reason.

"I've been over this before; trust me, you wouldn't." It was Toga hiding her face now. She didn't know what was compelling her to be so vulnerable with someone she was supposedly just using for information.

She was never one to bash having emotions, but this wasn't one she was familiar with. It made her want to sadly rehash the past she had tucked away as strictly to be used for spite. It made her want to have an honest conversation with the girl, not just toy around. Most surprisingly, it made her want to find similarity-- not to become her but to find comfort in her.

It was the warmth from before sparking its embers.; even as the gaze that ignited them seemed to dawn upon her so harshly.

"I don't like boxes; whether that be playpens for you to play with my emotions or some category of people in your life that you assume I fit into. So, quit telling me what to think and instead tell me the truth." Aia sighed and said with true calm.

"I didn't say you were fun because I was toying with you. You just are fun; I want to be like that."

"You want to be like me; you said that the first time too. Why?" She didn't want to hurt the girl, especially when she wasn't acting like a threat. As a defense, the snakes would stay, but otherwise, she could try talking her way to an answer.

"I want to be like the people I like. We're already kind of similar but, I want more." She says confidently, making it clear just how much she's thought about this.

maybe, someday. {himiko toga x oc}Where stories live. Discover now