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"You're a pretty thing, know that?" Aia says with a small smile after a few moments, much to Toga's relief

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"You're a pretty thing, know that?" Aia says with a small smile after a few moments, much to Toga's relief.

It had been about a minute since Toga's disguise was completely stripped away, leaving her vulnerable in multiple ways. Aia was respectful and didn't acknowledge it; her eyes fixed on Toga's face.

Her gaze hadn't shifted far from her eyes, and yet she knew the statement was true. Mischievous slanted golden eyes, a soft rosy blush fitting naturally on plush cheeks, and familiar canines peeking through silky lips. It didn't take much to decide she was beautiful.

The most heartwarming and gorgeous part? The grin that followed her sigh of relief at the compliment.

"I chose the cutest people I found for the disguises, so I don't know if I measure up," Toga mumbled, suddenly nervous now the tense moment of truth had passed and left the crucial evaluation of it.

"If this was your standard, you certainly fell short." Aia honestly reassures after sensing the girl's sudden shyness.

"I'll use you next time; that'll exceed any expectation." Toga giggles, easily falling back into the comfort the girl unwillingly offered. The sound was melodic to Aia's ears, so different yet familiar to every other time she had heard it. It had the same harmony that had grown to be familiar; the tone, sweeter, working as the last adjustment to perfection.

"I don't think I'd like flirting with myself as much as this." Aia jokes, turning down the offer she didn't think to be serious.

There's a pause of comfortable silence as the girls relish in their changed dynamic before the naked girl speaks up. "If I tackle you right now for warmth, would that ruin the mood?" Toga asks genuinely, interrupting Aia's re-memorization of her facial features with shivering.

"That would make for a perfect mood, but I still have questions. Maybe we can do that later." Toga hesitantly nods, wrapping her arms around herself. The clothes from her disguise would be too tight on her body now, so she had no choice but to stand there. Naked body exposed to the harshness of Aia's AC; she'd endured worse, but it still wasn't fun.

"Later?" She asked, excited at the optimistic suggestion that her further explanation wouldn't destroy what they had managed to build.

"Sure- Oh shit! Sorry, my mom and I hate the cold, so it's usually warmer in here. You must be freezing; I'll be right back." Aia didn't even notice the drastic change in trust she has in the girl, assuming the revealed secret was the worst she was hiding. She runs to her room, grabbing a hoodie dress that was slightly too short on herself.

Covering her eyes, she less than cooly stumbles her way back to the dining room. Aimlessly extends her arm to where she remembered Toga being, thankful when the material was gently taken from her hand. A part of her worried the girl might've tried to run.

"This is so soft!" The blond cheers while wrapping her arms around herself in glee.

Aia's lips tug up in satisfaction at the cheerful response, "Keep it if you want." The blond's eye's light up even more at the suggestion, looking to her for confirmation. Aia nods with a shrug, still trying to seem unbothered but was betrayed by the smile slowly forming on her plum lips.

It also gave Aia a chance to take her in completely. The light pink material hugged her curves snuggly, showing every perfect bump, dip and crevice. While she couldn't wear it anymore without exposing far too much, it stopped on the shorter girl mid-thigh making Aia swoon as she shamelessly checked the girl out.

"If you keep drooling, I'm going to collect it or something." Aia lets out a laugh, finally bringing her serpent eyes back to feline ones.

"Sorry, let's take a seat... Uh-" Aia softly shook her head, unfazed by the slightly creepy comment and trying to refocus as she realized she hadn't asked the girl's real name. "Other than mine, what should I call you." Aia flirted while flopping down on the couch, slowly regaining her composure and retaking control. That girl really had her out of it for a moment.

The blond looked around the house carefully, noting every nook and cranny in the room as she came to terms with the choice she made when uncovering who she was. The decision to let the girl know as much as she could about the real her, a decision she hoped but doubted she wouldn't come to regret.

She spent her whole life chasing people she wanted to be like, now one not only wanted her back but seemed to feel different than her past obsessions. She found herself missing the certainty of her usual rejection while still craving the girl's touch.

Oh well, she wasn't used to safety anyways.

"Himiko, Himiko Toga." She extended her hand eagerly, even going as far as to give her first name as the one to use.

Aia matches her grin, taking the hand and pulling the girl down onto the couch. Himiko's grin grew as she teasingly bounced on the cushion, making the other girl shift as well. They laughed together as they finally fell in place, sinking against the back cushions and staring at each other. Their hands had somehow gone from simply holding to intertwined, Aia subconsciously pulling her closer in chase of the warmth her hand alone was providing.

"You're cold," Himiko said with wide eyes, bringing their hands up to stare at in amazement. She found everything so astonishing; it was obvious whatever life she had lived thus far was nothing like Aia's. Yet, their similarities transcended the different worlds easily in the shelter of Aia's otherwise empty home.

"Snake thing or whatever. You're warm; it's making me sleepy." Aia chuckles, tugging her hand closer along with the girl attached to it.

"Are we cuddling?" Himiko squeals happily, trying to keep quiet so she doesn't startle the tired girl next to her too much. Aia softly nods, eyes fluttering closed and arms wrapping around the blond as she shrinks into her body. "What happened to your questions?"

"I asked a question." Aia huffed, nudging further into Himiko's comfortable body.

"You only had one?" Himiko tilts her head in confusion, poking the resting girl's cheek that makes her let out a soft groan.

"No, it's just been a long day. I'm taking getting your name as a win and a nap my reward." Aia says, amused but groggy as she falls deeper victim to the lull of body heat. She was much more tired and cold than she realized. She now knew all the girls that made her feel oddly good in the last few weeks were one amazing girl; that was a victory unlike any other.

So, Aia fell asleep in Himiko's arms, with thoughts of all the new things there were to appreciate about her. Including, what a good pillow she made.

After a few long minutes of waiting for the regret of slightly betraying her friends, Himiko realized it had been tranquilized by the feeling of the girl in her arms. Satisfied and unfamiliarly far too comfortable to ignore, Himiko fell asleep. She slept better than ever before in her long, antagonizing life. The better quality of the sofa compared to her bed having nothing to do with it, but rather that of her new teddy bear.

 The better quality of the sofa compared to her bed having nothing to do with it, but rather that of her new teddy bear

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a little fluff, for the soul

maybe, someday. {himiko toga x oc}Where stories live. Discover now