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"𝑀𝒾𝓌𝒶, do you know how to get past this part?" Aia asks the dark-blue-haired girl next to her

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"𝑀𝒾𝓌𝒶, do you know how to get past this part?" Aia asks the dark-blue-haired girl next to her. They were standing behind a beam out of view from the facial recognition cameras that stood as the last barrier between them and the world beyond campus.

The girl, however, stayed unwaved while looking around at their surrounding area like she was trying to relay it to memory. "Miwa?" Aia tries asking again with a slight poke at her arm which finally gains her attention.

"Were you talking to me?"

"Yeah. Miwa, that's your name, right? I've heard some people call you it and you haven't given a name." Aia offers a small smile to ease the sudden tension on her face. 'Miwa' hesitates before slowly nodding and turning her face away from the girl again.

"Yup. Miwa, that's me! Just didn't hear ya the first time." The girl shrugs gaining a perplexed side glance from Aia. Her behavior had been surprises on top of surprises already but Aia's suspicions peaked at the nervous intonation her tone held at such a simple question.

Yet, she simply continued trusting her despite the inkling she would regret it later and simply asked her question again.

"Yeah, I have something in mind." She smiles brightly, playing off her earlier confusion. Aia is especially not convinced by the vagueness of her answer but redirects her attention to the exit without a word of her concerns.

"Good, let's go then." As Aia crouches down to the floor, footsteps start to faintly sound from nearby quickly making the girls look at one another in panic. "Shit, if we stay here then we get caught."

"Then let's go silly!" Miwa takes Aia's hands without hesitation, ready to just walk into the open field without regard to the approaching man or camera.

"I don't how to get us both out without either whoever that may be or the cameras noticing," Aia mumbles, pulling the girl back and running over possible game plans in her head. She had little regard for what happened to herself in this situation, the chance of getting caught with her quirk was rare, and either way she was infamous for such rebellion at the school. They were used to her by now, but she worried for Miwa and the punishment she would receive if found.

"I'm sure we can take him," Miwa smirks, sneaking a peek over to the man.

"Have fun taking the month of detention after. Okay, what was your plan to get out before? Maybe that could help us." This was so much easier when she was alone. It's not that Aia was regretting finding someone to do it with, just annoyed how much something like sneaking out was dragging on.

"Pass." The girl simply said immediately, still discreetly looking at the man with a menacing look in her eye. After all, he was interrupting her time with Aia, she wasn't fond of people that got in the way of who she wanted.

"What do you mean-" Aia started to say exasperated before she gets cut off by Miwa putting her hand on her shoulder and stepping close.

"Are you worried? How cute!" She whispered against the shell of the golden-eyed girl's ear, sending a shiver down her body. "I'll handle this and meet you a block from here, don't look back for me." She coos, gently caressing Aia's cheek as she pulls away with a giggle.

Clearing her throat to compose herself from the rare fluster she was feeling, Aia throws all caution to the wind. Too intoxicated by the girl's touch, she agreed with a nod; following the feeling of the words that felt so good against her skin rather than the deceit they held. It was a mutual seduction they were powerless against but surely benefited one more than the other.

Aia crawls onto the ground, activating her camouflage to blend into the floor. A glance behind shows her Miwa's grin, exposing two sharp canines as she pulls out a small dark vile. Turning her focus back to her new goal, Aia makes her way to the gate and swiftly changes too camouflaging as the door then back down to the ground until she is safely off-campus and out of the security system's view.

While she sprints to the park a block away she assumes Miwa meant with her directions to meet, said girl works on her own escape.

Toga escapes her disguise with a sigh, making sure to pick up the dropped clothes while still behind the pillar. She carefully secures the real Miwa's blood tightly in her grip and slightly lets her naked body peek out from her hiding spot to enter the innocent faculty member's line of vision. Making sure to stay behind the safety of the camera's blind spot, she slightly wiggles her head with a giggle, adrenaline pulsing into her body as she manages to catch the man's attention.

He furrows his brows, concern, and anger for the student's indecency flashing in his expression as he stomps over to what he can see of the girl. He grips her shoulder to turn her around, ready to scorn her actions, but his shock made him a far too unsuspecting victim to stand a chance against the dopamine-filled girl.

She lets out a joyous laugh as she grabs that same arm and pushes him against the beam. She holds him by the throat tightly against the wall with one hand as she dances her knife between her fingers with the other. "You aren't cute enough to make this fun but you're keeping me from someone who is. So, I'll enjoy myself by making this fast." She gives him a sweet smile while eyeing one of the veins around his neck.

He goes to scream for help before she uses her grip on his neck to push his head again the wall, hopefully causing some memory loss but she wasn't too concerned about that. "You're kind of annoying now that I think about it." She pouts, passing her blade against said vein lightly and purging on the liquid that oozed out.

Leaving his body to wake up on its own still against the pillar, she shifted into his replica. She stuffed the Miwa clothes in the briefcase she found to be filled with hopefully revealing forms, and threw on his attire instead.

Disguised as the man, with his hat covering as much as possible regardless, she leisurely strolled out of the school leaving behind a hidden unconscious body count of two.

She turns the corner into the closest possible ally and replaces the suit for the schoolgirl uniform from before. She sips the vial with the blue-haired girl's blood, feeling lucky she planned ahead, and easily slips back into the skin. Leaving the briefcase for her associates to search through later, she sets her sights on the park ahead with excitement.

 Leaving the briefcase for her associates to search through later, she sets her sights on the park ahead with excitement

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Whoopsie couldn't make that double update yesterday, sorry. Anyways, we're just gonna move on.

maybe, someday. {himiko toga x oc}Where stories live. Discover now