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Prying away from Aia wasn't easy, literally or emotionally

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Prying away from Aia wasn't easy, literally or emotionally.

Toga had to go home eventually, and after a few more hopefully white lie answers, hugs, and promises to return, she was hesitantly brought back into the real world.

The one that for her entailed bonds crafted from spilled blood that tied her and the few she cared about together like they were in red yarn at every police station.

This newly formed bond was composed differently, yet one day Aia would be on the same stations. Except, her picture would be the one above the rest as a possibility to who would bring the rest of the board down.

Her pace was slow, but eventually, the blond crept her way through an alley lined with hopeless low-lives at the end of which lay the bar with the worst of those low-lives she'd found solace in.

The streets weren't cold to Toga like she had told the girl when describing her 'homeless with a critical fascination of heroes' persona; not anymore.

She'd long grown used to the cruelty and misery that intoxicated everyone on the wrong side of the law. It might've scared her when she was younger, but she found her depths match its coat of blood more than the mask of sunshine so many put over the same bleak confusion of pain and darkness. Then, it feels less desperate and more homely.

That's when her family's chills stopped crawling down her spine and her smile finally broke out. It wasn't long before they were replaced too with a new rebellious home that would match the life she'd spent too long pretending wasn't the only alternative to death.

No, the tables sprawled with plans for revenge or change the world would come to view as villainous didn't feel sober; they were exhilarating.


"It's late, Blondie." The stitched man offhandedly says the moment she leans over the papers. His tone seemed as emotionless as always. Uncaring, despite the tentative eye that's been following her since she tried to discreetly make her entrance.

"I needed time to have my fun." She chirps, using her fake smile for the first time since she discovered the place.

"That fun better have been useful," Dabi warns, the dangerous fire misplaced in his soulless eyes serving as a constant warning. He never liked the girl; his real flames wouldn't hesitate to burn her to a crisp despite how close she feels to him.

It was the reason he was here. The bonds she sought are akin to what he came to permanently set aflame. She didn't mind it was one-sided as long as he tolerated her real self. They'd all been taught different cruel lessons from the world.

"Come on, lighten up Dabi!" A masked man says before turning his head. "He has a point!" The same voice reprimands before looking back at the girl with a smile. "I hope you had fun, Toga!"

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