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Honestly, having two out of three disguises be gingers should've been the indicator that this whole scheme started at that award show

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Honestly, having two out of three disguises be gingers should've been the indicator that this whole scheme started at that award show.

Still, Aia can't go around accusing people of not only trying to seduce her but having a face-changing quirk. Especially when she was positive some crime had been committed while doing so.  So here she was, trying to figure out how to initiate an interrogation.

"How do you like the food?" She asks the rapidly eating girl.

"Mmm good," The suspect takes a break from all but inhaling the food to give a thankful smile.

"I figured. You're eating like you haven't in a week." Aia giggles, taking a bite of her ramen.

"Not a week... not this yummy." The girl mumbles out, not taking a break from eating to do so.

"You're parents really should feed you better then. My ramen is nothing special, but you're always welcome to come over and grab a bite." Aia says casually, secretly keeping a careful eye on each of her dinner guest's movements.

After she helped bring in groceries, Aia realized she needed much more time to uncover what she wanted. So, killing two birds with one stone, she invited her in as an act of gratefulness. Sure, maybe inviting a potential enemy into her home wasn't the best idea; but, Aia still didn't think the girl had come to hurt her.

Besides, other than concerning, the way she gulped down ramen was oddly endearing.

"Mmm, sounds good... sounds really good." She sighs, picking up her egg to eat last.

"I should have one condition." Aia faked an innocent look as she pretended to think.

"What is it?" The girl finally stopped her chewing to ask, big green doll eyes wide in adornment.

"To get to know you, of course! As much as I love feeding strangers; I should know more if I'm going to keep you from starving."

"That's so exciting! We're going to be inseparable!" The girl grins.

"Well, first things first- you already know my name; what's yours?" The girl doesn't know her name, or shouldn't at least; but, she was counting on the fib to catch her in the web of lies she's sown.

Toga had no reason to suspect the girl or didn't want to. Sure, she was acting a bit off, but if she was onto anything that would mean the jigs up. Toga wasn't ready to say goodbye to the girl or her yummy cooking; so, she'd turn a blind eye and decide, for once, she could have ignorance as bliss. Ignore indications of anything less than sincerity.

"My name's Naoki! Do you think it's as pretty as your name, Aia?" She seemed so happy and hopeful as she fell into the object of her admiration's trap.

Another fake smile. "It is a pretty name; it means honest, right?"

The coincidence made Toga internally wince, but she couldn't let that show. "You're really smart, huh?" She twirled a strand of gorgeous ginger hair, the one she hid under, around her finger.

"Don't tell anyone." Aia playfully winked; if this was the same person, she had to make sure she acted the same as she did with the other personas. "How about you, bookworm type?"

"No, I don't really go to school." Toga usually didn't have a problem lying, but if Aia didn't know her alias; there was no harm in being honest. For some odd reason, she wanted to be let the girl get to know her a little.

There was a furrow of confusion and concern on Aia's brow; the answer to the question took her by surprise, but even more so, lack of any sign it was a lie. She was telling the truth, why? And more importantly, what did she mean by it?

"A dropout? How rebellious. I'm not known for being much of a good girl either." Aia gave an easygoing smirk to hide the worry she was feeling. Despite the manipulation and deceit, she was now learning about, the girl's desperation to eat and vagueness about school easily garnered sympathy.

"Don't know how much of it was what I wanted, but I wouldn't say I'm a good girl." Toga giggled with less humor, poking around her now empty plate. She felt so full, even if her sense told her she should lie for the good of the league, Toga felt too grateful.

Too warm in her admiration.

She'd never known such a sweet feeling and didn't want to taint it with bitterness.

But perhaps, sourness is undeniable.

"Well then, good girl, what's the worst thing you've done?" Aia asked, suddenly serious. Time to play was over; she had to get herself together and down to business. Now or never, what kind of hero is foolish to let herself get seduced by the same person in different disguises?

Toga almost choked on her drink on the question, innate panic registering before any of her senses. That was a mistake on her part; now, Aia was certain she wasn't who she said.

"How about you; I want to know everything about you t-" Toga's eyes widen, not in fear but surprise, as she feels a long, scaly, and warm body wrapping around to climbing her leg.

"Don't mind her, just a precaution in case you're lying about your intentions too." Aia pushes her cool, uncaring facade to its maximum as she sits down lazily. Taking the seat now next to her suspect and sitting backward, she leans in to tenderly touch the girl's cheeks as more snakes wrap around her body so she can't move from the chair.

"You're much more fun than I thought!" Toga grins at the girl, seemingly unfazed by the complicated situation she's found herself in.

Aia is pleasantly surprised but continues to hide it under a lazy grin. "I'm usually a fan of games but, I must say I've grown tired of this one. Tell the truth so I can get my prize, will you?"

"I'm afraid I can't do that, sorry cutie!" She continues taunting, green eyes now narrowed in a challenge.

"I'll have you know-" A snake creeps up higher and around the ginger's neck. "-when I do want something, I get it by any means."

"You want me? How cute; I want you too! Maybe after you have your pets have their little fun, I can take a prize I've been dying for myself." The snake wraps tighter as her words become strained but the manic smile never falls from her face.

It's unnerving how far gone the girl seems to be to not flinch at the danger wrapped around her every limb. Yet, Aia finds herself oddly intrigued. It's no bother to her, it seems more like a challenge in every word.

Finally, something worth her time.

"Don't be too sure. I'm getting my answers one way or another. I might not have appreciated your tricks, but I get now this is the real you." She leans down, now truly entertained. Meeting eye level with the girl who seems to smile no matter what the circumstance, she whispers. "And, I like her much more. After all, I know how to deal with a brat."

Toga's eyes widen and her cheeks flush for a moment; this truly did exceed her expectations.

Aia carefully gets back up and turns around, keeping an eye through her peripheral. She did hate the games the girl seemed to have been playing before, but that's not to say it made her interest poof away.

 She did hate the games the girl seemed to have been playing before, but that's not to say it made her interest poof away

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