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𝓐𝓲𝓪 crept around the school, the classroom that she had just escaped from in sight through the window

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𝓐𝓲𝓪 crept around the school, the classroom that she had just escaped from in sight through the window. She used the camouflage feature of her quirk to stay hidden behind a tree while two of her snakes slithered the courtyard in search of the blond hair she had seen while trying to tune out Nagamasa.

She wasn't some kind of hallway monitor to be going out of her way to find a student not where they're supposed to be. But at a school like hers's having someone out like they had been and she was now is an oddity. Thanks to her quirk, she's never been caught but since it doesn't extend, no one has ever been willing to go do it with her. Sure, it was better than class but skipping by yourself is no fun.

So, here she was looking for some mystery blond that might've just gotten lost on her way to the bathroom. Again, as long as it's not listening to some high-strung meaningless and far too serious battle plan about finally proving they're as good as UA, she'll take the excuse.

'Medussssa.' She hears a whisper in her head, bringing her attention back to envisioning where she commanded her snakes.

"Here, did you find her?" Aia mumbled, no one else was in the courtyard and her snakes could pick up on her faintest whisper but still she stayed hidden to avoid the risk.

"Sssssomeone," The other answered. Aia furrowed her brows in confusion at the odd word choice. She had also sent the snakes out individually and they were now together so it seems whoever they found was the only suspect.

"Someone? Not who I described? Weird, is it safe?" She whispered back.

"Ssssomeone elssse."

"Ssssafe." Aia nodded her head at the confirmation, the distance only allowed them to communicate with her in a few words but she already had a good idea of where they were. She looks briefly at the unknowing class to see Shiji surprisingly looking back from his first-row seat, he knew her too well and would surely give her an ear full about it later.

Aia turned the corner at the edge of the courtyard where the school meets a closed-off fence facing the smallest field the school offered. She felt her scouting-snakes' presence as they brushed against the freshly cut grass, carefully choosing the tallest blades to stay hidden is as they retreated to her.

She had been steadily developing different snakes of all kinds since she developed her quirk at four years old. The small boa quickly made its way home to her hair where it disappeared and became just another strand. The other, however, was an albino Japanese rat snake and the first she had ever developed thus the closest of all she felt to. Sylvie, as Aia named it, was worshipped and highly respected in many parts of their country. Though Aia wished it would stay safe and hidden, Sylvie often likes to assert her high status as protection for her owner.

The snake felt more like an extension of the girl at this point than a quirk or even a pet like the others did so it took no hesitation in slithering its way up Aia's body to wrap around her neck and shoulders.

Aia looked especially regal with the long white snake with wide pupilless red eyes wrapped as decoration around her body; the exotic reptile adding a layer of danger to the untouchability the girl already was filled with.

It made the blue-haired girl's eyes widen in something near starstruck. Aia's attention was on the snake as it silently gave a report of its expedition but she could feel the subject of her search's gaze slowly leave the fence to completely focus on her.

Golden eyes meet bright blue ones as Aia takes in the girl by the fence wearing an amazed expression on her face. She offers her a smirk as the snake finally settles down and solidifies the confidence behind her smile as she prepares to talk to her unexpected find.

She had been looking for a blond but perhaps that one really had gotten lost on her way somewhere else, regardless she was satisfied with what she found.

"In front of the fence and all, what do you think you're up to short stuff?" The girl shook out of her daze at the voice and surprisingly broke out into a grin with a step closer.

"Wow, I didn't think I would find anyone else out here! You're fun, aren't you?" She giggles slightly manic as she takes another step away from the fence and towards the reptilian girl.

"Funny, I was about to say the same thing. I'm fun enough to have done this before, how come you're here?" Aia shamelessly eyes her entire body, she was short and cute enough but her personality seemed to be what was really drawing her in to continue the conversation.

Aia had seen her before, she was in 1B like Aia had been the year prior. Running into her at school isn't shocking. Why she was caught off guard is because, like most students at this school, the girl with hair the color of the night sky was known for being a rule stickler.

"Well, I really just do what I want so, why not?" Aia chuckled at the contrast of her words compared to the illusion she seemed to give off to have gained such a reputation. Further pleasantly surprising her, the sapphire-haired girl came even closer. "We can have so much fun." Toga let out another giggle, making sure to keep her cover while still doing just as she said. Only what she wants.

She was close enough to teasingly brush a finger gently up the portion of Aia's neck visible through her uniform with disregard to the lack of space with a deadly animal. As the long nail applied slightly more pressure to trail her sharp jawline, Aia's own snake-like senses flared at the faint smell of blood

She honestly knew she should've questioned it more but the taste of the blue-haired girl she was getting was addicting and won a battle as she quickly brushed off the alarming odor as simply the sign of any active hero.

"Careful sweets, sneaking out of Shiketsu might take your good student status." Aia chuckles, taking her wrist and pulling her closer as Sylvie takes the sign to retreat into her hair. "Strict school with some strict rules, can't be saying that and still be a follower." She purrs in her ear, a rare excitement ponding in her heart at the prospect of going to do something with the surprising girl.

"I'm no follower, we can bend some rules." The girl pulls back out and without hesitation latches herself onto the fence, fearless and without any regard to the prestigious reputation that follows the school and its students. "Who are they to tell us what to do, don't cha' think?"

Aia shakes her head in amusement, an actual smile breaking out on her face as she nods. "You sure are something else, let's go." Baby-blue eyes sparkle in the sun as the girl reaches down her hand to help Aia cross the fence.

She had been hoping for such an outcome but Dabi didn't allow her to go looking for it, but like she was able to compromise. Now, going to look for her latest infatuation was hidden under the cover of gaining information on a renowned hero school. It was a poor fib her superiors clearly saw through but as long as she didn't come back empty-handed, they'd continue to entertain her desire.

The cool girl going outside to fall for the poorly placed trapped was just fate.

The cool girl going outside to fall for the poorly placed trapped was just fate

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i missed yesterday for updating so expect another later today <3

maybe, someday. {himiko toga x oc}Where stories live. Discover now