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"I can't believe how high you placed

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"I can't believe how high you placed." Camie gaps as the three sweating teens look up to their final standings in one of the many provisional test practices they're starting to do.

"Imagine how much better if she ever actually paid attention," Shiji grumbled slightly annoyed at how easily his best friend outranked him.

"That ranking doesn't mean shit, you guys know that." Aia rolled her eyes against the wall.

"No, but your second career and debut projections sure do." Camie chirped, shoving an article about 'the fierce face of the next hero generation: Medusa' into the girl's face. "But if you want to make it up to us, I hear you got a few goodies from your last show." She grins.

"Camie, I'd say to suck my dick but if I had one you'd actually be inclined to."

"So vulgar, I would never," she whined.

"You almost already did," Aia mumbles when the aloof brunette's attention diverts for just long enough.

"Huh? You're always mumbling. Anyways, you should let me know when the next show is, toodles!" Camie winks at her making Aia's slit eyes sharpen even more in a glare as she bounces away.

"You know she won't stop as long as you keep getting on covers, right?" Shiji reasons, placing himself on the wall next to her.

"Are you telling me to quit my job?" Aia chuckles with a glance at the purple-haired boy that doesn't have a hint of kidding in his expression.

"It's a terrible industry, a waste of time and potential." He deadpans.

"True, but the hero industry isn't the best either. That's why we're here to fix these things, right?" Aia gave the boy a soft smile that surprisingly did ease his stone-cold attitude.

"I guess you, Mirko and Hawks are doing a lot for diversity in them..." He begrudgingly agrees, hiding the compliment behind his bangs.

"Yup and it wasn't easy so I'm going to enjoy it. Even if Camie is a pain in the ass about it." She pushes herself off the wall and goes to start walking with the boy behind her. Somehow, in the short time they were talking, everyone else had left leaving her as the last one there for once.

"Which you didn't avoid too much today, good mood, or do I need to knock sense into you again?" Shiji asks making the girl let out a happy laugh that seemed to even startle him.

"I don't make the same mistake that many times, don't worry. Something happened recently and I guess you could say I found an incentive to put a little more effort into things." The words come out like honey to a voice that usually speaks in ice paired with a warm smile that just felt instinctual for the image she had in her head from the topic.

It was oddly easy for the mood to spread its way to a small smile onto Shiji's face. It was rare to see his best friend ever caring for a positive reason and though they tended to bond on resentment and revolution, he couldn't be happier she seemed to find something worth smiling about.

maybe, someday. {himiko toga x oc}Where stories live. Discover now