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𝓘𝓽 had been a week since Aia's midday rendezvous

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𝓘𝓽 had been a week since Aia's midday rendezvous. Since then, not much has happened.

And that annoyed her.

She sat in the back of her class, like normal. Withstood Shiji's complaints about her behavior, like normal. She even skipped the class again, like she normally would.

Through all of that, no blue-haired girl looking for adventure. It sucked.

Sure, she was used to it but the tiny hope she had gotten that day still left her disappointed.

The Wednesday after the whole event, Aia even tried saying "hi" to Miwa in the halls. She was as polite as any student and gave a curt wave but otherwise went on about her day. As if Aia was a stranger.

Everything was back to normal. Even said girl's scent.

That was less normal.

Maybe it was a twisted version of wishful thinking, but Aia couldn't help suspect her.

At first, she amounted the thought to just some sort of coping mechanism. Thought, she just didn't want to take fault for being foolish enough to get attached to some girl with a pretty smile again. The only logical explanation was that something had been up with her said day.

But then the pieces started to fall together.

The theory made a little too much sense. Why else would no one else know her as a rule-breaker even as she easily escaped a school as secure as Shiketsu? How could she so easily act as if she'd never talked to the girl? Even if she wanted nothing more to do with Aia, why be polite enough for an outright wave rather than blatant ignoring?

How did she completely erase the metallic smell of blood other than her own so quickly?

Snakes had a powerful scent; your blood smells like the rest of you. That means it's far too obvious to the trained hero student when someone is splattered with another person. Furthermore, blood lingers. The stain itself is difficult, but the smell is even harder.

There was no way; Miwa couldn't have erased every trace of the odor. Not with the potency it had just days before.

She pretends she didn't think about it as much as she has. But, even now, as their teacher drones on about some math equation, the back of her mind is occupied. Looking for the last pieces to make the puzzle make sense.

Who and why?

She figured the 'what' and 'how' could be attributed to some body-snatching quirk. The other two essentials to any mystery, however, were proving to be much less obvious.

If not Miwa, who had that person been that managed to connect to her so easily with a voice that wasn't their own.

And why, of everything they could do with such a power, would they choose to sneak into a random school just to sneak back out with a random girl?

Unless she wasn't a random target? It would normally be a nerve-wracking thought, but it didn't make her feel nearly as much anxiety as it should.

The connection she felt towards them was real. That day, she did become another of their people. She refused to believe, whoever they were, would hurt her.

She was more curious about finding the missing side to the story that managed to have such an impact on her usually steady heart.

But, there simply wasn't enough information to find out any of that. All she could do was hope for more by remembering some other similar encounter or have another that might be the same person.

Whatever, not like she cared. Right?

Another class she didn't care enough to listen to passed quickly, especially since she had resided in her head for it. Telling her complaining friend that already stood by the door she'd be sure to review it later, Aia hastily made her way out of the school. Alone and not hidden in the shadows.

Checking her phone, she saw her mom had texted her while in class to get groceries. Groaning, she picked up her skateboard and started riding down the sidewalk. Usually, she'd just took the motorcycle she'd bought only a year ago when she decided to get licensed on a whim; of course, this of all days is when she decided her house wasn't too far to skate home.

Sylvie wrapped around her neck to ensure no one tried to mess with a high school girl coming home. Her house wasn't that far, the store even closer. Still, carrying bags of food while on a board is easier said than done.

It took her under ten minutes to get the items on her shopping list. That's when she started struggling, trying to hold them all while maintaining balance. It's not that walking would take her that much longer; it would be easier but even then, she simply didn't have enough hands.

Sylvie had tried to help, but it just ended up with the stubborn snake making Aia have to re-buy one of the milk cartons. Screw snakes for not having arms.

"It's really cute to see you struggle and all; but, do you  need a hand?" A voice rang from behind her. Confused as to who would be crazy enough to, so casually, approach someone seeming to scorn a snake. Aia turned around.

The pretty girl had light freckles sprinkled over her nose and cheeks, soft green eyes that seemed as kind as her voice, and wavy red hair that fell loose around her shoulders. Her perfume smelled of sugar, flowers and-


is that blood?

It seemed like a mixture of it; focusing hard enough, Aia even found a familiarity once she differentiated each similar scent from one another.

It couldn't be. Right?

That would ensure, whoever that was, targeted Aia specifically. They were also impatient and sought her out once more.

But that was insanity. Right?

That's when she noticed; the intonation of her words.

'Cute' huh?

"I hate to admit it, but I think I might." Aia fakes a laugh that the girl joins in on. Revealing some surprisingly sharp canines. Just like Miwa. And award show girl, now that she thinks about it.

Could that have also been them?

"My pleasure!" The girl perks up with a now-familiar giggle, despite the difference in voice. She eagerly takes a few bags from the girl, allowing Aia to pick her skateboard up.

They walk together, side-by-side to Aia's home. They made light chatter, chatter to which Aia was paying attention for different reasons than the girl must've thought. Sylvie carefully watches them, sensing her owner's sleuthing due to the smirk on her face and constant questioning. She flexes her body slightly, prepared to be used at any moment. Besides, what better way to interrogate someone than with deadly animals slithering up and down their body?

It's time to catch her admirer.

It's time to catch her admirer

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