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"𝓖𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓼 who!" Toga, back in her blue-haired disguise, asked hands latched over Aia's eyes

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"𝓖𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓼 who!" Toga, back in her blue-haired disguise, asked hands latched over Aia's eyes.

"Miwa?" Aia chuckles.

Toga hesitates, still not used to the name, before taking her hands off. She has a grin painted on her face with no regard for the atrocious act she had just committed. It's not like she hasn't done worse. "Yup, that's me!" She giggles, sitting down criss-cross in front of her latest fascination.

"I gotta say, you surprised me." Aia leans back against her arms.

"How come?" Toga asks, tilting her head innocently.

"You actually came. Sneaking out is risky, and you could've left me easily." Aia shrugs, looking at the eccentric girl from under her long lashes.

"You really think I would?" Toga pouts, slightly slouching in disappointment. Finding it adorable, Aia shakes her head with a small smile.

"Don't go putting words in my mouth now. I'm just saying it's uncharacteristic for Shiketsu's good girls."

"But, don't you go to Shiketsu too?"

"Yeah, but I got in on recommendation. I didn't have to do the test or whatever the rest do to make sure they're the Shiketsu ideal students." Aia explains, mimicking a monotone voice Toga didn't recognize for the last portion. Regardless, she easily giggled with the assumption it was supposed to be mocking some administrator.

"Well, at least the uniforms are cute. I'd much rather have a school with people like you." It wasn't inherently flirty; she didn't get closer as she had before. It was simply an innocent compliment, and yet, the experienced girl felt her leisurely heart slightly pick up the pace.

"You look good in it; the uniform." Aia winks, trying to keep the advantage with her flirty demeanor. Even though she had various kinda-exes, she was a novice to anything but lust.

"Right? You look so cute in it. No way I would've ditched you." Toga says, tugging at her skirt in appreciation.

"You'd be surprised. You're one of few to make it this far in just conversation." Aia says absentmindedly, looking up at the clouds. She glances back at her partner to find wide and curious eyes that resemble a puppy. "I don't really care. I'm myself and have things I want to do; if people steer clear because of that, I don't mind." Aia doubles back smoothly. She didn't want to worry the girl and had learned her lesson about being overwhelming.

"Same!" Toga says, springing up excitedly. "I mean, I do kind of care; I like being liked but, I like doing what I want more. It'd still be nice for more people to like me." Toga was surprised by her own honesty, taking comfort in the way Aia watched her with uncritical eyes.

"You have friends though, that's good." The words surprised Aia; Miwa seemed pretty popular around the school, so it was hard to hear her complain of such things. Either way, she knew better than anyone people aren't usually as they seem and kept her expression passive.

"A few now. At the start, I thought they were just using me, but I really like them now." Toga grins, moving places to sit closer to the object of her growing affection. It felt nice to talk to her, not just the usual obsessive appreciation she usually felt but a new kind of care.

"How long ago was that? Since you stopped being alone?" Aia curiously asked, picking the petals off some small daises she found between the blades of grass at her feet.

"Not long, but that's okay. I found them doing what I want, so now I have a group that usually lets me keep doing that. Even if they can be kind of annoying, and we don't always agree; it's less lonely than before." Toga looked down at her crossed knees, the ones hidden by skin she wished she didn't have to hide under.

Everything she was saying was true, but not to the face she was wearing. Her obsession was acting like more than that and actually listening to her. Maybe it was exactly for the reason of not being who she said but nonetheless, it almost made Toga feel bad about her most common deceit.

"So like a family?" Aia's only family was her mother but she felt the same. They may not always agree but their bond gives them respect and they'll always be there.

The idea of having a family again was a hope long lost for Toga, but the thought made her feel fuzzy. She decided it was what the league had become to her. "Like a family." She agreed with a bittersweet smile that strung Aia to see such sadness under.

Unlike them, the family they came from and cherished really did seem like opposites.

"I know I said I don't care." Aia starts. "But, we seem pretty similar."  Aia feels herself grow oddly nervous, hiding the insecurity of her vulnerability behind a soft smile as the girl settles beside her.

"And, I like you plenty. So if you do me too, I could maybe be another person."

Toga's eyes widen. No one had actually ever told her those words. She knew Aia thought she was talking to someone else. Someone probably more likable whose's rare friends she was referring to weren't villains. Yet, she was touched by a feeling she'd only ever gotten small glimpses of. It felt warm.

To be fair, Aia had rarely ever said the words. When she had, it would always backfire on her. She might seem to have a rough exterior, but the girl had an uncanny ability to see the good in who she wanted. This time, she had negative reason to trust; yet, she said it anyways.

Breaking the growing nerves in Aia's stomach from speaking far too soon, Toga frantically nodded. "I very much want more people." She admitted with rosy cheeks.

Aia suppressed her smile, trying to keep her uncaring demeanor. They didn't know each other very well, but something from 'Miwa's' words told her the similarities extended. Aia mentally cursed her own naivety. Yet, she couldn't help but tell herself the girl would be willing to accept her. All of her.

"Good, I'd hate never seeing your cute face again." It should've hurt Toga more than it did; to know the heartfelt words weren't intentionally aimed at her. Still, she smiled on and giggled her perfected laugh. She was used to taking crumbs.

"Don't worry. I'll definitely see you again soon." The quiet promise was more true than Aia could know.

Innocently and without knowing what more was to come, Aia extended a hand to push a deep blue hair behind the girl's ear. With the keen sense of smell she possessed, the heightened smell of blood was impossible to ignore.

 With the keen sense of smell she possessed, the heightened smell of blood was impossible to ignore

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