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Aia's eyes fluttered awake at the feeling of a soft breath tickling her face

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Aia's eyes fluttered awake at the feeling of a soft breath tickling her face. Groaning complaints, the light they never turned off enters her vision as she slowly realizes who the breaths belong to.

"If you wanted a closer look, you could've just asked." She chuckles, hugging the girl in closer from the edge of the couch.

"I don't usually get yes as an answer." She shrugs, placing her chin on the girl's shoulder to more comfortably enjoy the view.

"You were probably wearing some disguise because right now? You're irresistible." Aia sleepily mumbles, getting a piece of blond hair to twirl mindlessly.

"So irresistible you'll give me that blood so I can be you?" Toga asks hopefully, with a grin that falls more into confusion when her cuddle partner laughs at rather than answers the question.

"Is that how your quirk works?" Aia asks, finally deciding to continue her questioning. She figured there wasn't much Himiko was going to hide after revealing her name and face, but she still had so many questions that needed answers.

Toga hesitates, this was a determining moment when she was younger. Most people would flee when they finally figured out what her quirk was, but surprisingly it seems Aia already has and isn't too horrified by it. "Yeah, it is." She grins out the words, but even with the reassurance that Aia is still there after knowing what the quirk is, she finds herself quieter than normal.

"Does it taste weird?" Aia sits up on the couch, making Himiko do the same. Aia leans back casually with a curious expression on her face while Himiko remains sitting straight with a look of small shock.

"It tastes good? But I think that's just for me." Himiko says, still just looking at the girl blankly with her mouth agape.

"Cool, you'll get my rations I guess if we ever get for some reason." Aia chuckles, standing up from the couch where Himiko is still staring at her. "Are you ok?" She asks concerned.

Himiko shakes her head to snap out of sudden blinding happiness the unfamiliar reaction brought her as she broke out into a grin. "Great! Thank you." She giggles, quickly getting to her feet and without even thinking, putting her arms around the girl.

Both girls are shocked by the action, but that doesn't stop Aia from recuperating as Himiko tightens her grip even more. They're silent with no words to be said as they bask in the innocent and silently emotional gesture they're so unfamiliar with.

To Aia, it enforced Himiko as the rare someone that wanted her past just looks. Similarly, Aia was to Himiko the first person that didn't flinch at her quirk or jump to any conclusions about the kind of person it makes her. Even if both just go on about their days without talking about it, but it was obvious they would only be thinking about each other and the embrace from there on out.

Aia smiled, nuzzling into the crook of Himiko's neck. She had an idea of what must've caused such a gesture from the blond and it made the moment so much more bittersweet.

It took her a minute but Aia figured her nonchalant reaction wasn't what Himiko was used to. It was no secret any quirk that related to blood was looked down upon, even more so if they seemed as potentially deceitful as Himiko's. It was one of the things she hated about the word she grew up in, hearing heroes brag about the praise they're getting for their quirk while bringing down those who probably on such dark paths because of theirs.

The realization of how cruel people must've been to the cheery girl because of it made Aia bring her in even closer.

Was that why she was so hesitant to show her true self? Does it have something to do with why she didn't seem to eat good food often? Aia cursed every time her mother or any hero talked down to people with blood quirks as her hand began to reassuringly lose themselves in golden hair.

It reinstated what she already knew, anyone who hurt a girl as beautifully torn apart like the one in her arms didn't deserve to call themselves heroes. On behalf of the corrupt society she was born to be the face of, Aia was sorry.

"That feels nice," Himiko mumbled; letting herself melt, just this once that she was allowed to, into the girl's arms.

"Glad you think so, we should do this more often." Aia smiled into the girl's neck where she couldn't see how the blond's grin dropped.

Though she wanted nothing more, that was more complicated for the blond than it sounded. She was still only here under the premise of gathering information, so she couldn't tell anyone at the league what was happening. Furthermore, she just learned Aia doesn't like being deceived, which makes the league have to remain a secret.

Her happy moment was shattering as the anxieties about what this meant finally hit her again.

But still, the as serpent's girl's gentle touch soothed her head, the decision was practically made for her. She couldn't stop coming, not after getting a taste of the bliss offered. Even if she wanted to, her addictive personality would always crave more.

If she was careful, she could keep both sides apart and pretend to be part of Aia's world without her own knowing. It would be hard, she'd need something to convince the league, but she could do it. She has to do it.

So, without allowing the brunette to leave her own world of glee, she offered they finally have a 'real' talk. More manipulation, but as long as it was for the better. Right? This could work, right?

Despite her better instinct that singlehandly kept her alive, this was the one time she wanted to be herself and not play a character. But that instinct was too strong as picked the path she always did, the one that she thought couldn't hurt her anymore.

Maybe if she could pretend to be from Aia's world while pulling her from it for long enough, they'd travel the stars enough to find their own.

Maybe if she could pretend to be from Aia's world while pulling her from it for long enough, they'd travel the stars enough to find their own

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maybe, someday. {himiko toga x oc}Where stories live. Discover now