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"𝓗𝓮𝔂 loser, I don't care and I know you don't care about those shows so if you leave me alone at lunch for one again I'm kicking that pretty face in," Seiji says leaning against her desk in the back of the classroom

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"𝓗𝓮𝔂 loser, I don't care and I know you don't care about those shows so if you leave me alone at lunch for one again I'm kicking that pretty face in," Seiji says leaning against her desk in the back of the classroom.

"Sometimes, I miss when you hated me," Aia grumbles, leaning back in her seat.

"No, then you wouldn't have any friends." He says, passing his fingers through his long purple bangs.

"I could make some."

"They'd be too intimidated to talk to you but you wouldn't notice and end up making it worse."

"When has that ever happened?"

"That first year from UA that interned with your mom?" Aia winces remembering the shy tall, dark-haired girl.

"Ugh, now that one was painful but for the record, I wasn't trying to be friends," Aia smirks causing the boy to scoff.

"Your vulgarity is an indignity to this academy." He squints his small eyes at the unfaltering girl.

"I thought my philosophy makes me the exception." The girl playfully pouts.

"That's why I talk to you but it doesn't make it any more honorable."

"That's homophobic." She deadpans, making Shiji's eyes widen momentarily before realizing she's kidding and glaring at her instead. 

"Another reason I'm your only friend."

"I'll remind you I'm also your only friend."

"That's a choice I maintain to not taint my connections with unworthy heroes," Shiji says proudly, surveying everyone else in the room.

"Aww, you think I'm worthy." She smiles widely and tilts her head at the serious boy.

"Only partial-"

"Anyways while you were here being the all high and mighty senpai, I'll have you know I did make a friend. Kind of." The girl looks down to the sketchbook on her desk where she's started to try and draw the ginger girl she met.

"At the award show? I doubt they're worthy." Shiji says glancing at the wall on the clock to see how long they had before class was to actually start.

"I don't know, she seemed different. She definitely didn't belong there and I could tell there was more to her than she was letting on." Aia shrugged, picking up her pencil and trying to remember the exact shape of the girl's eyes.

"Maybe you'll actually fall for someone with some dignity in their values this time." He says slightly, turning to glare at Camie who was talking to someone across the room.

"Leave her alone, Shiji. I know you secretly care about me and all but that was a long time ago." Aia sighs also looking back at the cheerful brunette.

maybe, someday. {himiko toga x oc}Where stories live. Discover now