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- I know it took awhile but here's the longest and probably most intense chapter to date
- uh warning: mommy issues and probably a lot of people feeling called out
- I hope you can use this to vent as much as I did, know you are not alone <3

- I know it took awhile but here's the longest and probably most intense chapter to date- uh warning: mommy issues and probably a lot of people feeling called out- I hope you can use this to vent as much as I did, know you are not alone <3

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"Hawks got this opportunity for you, how are you going to turn down the number two hero!" Uwabami bolts out the car in pursuit of her daughter.

"More important than some stupid number, he's a more understanding guy than you, so I can guarantee he won't give a shit when I tell him I don't want to." Aia bites back, nearly knocking the door off its hinges as she storms past it and into the home.

"But why are you so difficult? It's such a wasted opportunity!" Her mother exasperates, closing the door behind her with just as much force as it was opened.

"Yeah well I'll find another one, or not. I don't care!" The teen rolls her eyes, turning around defiantly to show her mother the fury in her eyes that say anything but "I don't care".

"You don't care? Then why haven't you quit, huh? With how ungrateful you seem to be you might as well!" A part of the woman recoils at the insult aimed towards her daughter, but in the heat of the moment all she can think about is the reputation her girl seems so determined to undermine. For as long as she's been a hero, she's struggled to associate the family snake mutation quirks with something positive. All she wanted for her daughter was luxury and riches just like anyone that didn't have to fight to change the connotations associated with their birth given qualities like she did.

Really, the two Uwabami's women's goals weren't too different, if only they weren't too lost in the journey to realize it.

"Maybe I will! Afterall, what's the point in being a hero if you're there trying to make me another commission suck up! Just another pretty, spineless Uwabami for the ranks to feed your ego, right?"

"Maybe you should." Aia's expression dropped along with half her hope for future prospects, but she quickly regained her cold look. It's one of the few things she cares about and that's why now more than ever does she need to seem nonchalant. "Not like you're getting anywhere anyways if you're so unwilling to compromise."

"I'm not compromising who I am." And then realizing how dangerously defensive of her sense of self it sounded she added "Too much work just to be a kiss ass."

"It's not being a kiss ass! It's growing up! You're so naive, I know you care about your career Aia-"

"You're wrong again-"

"But this childish dream of changing the world by being some rebel is just teen nonsense. Wake up and realize you can't make anyone listen and focus on trying to survive in this exhausting fucking industry you don't appreciate I did the hard part of getting you in."

maybe, someday. {himiko toga x oc}Where stories live. Discover now