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"Sorry, that's all I could buy

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"Sorry, that's all I could buy. I don't usually bring money to school; this is also the least I've ever prepared for a date." Aia sighs out while regrettably looking at the pathetic popsicle she'd bought from the truck on their way to the park.

Himiko nowhere near matches her disappointment as she skips along beside the girl, very pleased with her matching treat. It may be simple and unprepared, but this felt even better than she ever envisioned her first real date. She'd imagined it a lot, yet it never compared to this reality.

"Sorry? This is super yummy! It's been so long since I had one." Himiko reassures with a grin as she scarfed up the last of her popsicle and nearly leaped to intertwine her now empty hand with her date's.

Aia finally looks up, ready to neglect the pity when she's met with an expression that could only be described as pure joy. It was so bright the sun behind her had grown envious, and yet even if it were to blind her- she couldn't look away. Easily, the expression lit up the sky enough to even reflect on the moon as Aia's own small smile creased through.

It wasn't a white lie of reassurance; she really was making such a star of a girl gleam in satisfaction.

"I had one when I came last month but it's felt like so much longer. How about you?" Aia hazily says, looking at their intertwined hands as to not lose all her wit by looking at Himiko's radiant face.

Himiko clears her throat but doesn't let her smile drop as she thinks back and tries to recall an answer to the question. "Back when I was still living with my parents, so probably the first year of middle school."

Aia looks back at her, ready to face a grimace that would break her heart as she apologized for her idiocy. But, Himiko looks fine. Staring at their hands for nervous reassurance but still the peppiest girl in the park. Missing out on some popsicles obviously isn't the worst she's gone through, yet Aia found herself wanting to change the world if it even that wouldn't be a problem.

"You want another one? I can go back and get my wallet; we can come back tomorrow too." Aia tells the girl, surprising her with a comforting squeeze of the hand. Himiko looks back to the girl, a pout already forming as she expects the sarcastic girl to be teasing with her eager words. It never comes, nor does the tease Aia had in turn prepared to make up for her excitement if Himiko hadn't responded. Instead, they stop walking.

Their gazes might've met on accident but it was no mere two-second glance.

They can't take their eyes off each other. The serious expression that caught Himiko so emotionally off guard at the words that she froze had melted away into pure adoration from the way said girl looks at her with such innocent doe eyes.

Himiko Toga is no angel but her face reflects only her heart's warmth at the moment and it is nothing but pure.

"Never stop looking at me like that," Himiko whispers, an emotional edge making her words shake. She doesn't know why she said it nor why it impacted her so much. Perhaps it's this first encounter to what could be all she's ever desired or even the hopeless situation the fates created for her to be able to keep it. Either way, the tone was purely instinctual as all she could focus on was the girl looking back at her.

maybe, someday. {himiko toga x oc}Where stories live. Discover now