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Toga couldn't take her eyes off Aia

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Toga couldn't take her eyes off Aia. They were both lying down snuggled on her expensive couch, legs tangled and Aia's arm comfortably gripping onto the girl to keep her on the couch.

Toga had come over to watch Aia's favorite movie for the first time but preferred the view off the screen much more. The way she mouthed along with the words to certain parts as a testament of how much she's watched it or the way she'd still react to each moment like it was the first time purely off how engaged she was in what was happening. It lit up the blond's heart.

However, that only lasted about thirty minutes into the film.

It's hard to concentrate on a movie when you could so clearly feel bright golden eyes watching your every move, Aia was getting especially good at recognizing the feeling.

She'd kept pretending to be completely immersed in the movie but once she noticed, she couldn't stop thinking about what could be going on in Himiko's head that she wouldn't look away.

Himiko of course noticed the second the girl had been aware but decided if she wasn't going to acknowledge it, might as well keep going.

With Aia's eyes strictly on the screen and not the girl which she had no idea was smirking in amusement, her mind went rampant.

Her first explanation was that the blond was having regrets of their previous day; perhaps it had been too much for her and their movie watching positions were now only making it worse? It wouldn't be the first time something like that happens to the supposedly cold girl.

No, Aia realized how stupid that was. Up until this point, everything they'd done seemed to be of mutual interest. Of course, that was hard to trust when she'd been proven wrong about the same thought previously.

Still, she'd force herself to ignore it.

Then, came a thought that had been roaming at the back of her mind but she'd been enjoying their time together too much to risk asking.

Relationships didn't always need a label, but theirs was haunting the girl.

A jump scare Aia would normally have anticipated comes on in the movie with the protagonist's shriek bringing the young hero into reality much harsher than normal.

Himiko bursts out in laughter, now carelessly on the floor from the absence of Aia's hold. Aia looks down at her, the laughs dying out immediately at how analytically Aia was looking at the girl like she was searching any telepathic reassurance.

"What happened? Do I need to hurt someone?" Toga asks, looking up to her girl from her new position, innocently crisscrossing by Aia's legs.

"N-no I'm just thinking." Aia gulps, leaning closer as if that would help her find any hints.

"Wanna tell me about what? I have some solutions, not all of which I should tell you about." Toga smiles, inching forward in teasing ignorance to the quarrel going on in the reptilian girl's head.

maybe, someday. {himiko toga x oc}Where stories live. Discover now