Holiday Romance

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Stephanie McKinney spent every summer on holiday with her parents and her brother Martin and sister Rachael in the Costa Del Sol town of Fuengirola, Stephanie's parents owned a holiday villa there, so during her eight week school break, Stephanie grew up around the locals in the summer. Stephanie became friends with many, one stood out to her when she first met her, her name was Reina. Stephanie picked the language up quickly since coming to the town as a youngster. Stephanie's brother made friends too, although not as close as their sister became with hers. Stephanie and her brother hung around together sometimes, but Stephanie spent most of her time with Reina. In Spain they love their lazy siestas, it was the time when Stephanie and Reina met up the most. They helped around Reina's family store, stocking the shelves for the tourists, once finished, Reina's parents would allow her to have the afternoon to herself, so she and Reina walked all the trails, all the fields and lay on the beaches and playing in the sea, the pair became inseparable. Stephanie invited Reina to Ireland when she had time off school and when her parents didn't need her around the store. Reina like Stephanie had two siblings, two younger sisters, they soon took over Reina's place in the store when she visited Ireland to spend time with Stephanie. Reina's parents were always worried about her being in Ireland due to the war there, but Stephanie being extremely streetwise, she kept her safe, her parents kept her safe and so did Martin and Rachael. Reina always complained about the cold, but she loved cuddling up to Stephanie on a cold evening watching the sea, in her house that over looked the ocean in a town called Ballycastle, it reminded her of home.

When it was time for the pair to separate and for Reina to return home, it was a traumatic experience for both of them, it was like they were twins unable to be apart. The teenage years hit the girls quickly, they never spoke about boys to each other, they were just so deeply engrossed in each other. There was one time when Reina told Stephanie that she couldn't wait to have her first kiss, Stephanie asked her, "who would you like to kiss for the first time?" Reina blushed, Stephanie too blushed as she knew that it was her that Reina wanted to kiss for the first time. Then the moment happened. They were in Fuengirola, in Stephanie's parents villa, in her room, Reina was combing Stephanie's hair, their eyes met in the dresser mirror, she turned around and Reina cupped her face in her hands and kissed her on the lips. Stephanie wasn't shocked, she kissed her harder back. Both girls being teenagers, didn't speak about the kiss for at least a week, then they were horse riding around the trails and they got off the horses, they tied the horses to a tree and lay in the grass, they had a second kiss. Then Reina declared this would be their spot. They met at that spot every siesta time and kissed, they never went further, but it made them just want to be together at all times.

Stephanie's parents were in financial difficulties, they had to sell the house. They only visited Fuengirola once a year for two weeks at the most and stayed in a hotel. Reina was heartbroken, but she still travelled to Ireland when she could she spent time with Stephanie there. The financial situation didn't make it harder for the girls seeing each other, then Reina's parents suggest that Stephanie spends the entire summer with them? Stephanie's parents seen how hard it was for their daughter being separated from her best friend agreed, Stephanie was now closer to Reina than ever before, she was sleeping in her room, in her bed for eight whole weeks and when her parents come for their two week break they would spend some time with Stephanie and Reina. Stephanie's brother and sister were jealous that their sister was away from Ireland the whole summer, while they stayed while bombs were exploding, they thought of her as selfish, but she wasn't, she just had a bond and she didn't want that bond to ever break.

Stephanie soon had her 18th birthday, it was a coming of age, so when she was in Fuengirola for her two month stay with the Castillos, she was job hunting. Then Reina's parents said they had a job for her, Stephanie was brilliant with numbers, they had her doing their books for their shop, soon she had her own money and she finally was able to rent an apartment for herself. In the beginning Reina came over and stayed a lot, they even began taking the horses to the place where they called their own, the next time they arrived there, it was blocked off, new apartments were being built on the land, they needed to find another outdoor place for themselves. They discovered Ibiza together, they were there when it first became a party haven for people from where Stephanie came from to dance the night away. The first night there, they got really drunk and it was the first time using drugs, they used acid for the first time, they were in love with the place and each other. They left a bar around 2am, they walked back to their apartment, drunk and high, they teased each other in an intimate way all the way back. This excited Stephanie, for the first time, she would get to touch Reina in places she's wished to touch for so many years. They stumbled into the apartment, kissing each other, undoing their bikinis, sweating from the heat and the passion they felt. Stephanie turned on all the fans, then they fell onto the huge bed. Stephanie looked deep into Reina's eyes and said, "are you sure about this? Do you feel what I feel?" Reina looked at her, she said, "I've waited years for this, when we kissed when we were 15, I was begging for more, but I feared your parents catching us, I'm sure, I've loved you since we met. I know you love me too." Stephanie smiles, she kisses her, she takes her dark long hair in her hands, she pulls her closer, their bodies touching and both of them shaking the whole time. Stephanie gets some ice as they're both hot, she runs the ice up and down Reina's body, Reina is soon on her back, she's begging Stephanie to touch her, to take her virginity. Stephanie enters her, she feels how ready she has been for her, she feels her contracting with each thrust of her fingers, then Reina flips Stephanie, entering her, they didn't do this before, they weren't sure what would please the other, they fumbled around all night and soon they were exhausted and fell asleep. Stephanie woke up happy, looking at Reina fast asleep next to her, Stephanie still couldn't believe what happened the night before, she sees Reina stirring and she says, "Good morning my queen, how are you feeling this morning, after what happened last night?" Reina looks at her, with her deep brown eyes saying, "i waited so many years for that, it was beautiful. It needs to happen again, like now." Stephanie looks at her, she kisses her and what she learned from the night before, she knew what would make her climax, they made love again and again. They spent most of their time in bed while in Ibiza. The couple were in heaven, in love and in each other's arms. Their time in Ibiza came to a close and they went home to Fuengirola.

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