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The day arrives for Rachael and Martin to fly home, while checking in online, Stephanie hands Martin a credit card, she asks him to book flights for a weeks time, she had a dream the night before that her father would die before she got to say goodbye. Martin booked the flights, they book cabs but Stephanie stops him and says she'll drive them. They have enough time for breakfast, they don't live that far from Malaga airport, they can check in up to an hour before flying. Reina gets up, the girls are still in the pj's they sit around having breakfast, then Stephanie tells Reina she has booked them flights for a weeks time, Reina says, "sounds great, what do you girls think?" Estefania is excited, the twins are excited too, they've never been to Ireland, they can't wait to see it. They learned some stuff on Ireland in school but Stephanie told them the in depth history, to the point that Estefania was disgusted with the British. Martin says, "Estefania, Spain done the same thing across the world mainly in southern America, they colonised as much as the British." Estefania said, "i know, I hate the fact that we try and take over other countries. I hate war." Rachael says, "you're in good company, we hated it too." The girls and Reina thank them for coming, their gifts and they'll look forward to seeing them in a week. Reina can't wait to get away for a while. Ibiza wasn't enough, it was still Spain.

The family head to the airport, they soon arrive in rainy Belfast, the drive from Belfast international to the home of Stephanie's parents, Stephanie's mum can't believe how happy her daughter looks, she can't believe how Reina looks after all these years and how the girls definitely take after their mother. Mrs McKinney says to Reina, "my condolences on the death of Eduardo." Reina thanks her and she hugs her, Reina telling her it's so good to see her. Stephanie's mum tells her the bedrooms are ready, they head to the room and place their bags. Stephanie asks her mum to look after the children while she and Reina go and visit her father. Stephanie's mum says, "of course, take your dads car, it's in the garage and needs to be kept ticking over, otherwise it'll just not drive anymore." Stephanie and Reina say thank you. Stephanie and Reina drive to the home, her father is sat on a chair and he's mumbling to himself, Stephanie approaches him, he doesn't recognise her at first, then he says, "oh my dear Stephanie, it's time for school." Stephanie cries, "oh dad, I'm not at school today." He says, "ah it's summer, we're going to the villa in Fuengirola in a couple of days, you'll see your friend Reina." Stephanie says, "dad, Reina is here this summer, say hello." He looks and looks at Reina then says, "that's not Reina, that's her mother." Stephanie and Reina both cry, they try and not let him see, then suddenly he's in his present mind, he said "hello Stephanie, how's Spain treating you?" Stephanie says, "dad, I'm living with Reina now, we're now a couple." He looks at them both and he says, "oh Reina you look so much like your mother, I don't care that you're together as long as you're both happy?" Stephanie takes her fathers hand, we're very happy. He surprises Stephanie, he says, "i always knew you both would end up together, I'd always wished it." The couple smile and they sit around and chat until he's back in the past and the staff tell them that's enough for today. The couple leave and come back together and separately over the week.

Stephanie's mum pulls her aside and says, "i don't know what Martin and Rachael told you, but your dad doesn't have long left, I'd like for you to stay and say goodbye?" Stephanie says, "mum, that's what we're here for." Then her mum states, "then you must stay longer than a week, we don't know when it'll happen?" Stephanie says, "mum, I don't think he has much long, I believe he'll be gone by the end of the day." Her mum asks, "what makes you think that, it was just how he's looked." They all head to the home, she was right, they were moving him to palliative care. By the end of the day, Stephanie's dad was gone. They had a traditional Irish funeral, they delayed their flights an extra few days, the girls ask if they can stay longer? The couple discuss it and they decide to rent a property of their own. They find a house about a 10 minute walk from her mums, the girls love it, they can't believe they're in Ireland. They decide to go and visit Ballycastle, Rachael and her husband has a huge house with an annex that her parents used to stay in, the couple and the girls stayed in there, Stephanie's mum came with them, she stayed in the main house with Rachael and her family. The girls got a room of their own, but Stephanie and Reina slept on the sofa bed. They went to the beach that day, they came home and ate with Rachael and her family, they aren't used to the Irish meals, but they ate every bite. It was getting dark, they walked across the path to the house, the couple put the girls into bed, then they opened a bottle of wine and sat beside the open fire. They soon began getting amorous with each other. They made love on a faux fur rug on the floor, flooding it, but the light of the fire, showed two bodies sweating, then suddenly Estefanía came down for a drink, she saw for the first time her mum and Stephanie naked and touching each other. Estefanía got her drink and swiftly goes back to her room. The couple laugh, but Estefanía had visions of what her mum and Stephanie were doing moments before, bringing her to think about touching herself but she didn't, she is certain that she would wake up her sister. The girls were old enough to go out alone, they were safe in Ballycastle, they walked into town and the beach and Estefanía meets some people that she becomes friends with. Estefanía likes to drink, her sisters don't, so they head home, Estefanía stays with her new found friends, she was exchanging knowing looks to a girl, who told her she would walk her home as she lives that way. Once the friends had to part, a girl named Stacey walked Estefanía home, they were passing a field, Stacey pulls her into the field, soon they were fumbling and sliding their hands into each other's pants, they made love in the field, Estefanía was feeling how her mother felt at last. Estefanía had moments with girls, but she never went all the way, she had with boys, she felt more turned on by girls. Estefanía went home with a smile on her face and a phone number for Stacey. They spent every moment texting each other, Stacey commenting on how good her English was, although Stacey had to tell her what the local slang meant. Reina could see her daughters change, she asked her straight out if she was having sex with Stacey, Estefanía said, "to be honest it's happened just the once, it wasn't like the night I seen you and Steph, it was a fumble in the field next to this property." Reina laughs, "that's how it was for us at your age. We didn't know how to make love until after your father, I'll be honest, I never enjoyed sex with him, I used to imagine Stephanie when we had sex, it's what made it bearable." Estefanía says, "mom, I don't want to hear this." Reina says, "honey, it's just sex." Estefanía explains "it's weird talking about it with you." Reina says, "oh darling I know, i couldn't talk about it with my mother back in the day, she would've lost her mind, especially since the love of my life was a girl." Estefanía then asks, "so, how did you end up with dad then?" Reina explained it was the death of her mother and the loss of the shop, that urged her father to introduce me to Eduardo, even though we'd been friends for years.

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