Face Off.

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Stephanie sees Reina sitting in the lounge she has her back to her. Stephanie sits down beside her, Reina is cold, she reaches out and Reina pulls away, Reina has a gun stashed down the side of the couch, she slides it out, she points it at Stephanie, Stephanie stands up and says, "what are you doing?" Reina looks at her with menacing eyes and replies, "you've had this coming for a very long time" Reina shoots Stephanie, she shoots her in the face. Reina shocked at what she had just done, she rushes to check for a pulse, there isn't one. Stephanie has died, she is sat beside her body in tears, she takes the gun, she places it in Stephanie's hands, to make it look like a suicide. Then Reina calls the paramedics. Reina thinks she's being clever by doing it, but she isn't clever with forensics, she will have gunpowder residue on her hands. Reina doesn't wash up, she just leaves her lying there, the police arrive as well, they take Reina with them to the police station. They swab her hands, they conclude she is the shooter as they don't find any on Stephanie. The paramedics on the way to the hospital detect a faint pulse, Reina obviously didn't check properly, the bullet must've missed vital parts of the brain, the bullet became lodged in her skull. It of course damaged her face. Soon the entire family finds out what exactly happened from the police, they can't believe it.

Stephanie is in surgery, she's having reconstructive surgery on her face, she's in an ICU room, the family start visiting her. Her sister and brother fly over, Reina is still in custody, she won't make bail either according to her lawyer. Everyone is demanding answers, the local authorities want to charge Reina with attempted murder, but the lawyer is trying to have it dropped or a light sentence under diminished responsibility, since the girls died only a few weeks before and it was mere days after the funeral. Reina doesn't get bail, she's sent to a local prison, Stephanie begins to wake up, she asks to see her face, she demands to see her wife. The doctors explain it was her wife that shot her, Stephanie says she doesn't care, she wants to see her. The judge grants Reina some time with Stephanie.

Reina arrives at the hospital under armed guard and handcuffed. Stephanie asks her why? Reina tells her she is sorry, she didn't mean to, it was just the grief. Stephanie tells her she will get her out of it. Reina telling her that she should be punished. Stephanie asks her to sit on the bed next to her, the police allows it. Reina sits at the end of the bed, Stephanie asks her to come closer, Reina declines at first, then she slides next to her. Stephanie reaches her hand out, she takes Reina's hand, she says, "I know you don't trust me off the medication, but I am willing to go back on it, I want you to let me help you?" Reina thinks and asks, "how? I'm banged to rights." Stephanie tells her she won't press charges, "I love you. I understand why you did this. The question is, can you look at me what's underneath these bandages?" Reina asks to have a look, the work the doctors done in a short period of time, Stephanie was healing well, they doctors tell her there's other ways to fix her face. Reina says, "well, if you're willing to forgive me, then I'll apologise to you for what I've done." The couple are forced to part by the guards.

Weeks pass, Stephanie is still in hospital. They transfer her to a private hospital where she can have cosmetic surgery on her face. The results happen quickly, she soon has a new face, it's her own face but it's looking much better. Stephanie calls her lawyer and asks to help get Reina out. The lawyer is confused, she says, "she shot you, she almost killed you and almost disfigured your face, how can you be so forgiving?" Stephanie says, "I love her, she's the love of my life and what she did was in the midst of grief. Please help, also I'd like another visit with her. I know they won't bring her here, but we can go there." Stephanie is transported for her visit, they have a private room. Reina is shocked at how Stephanie now looks, she can't believe how better she looks. Stephanie assures her, "I'm still on the medication, the doctors have been legally prescribing it, if I wasn't I would be plotting my revenge, but all I want is, my wife out of prison, us back at home and we can put this whole sorry saga behind us." Reina begins crying, "are you sure my love? Do you want us to try again?" Stephanie says, "your my wife, for better for worse, remember? I took those vows seriously. I know you did too. You'll be out of here before the week is out and we can go back home. There will be a trial but I have from great authority, you'll be charged lightly." Reina kisses Stephanie on the cheek, they part ways and Reina is back in her cell. While in the hospital, Rachael and Martin arrive, they can't believe how Stephanie looks so quickly, the last time they saw her she was on a bed with tubes coming out of her body. Rachael is demanding that Reina faces the full force of the law, but Stephanie tells her that she's forgiven her, they're getting back together. Rachael is furious screaming, "that bitch tried to kill you, she almost disfigured you, you're lucky she was a crap shot." Martin tells Rachael to calm down as it's Stephanie's choice, he understands why Reina done what she did. Rachael can't believe what she's hearing, she storms out. Rachael telling them both that she'll never trust Reina again.

Weeks pass, Reina is out, she's back at home under house arrest until the trial. Stephanie is due to be released from the hospital. Stephanie is at home, Reina can't do enough to make sure she's comfortable. Reina asks should she move out of the marital bed? Stephanie says, "no, we should carry on as we always have. I also need you to bring me to the graveyard, I need to pay my respects to the twins." Reina declines at first, then they drive to the cemetery, Stephanie is heartbroken, she's trying to remove all the dead flowers, cleaning it up. They're not in the same grave as their father, they're in a small mausoleum, Reina telling Stephanie that she and Áine spent nights sleeping here after their funerals. Stephanie says that Áine came to hospital after the shooting, she asked why did Reina do this to her? Stephanie telling her that it was grief and it was grief. The girls friends have visited, Marcus and Helena have been once. Marcus spends most of his days on the golf course with Steven, it's his way of coping, Helena just stays at home. Helena hasn't been out of her house since the funerals, she only heard of the shooting via the newspaper. Stephanie is getting stronger by the day, Reina can't believe how quickly she is on her feet and how her face looks. The trial still looms over the family. Estefanía and Stacey barely visit, they say that Reina and Stephanie's relationship is toxic. Reina and Stephanie are alone in the house, they're eventually making love again. Stephanie has her last facial surgery, it's done so well, that you wouldn't think only a matter of weeks ago that a bullet tore apart her face.

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