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Days passed since Steph confronted Abi, Reina said her piece as soon as Stephanie got home. The couple forget about it and get on with their lives. Due to Stephanie turning up at Abi's she ended her relationship with Áine, she doesn't want any involvement with the family. Áine is heartbroken in the beginning but, she soon finds another love, she falls for Olivia, Olivia has had her flings with girls but she is serious about Áine, Reina is happy as is Stephanie. Olivia moves into Áine's house, Paloma is jealous as she liked Áine but not in the same way, they have a rapport. Abi hasn't moved on yet, she comes around to Aine's to get some things she left there and was angered to see her and Olivia cuddled up on the couch. Abi grabs her things and is about to storm out and Áine runs after her. Áine asks her what her problem is with the family? Abi exclaims, "I'm not getting into it, I can't be around those people. I see you've moved on quickly?" Áine says, "so, you want me to remain single and wait on you or something?" Abi snaps back, "no, we're definitely over as much as I love you, I need to work on my issues. Let's leave it at that, remember I'll always love you." Áine kisses her on the cheek and Abi gets in her car and drives off.

Olivia asks her what her problem was? Áine says, "she seems to have a problem with your family. However she won't tell me what, nor do I care. I don't have a problem with anyone. Abi can be very intense." Olivia replies, "you're telling me, her attitude was appalling." This is Olivia's first serious relationship since Miguel, she had flings with girls in the past, but this time she is in love with Áine. The best about it is, Áine made her own money when she arrived, she created the business herself from the ground up. It's the most thriving bar and nightclub in Marbella. Olivia is several years younger than Áine, but she's extremely mature, she's matured further since the accident. When Áine is working, Olivia spends her free time with Paloma. Paloma finally meets a really nice guy, since the accident she couldn't deal with relationships, she and Olivia did at first, but they had to face what their father done to them, this made them question every relationship and themselves. When Olivia got with Áine Paloma was jealous, but she eventually became happy for her sister.

Áine spent the night going over in her mind what Abi said, she wanted to know what she meant. Then she asked Olivia what happened in your family that made Abi hate them so much? Olivia was truthful she said, "it turns out that Abi found out what my dad did to us, that he was a pedophile, his friends raped me and videoed it. I guess she couldn't handle it, especially as it wasn't reported to the police to keep the family name clean." "That's understandable," says Áine, I guess I would feel a little threatened given her job and her sisters connection to the police. I would like to know how you're doing with it all, also, I'd like to know why you changed from men to women? You don't have to answer but I'm very curious." Asks Áine. "Áine, I've dated girls in the past, I realised after therapy I can't trust men and I can't have sex with a man again, I've tried and feel violated every single time. Sure, after that I was with boys, but that's just it Áine, they were just boys. When I met you, I looked into your green eyes, your glistening red hair and those little freckles on your face, even that little freckle that's heart shaped on your shoulder. I fell for you instantly. It wasn't a shift in pace or direction, my therapy led me here. To your loving arms." "I have one question for you? Am I a rebound relationship? I know how much you and Abi felt for each other?" Áine goes silent for a moment, then says, "yes, I loved her as much as she loved me, but I can't be with someone that treats people with contempt over a pedophile and his sick friends. Hell she's supposed to be a doctor, not very compassionate in my opinion." Replies Áine. Olivia tells her she's glad that everything is out in the open, that there's no barriers between them.

Áine and Olivia spend the night at Áine's home, they didn't make love, they just lay in each other's arms and spoke about everything. They decided that night that they would do all in their power to make their relationship work. Áine tells her that she will help her with her college work, Olivia will help Áine with Reclaim, they even decide on women only evenings a couple of times a month. Reclaim has a large LGBTQ clientele, those out and those not out. Reina calls Olivia asking her is she coming home tonight? Olivia tells her mom that she's staying with Áine tonight, Reina asks to speak with Áine the next day at the club? Áine tells her she will. The next day, Áine drops Olivia off at college, then heads to Reclaim, Reina is waiting outside. Áine and Reina open the club and Áine puts on the coffee. Reina takes a seat in her favourite spot in the club. Áine grabs a cold water and joins her, Reina quizzes her on how she feels about Olivia and does she know the family history and what does she think of it? Áine says, "Reina, Olivia told me everything last night, I hadn't heard the full story until last night, I am not in a rebound relationship either, I knew from the beginning that Abi and i's relationship would end quickly, she is miles apart from me socially. Olivia is too, but her family unlike yours, you're so different. You don't think you're better than everyone. I feel comfortable in her company, I know she's a few years younger than me, but after our talk last night, I know we can make it work. I'm falling in love with her." Reina smiles, "I wasn't expecting that, I wasn't expecting you and her together and I see how you both are, the chemistry is real, I see how you look at her. I see how she looks at you. All I ask is take your time, she's been through a lot, more than most 18 year olds her age, if she's argumentative and she will be, call me or Paloma, it's only us that know how to handle her mood swings, but since she met you, she is my Olivia again. I hope you both can make it work?" Áine smiles, "as do we." Reina drinks her coffee and tells Áine that she's invited to dinner at the weekend. On the way to pick up Stephanie's medication, Paloma calls her asking her to buy a pregnancy test. Reina can't believe her ears, she's only with this guy a few months, the family don't like him as he drinks and takes a lot of drugs. Reina scolds her, she tells her she will, Reina is getting angry the whole way to the pharmacy. Reina drives straight home, she calls Paloma to the kitchen, she hands her the test, Paloma takes it and waits on the results, thankfully it's negative. Reina tells her daughter that she needs an STI test, as Paloma tells her that she's having stinging when she has a pee. Reina books her into the doctors the next day. Paloma has the test, it's negative thankfully, it turns out that she had a urine infection.

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