Extending The Family.

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Steven and Becky are up from the crack of dawn, they wake up to watch the sunrise and post Facebook pics, their friends, family and coworkers liking and commenting on every pic. They caption one post, "spending another day at sea, then dinner in another fancy mansion, just hope Steven isn't afraid of the sharks again. LOL." Stacey and Estefanía always have the same days off, since Estefanía works for the vineyard, she can alter her schedule to match Stacey's, today is their day off, Stacey asks for the next day after off, her boss said definitely, since she's brought nothing but happiness and joy into the salon, her coworkers and boss love her. Stacey's boss have asked her to bring her parents in for a haircut to see her true talent before they go home. Becky and Steve jump at it, saying we're having our hairs done where the rich and famous visit when they visit Marbella. Stacey has some very important clients, but she had to sign a NDA not to reveal who they are or what they tell her, but Estefanía tells them, Steven and Becky can't believe it. They knew she was a good hairdresser already but to have rich clients already, was something they hadn't expected so soon. Becky had been up early getting her nicest clothes ready for the yacht and the dinner in the evening, she had Stacey have her fathers suit dry cleaned, so he would arrive in something formal. Stacey and Estefanía drive with her parents to the marina, Stephanie and Reina drive behind them. Stephanie shaking the whole time, Reina gives her a Valium, she soon stops shaking. They arrive at the marina, Helena and Marcus are already onboard.

They walk up the jetty, Steven cracking jokes the whole way, Reina gets on first introducing everyone, obviously she knows Stephanie, she's known her since she was a child. When she's finally introduced to Stacey and her parents, Steven still cracking jokes, Marcus is in fits laughing, he tells Reina, I like him. Steven asks where they're sailing to? Helena says, Algeciras, they have a little beach house there. They'll moor the boat for a little while, they'll have a quick swim, Steven adamant he's not getting in the water, Marcus asking why? Reina tells him that they were snorkelling near the reef and a couple of juvenile tiger and great whites were swimming near by. Marcus says, "ah, they come here to breed, the water is warm here, I understand why you were frightened. It's the juveniles that attack. Simply because they don't quite understand the difference between human and seals yet." Marcus laughs saying, "thought you Irish men were born with AK47's?" Steven says, "well it wouldn't pass security at the airport." Marcus is bent over in two laughing. They all get out of the sea, they dry off and eat some tapas the staff made, they have some wine poured while Steven and Marcus are drinking whiskey. They bring up the anchor and sail near to the beach house, it's where they can relax and have lunch. They take a speedboat to the shore, Steven looking a little green the whole time, as soon as it stops, he throws up a little. They have staff at the beach house, there's a whole spread ready for them, they eat and the twins are already there, they drove down with Olivias boyfriend. They weren't staying long, her boyfriend had to be home for school tuition. They eat their lunch and over lunch, Stacey impresses everyone with her Spanish, even Helena is impressed, she says, "you even have the accent right, I'm really impressed." They eat and drink and Reina kisses the twins telling her boyfriend that he must drive safe. The rest head back to the speedboat and back to the yacht. They sail back to San Pedro. Then drive to the home of Helena and Marcus.

They arrive at Helena and Marcus' huge mansion, it's twice the size of Reina's, Steven and Becky are shocked, they can't believe the house they've just walked into. They thought that Reina's was impressive but this house had the wow factor. Helena tells Becky it was custom built when Eduardo and Reina married, it was meant to be theirs, but Reina refused to move in, she thought it was too big and it would be too much for her to maintain. Steven looks at Reina and says, "are you crazy? I would've took their arm and all." Reina laughs saying, "Steven, look at the size of this place, would you have your wife clean it?" Steven says, "indeed, I'd even buy her a wee maids uniform." Marcus is laughing again. They're about to sit down and the door bell goes, Marcus looks at Helena and asks, "are we expecting anyone else?" Helena looks at him and shakes her head, "no, I'm not expecting anyone, most people call." The staff answer the door and its two policemen, they ask if they can come in? Reina's blood runs cold, the next minute there's an almighty scream from Helena. Reina and Marcus run to the door, the guests and Stephanie all looking at each other. They invite the police into a room off the foyer, Reina is hysterical, Stephanie and Estefanía run into the room, Stephanie and Estefanía asking the police in Spanish what's going on? Steven hears the Spanish and asks Stacey what are they saying? Stacey replies, "it's not good dad, there's been an accident with the twins in the boyfriends car, the twins are critical and the boyfriend was killed instantly." Steven says, "shit, that doesn't sound good." Reina is begging to be taken to the hospital. They all decide to go, except Stacey and her mum and dad. Reina goes with Stephanie, Estefanía travels with her grandparents.

Once they reach the hospital, the girls are both in theatre, the doctors don't know the condition of them until surgery is completed. They know that one of the twins has a fractured spine, the other has head trauma. The family paces the corridors until they come out of surgery, Olivia comes out first, she's hooked up to a ventilator, then Paloma comes out, she's bad but not on a ventilator. The doctors give their prognosis, Olivia may never walk again and they're unsure of Paloma's head trauma until the swelling goes down, but he warns the family that she may be in a vegetated state, they won't know until swelling goes down. Estefanía calls Stacey, she lets her know the condition of her little sisters, to drive home to their house tomorrow, she tells her she loves her and will see her tomorrow. Stacey tells her, that she'll put her family on an early flight, Estefanía says no, they'll be ok to stay. Stacey drops her parents into town the next morning, then goes to the hospital. On the way calling work telling them what happened, her boss telling her to take as much time as she needs. The twins are finally stable, the swelling in Paloma's brain has gone down and they see that she has lost some use of her motor skills, they tell the family she might not be able to walk or talk again, but again it's too early to know. Olivia might walk again but with physiotherapy and in depth medical care. They spend every waking moment at their bedside. Reina getting angry at everyone, mainly at Olivias boyfriend Miguel. The police tell the family that he was speeding and high on cocaine. Toxicology came back from the girls, they were using cocaine too. They spend days at their bedsides, there have been up and down moments, they finally take Olivia off the ventilator, she doesn't remember anything, but she's at least talking and knows who she is and where she is. Paloma is still out, but showing signs of waking up. Paloma keeps drifting in and out of consciousness, but she finally wakes up, she doesn't know the people around her, she doesn't even know her own name. The hard work begins now.

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