So It Begins.

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The months passed, the routine the same. Then one night Stephanie could hear Reina and Eduardo argue from the house, she walked slowly towards the house, she listened, Eduardo was apparently cheating on Reina with a woman from Chile. This was a kink in her plans, so she knew the girls weren't there, she overheard tell Eduardo to stay on the couch, this is the perfect solution. If Eduardo wasn't there when she got up, she would assume he left? So Stephanie entered the house, she sees Eduardo fast asleep on the couch, it looked like he had drank quite huge a bottle of whiskey, she had with her an injection of arsenic, she injected it into his neck, he was dead in the space of 15 minutes, to get rid of the body before Reina woke and before she could hear noise, she dragged him onto the patio outside, she puts him in the boot of his own car, she finds the keys and drives towards Fuengirola, she gets him out of the boot, she places him in the drivers side of the car and send the car crashing down the side of a rocky ravine, the car bursting into flames. Stephanie being where she was from, hung around with some local thugs, she watched how they stole cars, she finds an old car, that she knew would be easy to steal. Stephanie steals the car and drives towards Reina's house, abandoning it about three miles away, walking the rest of the way back. Stephanie slips back into her summer house, she showers, she gets into bed and falls asleep, to be woken by the sound of sirens, she realises they have found Eduardos crashed car and that he was dead. Stephanie could hear Reina screaming from the house. Stephanie runs to the house, she is asking what's happened? Reina is hysterical, Stephanie tries and fails to calm her. The police explain that they found her husbands body, he crashed his car in Fuengirola. Stephanie is more concerned what they find from toxicity screening, she covered her bases with the car tracks, she skidded towards the ravine, to cause marks on the road, which will indeed show it as a crash. Stephanie just hopes they don't find arsenic in his toxicology report.

Reina was inconsolable, she couldn't pick up the phone and tell his parents, or the girls, so Stephanie asks if she should do it? Reina says no at first, but then relented once Stephanie says that she won't be hysterical on the phone causing the girls to be extremely upset. Reina agrees. Stephanie calls the Perez family, she tells them she's calling on Reina's behalf as she is too distraught to tell them herself. The family say they'll tell the girls, then Stephanie suggests that they should stay there a few more days, while Reina gets everything in order for his burial. The family think this is a good idea. The police inform Reina it was definitely an accident, his toxicology report stated he was well over the legal drinking limit, that his death would've been painless and instant. The police tell her they can release his body now for burial. The girls are home, they don't leave their mothers side, Eduardos parents come with them, the funeral takes place, then it's time for the reading of the will.

In the lawyers office, they read his will, the girls get a quarter of his wealth each and a quarter of the vineyard. The rest goes to Reina, he doesn't leave his parents anything, however they don't need it, they have plenty of money of their own. Eduardos mom Helena asks why he was in Fuengirola on the night of his death? Reina angrily states, "Helena, I don't need this right now, but if you must really need to know? Then you must know something about your golden boy, he was cheating on me with a Chilean, he planned to leave me. That night, he was told to either leave or stay on the couch and we would talk about it once there was calmness." Helena was taken aback by her aggressive behaviour, then says, "Eduardo wouldn't cheat on his family, he wouldn't leave you and move to Chile. You're making this all up." Helena sits down, she says "maybe you're right, he was acting strange while at mine a few weeks ago, taking business calls locked in the bathroom with the water running." Reina explains he's done the same here, but she never thought for one moment that he planned to leave. Helena says, "make good use of your friend here, Eduardo told me a lot about her and how great she is for the business, you need time to grieve with the girls, or if you'd like, I'll take them home with me, I'll get them homeschooling if you're worried about school?" Reina replies, "that would be wonderful, please add a tutor to Estefanías schedule, she has exams coming soon." Helena agrees, they pack up the girls stuff as they'll head back to San Pedro once they know Reina is ok? Reina assured her mother in law she will be fine, she has Stephanie and once she has her head straight again, she'll come and get the girls, Helena tells her there's no rush, just take care of yourself.

Stephanie is relieved her first part of her plan is complete, the girls are most likely away for a few months. Helena takes the girls and a few days later she send for their things, school work and items they use, like laptops and tablets. The maids pack up for them and with that Stephanie seeks permission to relieve the maids while she rests and that she will cook for her once she's ready? Reina says, "good idea, just have her come once a week to clean and polish. We've no use for the nanny or the maid full time and it'll save us and the company money. The maid who does everything is worried that she won't have enough money for her own family, Stephanie reassures her that she'll still get a full time salary. The maid is relieved and heads home. Stephanie finally has Reina all to herself.

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