Doctor Love.

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Stacey and Estefanías belly's grow, they're about 6 months gone, they plan the baby shower in Reclaim, they have their first celebration in the new salon that Stacey opened. They were drinking non alcoholic mimosas, they then head to Reclaim, the whole family is there, Stephanie asks, "is Abigail coming?" Reina looking at her strangely, she pulls her aside and says, "listen, leave it. Abigail knows nothing, she isn't a threat, so please stop, she's Áines girlfriend, she's helped our daughter and our daughter in law get pregnant. The world doesn't revolve around you Stephanie and you know this." Abigail walks in at the tail end of their argument. Stephanie says, "speak of the devil." Reina demands she stops. Stephanie slinks off she sits watching everyone fawn over Stacey and Estefanía. This irks Stephanie and Abigail notices it, Abigail didn't come to the party unprepared, she came with a syringe of Valium, she puts it in a drink sent her sleep within half an hour, Stephanie is fast asleep, Reina asks some of the people there that are heading back home to drive Stephanie back to the house. Abigail pulls Reina aside and tells her what she found out, Reina tells her she knows. Abigail asks, "so, is she on medication? Is she stable at home? Is she very high maintenance?" Reina says, "she's changed a little since the girls have got pregnant, she feels that everyone is cutting her out of the new arrivals to come. We are not, it's how she feels." Abigail says, "I suspected something, I'm have a degree in psychology, I seen the traits as soon as I met her. I could medicate her. I could do it without her knowledge but it could destroy my medical career?" Reina says, "you get the medication, I'll administer it to her? Ergo you're not involved?" Abigail says, "I'll have her pills the next time I see you."

Abigail gets the pills, she calls Reina while she knew that Stephanie was working, Reina goes and picks them up, they're not actual pills, they were in vial form, she could taste the pills, so in vial form she could put enough in her drinks to keep her stable. Reina begins dosing Stephanie, she becomes a completely different person in a few weeks. Stephanie begins doting over Stacey and Estefanías belly's looking forward to the babies coming, there's only 8 weeks left of their pregnancies. Stephanie helps Reina decorate the nursery and they devise a plan that she, Becky and Helena are in the operating room when the babies come. Everyone is surprised at the involvement and interest that Stephanie has began to show. Reina calls Abi to thank her, to tell her that the vials are running low, Abi tells her that she has more waiting for her to be picked up, she will leave them in a secret place in Reclaim so she can find them. Abi then asks, "did your husband die straight after her arrival?" Reina asks. "What made you ask that?" "It was just so sudden and with her issues, she won't let anyone stand in her way to get what she wants?" Reina replies, "yes, but it was a car accident, he was driving drunk to his lovers house in Fuengirola." Abi then calls a friend to have Eduardos death records sent to her.

Abi receives the record, she sees there was arsenic in his blood, that the police have shelved the case as there's no suspects. Abi then calls her sister who's a police officer, she has the file sent, she sees that there was evidence on his computer of child abuse images and videos. This piques Abi's interest further. Abi begins investigating on her own, Abi doesn't inform the family she's investigating his death, but she knows it was Stephanie that done it. Abi just doesn't know whether it was because of the images or the fact that Stephanie killed him to get Reina back? Abi's sister Rochelle, asks her why she's so interested in the Perez case, she tells her that he could've been murdered by a sociopath that has worked her way into the lives of a very rich Andalusian family. Rochelle says to her sister, "Abi, he was a pedophile, I don't care how this sounds, but he deserved all he got. If he was arrested and due to his money and family connections, he would've got a slap on the wrists, you know this Abi." Rochelle tells her sister to drop it. Abi can't drop it, she waits at Reclaim for Reina to pick up the vials, she confronts her and Reina tells her the whole story. Abi is shocked, especially since Eduardo and his friends abused the twins. Reina convinces her to drop it and told her, it was she that killed Eduardo after she found out what he was doing. Abi begins to cry, "I'm so sorry, but he should've faced justice." Reina says exactly what her sister said, "he would've got away with it, given his money and connections." "I understand that, but at least the truth would've been out." Answers Abi. Reina says, "it is out, you know, your sister knows, the family knows. Think of Helena and Marcus, it would've destroyed them mentally and financially. It's our business that keeps them in the lifestyle they've become accustomed to." Abi says, "you're right. I'm sorry I'll drop it, she's changing and for the better. Just don't get caught administering those meds. I fear what she may do to you." Reina laughs, "if she found out and the meds are working, then she won't ever harm me, besides off the meds she wouldn't harm me." Abi quips, "I hope you're right, I really like you Reina, I care for you and don't wanna see you on a mortuary table." Reina assures her she will be fine. They head to join everyone for the baby shower.

The couple get everything they need and don't need for two babies. They have everything but the gifts they've received, will help in many ways. Reina and Stephanie leave early, they have work to continue with. Stephanie has this spring in her step, she loves that everyone has seen how different she is. Stephanie even declares she can't wait to be a grandmother, Stephanie never wanted children, but her stepchildren giving her children to help raise, has become really exciting for her. Stephanie wants to be with Reina and the girls when they give birth. In the beginning she refused Reina's offer, but the medication is working, it's showing a more sensitive side to Stephanie. Stacey and Estefanía notice it. Estefanía quips in front of Stephanie, "what's the change in attitude? Why are you so excited about the babies all of a sudden?" Stephanie replies, "I'm not sure, maybe after all these years my maternal instincts are kicking in? Don't you want me to be happy about my grand babies being born?" Estefanía says, "Steph, I love you so much, of course I do. I want you to be as involved as mom, I want you and mom be in the room once mine is born. Becky and Steven will be there for Stacey. It's booked for two weeks time." Stephanie says, "I'm really excited, I can't wait to see what you're both having? To be honest I hope we get boys." Estefanía laughs, "Stacey and I want girls, but we get what we're given I guess? Two weeks time and you'll both be abuelas." Stephanie smiles and hugs Estefanía rubbing her belly waiting on a kick that doesn't happen.

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