Getting Better.

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Paloma and Olivia have been in the hospital two weeks, Paloma not making any progress at all. Olivia is shattered to learn she might have to spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair until her grandmother says, "I'm sending her to America once she is stable and getting a top spine surgeon to operate on her back. The doctor in Spain who operated on her back was the best in Europe, he tells Helena to wait just a few months, Olivia is strong, I didn't expect her to survive the surgery but she did, she's getting better by the day. The top neurologist of Spain looked at Paloma's scans and shows that she's getting the activity back, it's slow but it's coming back. Helena suggests that she takes the girls back to her house upon release and she will hire the best teams to help the girls. Reina agrees as it's the business that afforded the Perez's their lifestyle and she wouldn't be able to help them while needing to work. Stephanie is working all hours, finding new clients across the globe, all in the name of helping the girls. Estefanía and Stacey fly home with their parents for a few weeks, then they come home. Their relationship stronger than before, they even spend a lot of time after work at Helena's helping with the girls. Paloma is beginning to recognise everyone again, she's still not speaking but she's typing on an iPad for things and having conversations, this is great headway they're making. Olivia is using an electric wheelchair, she is more concerned with the facial scarring, her grandparents say they'll pay for surgery if she wants it. Olivia's physio is coming on great too, she is taking a few feet everyday, their sister and her girlfriend helping with every step. Helena is falling in love with Stacey, she spends a lot of time with her. They invite her parents over again, when they get time off work. Steven and Becky say they'll come over when they can.

One evening, Stephanie and Reina were alone, they hadn't made love in a few weeks they were so busy, but they fell even deeper in love, Reina asks Stephanie to marry her? Stephanie accepts, they decide on not marrying until Paloma is speaking again and Olivia is walking again. Stephanie agrees, she wants the girls to be bridesmaids. Love must be in the air, Stephanie and Reina didn't tell anyone they're engaged, but Estefanía pops the question to Stacey after making love, she accepts and says the same thing, they won't marry until the girls are speaking and on their feet again. Helena seen there was a shine from the couples, so she tells them to take a week off, the nurses will look after the girls, go and enjoy each other, you all deserve it. All of you have been working three jobs, your work, the girls and your relationships that's very tough. Reina can't believe the change in Helena. The couples announce their engagements, they decide to marry separately but will have their engagement parties together. Helena throws a huge bash at her mansion, she pays for Steven and Becky to fly over, she puts them up in their guesthouse. The who's who of Marbella turn up, many not knowing that Reina was with Stephanie, they looked shocked, they didn't know that Estefanía was in a relationship with a woman either. This was Helena's very own coming out party for the couples, in a way she done it to annoy Reina because she didn't want to be on display that way. The girls are doing much better, Paloma is speaking, she's still not walking but she is definitely on her way to health, Olivia is walking with the use of a stick. They've came a long way, they both had cosmetic surgery on their scarring as well, you wouldn't have thought they had huge scars on their faces a mere few months ago. Helena spared no expense, she had the finest food, the finest of champagne and the Perez's top shelf wine. Stacey's parents couldn't believe who they were mingling with, Steven being Steven is taking pictures with the richest and famous people of Marbella, posting them on social media, his 'likes' going through the roof, there were that many celebrities there, some of them being Stacey's clients at work. The couples couldn't be happier. Olivia and Paloma being envious that their sister is having a good life, but they're happy she is. The family of Miguel are upset the Perez's are celebrating, but Helena tells them, she's sorry they feel that way, but their life won't stop because of the accident, after all their son was the one that caused the accident. As Olivia has already told what she can remember, the same for Paloma, the accident was entirely Miguel's fault, he was speeding and took the bend too fast, he skidded they ended up down a ravine, after that they don't remember anything.

The party was a raving success, Stacey and Estefanía booked their wedding first, they plan for it to have it a few weeks later. The twins are finally on their feet, Olivia is walking without an aid, Paloma is talking and walking again as she did before the accident. The only difference being, Paloma now has epilepsy, she never had it before. They can't wait to be bridesmaids for their big sister, they're just not sure of doing it for their mom and Stephanie. They find a venue, it's a hotel near Helena's house, it's perfect, it has a huge window, where you can watch the sunset. It's beautiful for pictures, they find someone to do the ceremony, they find their photographer, they finally find their dresses. They don't want anything fancy, just a dress that suits each of them. Estefanía is tall, she has long black hair and black eyes, she wears purple in her hair, her bouquet is purple. Stacey isn't as tall, but she's blonde and got a much fuller figure, very hourglass she wears lilac, to match her hair and eyes. Once they try the dresses on, it finally becomes real for them. Their ceremony is booked for the weekend, Stacey shops with her mum and dad for wedding clothes. Estefanía and Reina shop for clothes for her and Stephanie. Reina tries on a dress, it makes her cry, it's sinking in that her daughter is marrying the woman she loves. Soon it will be her wedding again. Stephanie and Reina give Estefanía and Stacey a house as a wedding present, there were some houses being built near, she bought it, it'll be their first home. Stacey can't believe how extravagant the gift is. Their house will be far enough away for privacy but close enough for comfort. Steven and Becky want to sell the family home to move to Marbella, but Stacey says, "that she would organise a permanent guesthouse for them." Becky says, "we don't want charity love, you have done so much for us already. Our mortgage is cleared now. We'll get a good price for that wee house because of its location." Stacey says, "no, it's the family home, I was born there. I'd like to one day return, when you guys are no longer around." Becky begins to cry, "oh my, you're not a wee girl anymore, you're a woman, a soon to be married woman. I sometimes hate how you're marrying into money though. I hope it won't change you?" Stacey assures her mum her wealth won't change her. As a wedding present to her wife to be, Estefanía puts €1mil into her account, it was from her fathers life insurance, he left the girls €10mil each. He left Reina €20mil, the family were already well off before he died, but only recently did his life insurance come through. Reina had no idea that he insured himself so much, €50mil is quite the payout. Stacey doesn't know what to give her wife to be, so she seeks counsel from her mum and Reina, they both suggest buying her some jewellery, it'll be something new, she just needs something borrowed, something old and something blue. Reina gives them both something old, it was her garter and lingerie she didn't use, as Eduardo fell fast asleep after their wedding he was that drunk. Stephanie loans them some music, it was music she wrote for her own wedding. Telling the girls she'll tweak it when it comes to her wedding.

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