Till Death Us Do Part.

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The trial begins of Reina's act of violence,  the jury concluded that she shot Stephanie under duress and diminished responsibility. The judge concludes that she must do 500 hours of community service, he came to this conclusion because her never having ever committed a crime. They leave the court and Stephanie and Reina go home alone. The business was being kept going by Estefania, then when the couple got home, Estefania left. The couple never seen Estefania, her wife and the grandchildren again. Stephanie took over and Reina had lots of therapy along side her community service. Reina was back to her usual self. The couple remained alone together in their home, their business was booming, they would travel everywhere. They felt lonely not seeing family but they had each other. The women sought refuge in each other's arms, they love each other more. They memorialise the twins on their anniversary each year, they cut off contact with the entire family, they're much happier.

The years pass, they rattle around the large home alone, Stephanie is starting to suffer from dementia, Reina is ill with arthritis, they hire carers to come in and take care of them, they assign the business to Estefania, they remain alone. Stephanie came to Reina to get her back many years ago, they end up suffering in each other's illnesses. Stephanie loses her memory further, she doesn't even recognise her wife, Reina is wheelchair bound, they become total recluses. Then in a moment of Stephanie's lucidity, the couple decide on a suicide pact. They travel to a clinic is Switzerland, they both decide to die together. The weeks before they traveled, Stephanie had more lucidity than she had in a while, the couple make their wills. Leaving the entire estate to Estefania and Stacey. The couple that have endured so much, but they were the couple that showed true love. That's not to say that Stephanie and Reina didn't love each other, they were madly in love. They finally arrived at the clinic, they had a bed together, they were given a final chance to back out, they chose not to. The clinicians gave them the medication, they soon drifted off into a sleep that they wouldn't wake up from.

The next week, their bodies were repatriated to Spain, they were buried in the mausoleum built for the twins, they had a huge crowd at their funerals, they were at rest and together. The families couldn't believe how they ended their lives, but it was their wishes. Their love immortalised forever. Stephanie truly got her wish. Their last request was, that the wakes were to be held in Reclaim as it was the only place they found happiness.

The years pass quickly, Estefania and Stacey become the best in the wine business. They have the house rebuilt and have the twins and their mothers names in memorials on the land by the place where they visited each day to watch the sunset. Estefanía visited every week with flowers. They became the queens of their domains. Some would say they were the better version of Stephanie and Reina. Many loved the story of how they met and how they died together.

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