Making Her Plans.

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There was peace in Ireland, it was the age of the internet, Stephanie began using Facebook when it first came out, for months Stephanie looked up Reina, unable to find her when the network first began, but she bided her time and eventually she found her. Reina was no longer Castillo, she was Mrs Perez, she was the mother of three children, one of which was called Estefanía, this reinforces her belief that Reina never forgot her. Stephanie before clicking on the friend request button, she looked through her pictures, she seen how happy she was, how beautiful she became, even more so with age, her daughters all as beautiful as she her, Eduardo not ageing as well, he wasn't the muscular boy she knew from back in the day, but he still had his dashing good looks. They no longer lived in Fuengirola, they lived in his family's huge home in Puerto Banus. They looked like a family that never needed anything, judging by her house, it was bigger than most in the area, it had a pool, lots of land, even a vineyard on the property. The Perez's were known for their wine. Reina's father was living with them, Reina discussed this on her open profile, her father had dementia and she being the oldest took care of him. Stephanie had seen and read enough, she sent a friend request, it was accepted immediately. Initially Stephanie didn't know what to talk about, they began with small talk, then their chats became regular. Reina eventually asked Stephanie to come and visit her, to meet her husband and children. The plan she had gone over and over was now in action.

Stephanie booked a flight for the summer, she was picked up by Reina and her husband at the airport. Reina introduced her former lover to her husband of almost 15 years, Stephanie was very cordial with him, she shook his hand, he looked at her like he knew of their past but he never mentioned it. Stephanie believed that he had his eye on her the whole time. They finally got to their huge house, Reina's older daughter, Estefanía was waiting, she looked exactly how Reina did at her age. Estefanía tells Stephanie she heard so much about her namesake, she was to show her to her room. They head to the room and leave her luggage, she is told by Estefanía to leave the unpacking until later, they're about to have lunch. The family had money, they had a nanny that was also a maid, she cooked all their meals, by the time Estefanía and Stephanie came down, lunch was ready. It was Stephanie's favourite Spanish food paella. The nanny brought the youngest of the three, the twins was named Oliva, the other was Paloma. They were all soon introduced and sat around a huge table eating lunch making small talk.

The girls had to do their chores for their pocket money, Eduardo heads back to work, Estefanía wasn't on chores today, she was horse riding in the fields attached to their house. Stephanie was excited to see the horses, Reina says that they must go for a ride and she hopes that Stephanie hasn't forgotten? Stephanie laughs, "it's like riding a bike, you never forget." Reina says, "sounds great, I have a free few days, the girls at their grandparents this weekend, Eduardo is in Argentina, it's our biggest client base, we can have fun like we used to." Stephanie doesn't think she means like when they were lovers, just on the horses and how they planned to be queens of the universe. Reina did have those thoughts but she wouldn't find out until the house cleared out. The next morning, the girls went to their grandparents home in San Pedro, Eduardo had a car pick him up. Kissing his wife going out the door, looking at Stephanie the whole time, saying "have fun catching up ladies." They both replied "don't worry we will." Reina shouts after him, "i love you, safe travels." They didn't fall into bed like Stephanie wished, but they reconnected, it was all she wanted at that precise moment. Stephanie had bigger plans, which needed for Eduardo to be in the same house, so she's glad nothing happened yet, otherwise her plan would fail, she knows how monogamous that Reina is, she would feel guilty and tell him, so Stephanie chose to play it safe.

Reina and Stephanie go riding, the grounds were bigger than on the map she looked at before coming, part of her plan that was yet to be revealed needed for her to know the layout of the land. The girls are in San Pedro every weekend, for her plan to work, the girls needed to be away from the house and only she Reina, Eduardo to be at the house. Stephanie showed Eduardo that he could trust her, by not making a move on Reina, to the point he offered her a job. Reina told her husband that Stephanie is brilliant with numbers and she could help the family business, he agrees after seeing how she was able to navigate the company accounts and getting the books balanced. The family already had an accountant, but seeing how quickly Stephanie got it done, they fired him. Stephanie had her feet well under the table. Stephanie was soon earning her keep, she bought her own car and Eduardo said she could have the summerhouse as her own property. They had no idea what Stephanie was planning.

The girls were away from the house, Eduardo was in Chile, his wines are sent there too. Stephanie still didn't make a move, the time wasn't right. The two friends became inseparable again, this time is was purely platonic, Stephanie realised she had Reina exactly where she wanted her. Reina didn't know that Stephanie had been in hospital, she had no idea of what she had been through and she wasn't going to tell her, it would definitely put a spanner in the works of her plans.

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