A New Family Member.

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The twins decide to go and stay with their cousins, Olivia has a boyfriend there, Paloma misses her cousins. That gives Reina and Stephanie some space in the home, Stacey and Estefanía settle into their little love nest, Stacey saying over and over that she doesn't want to go home, being a year older than Estefanía, she's an adult she can make her own mind up. Stacey had been talking to her family since she has been here, Estefanía suggests she stays? Stacey tells her mum that she's staying in Spain. Her mum asking her what about her job? Stacey says, "Estefanías friend owns a salon, she can get me a job there?" Her mum saying, "but you don't speak Spanish?" Estefanía overhears and says, "I'll teach her, besides most of my friends clients are English anyway, it'll be a bonus that she speaks English." Stacey's mum says, "honey, you're 19, you're technically an adult. It's up to you, I'd like a word with Reina if possible?" Stacey tells her she'll get Reina to ring her after she finishes work. Her mum says, "ok, please be good for those people, it looks like they come from money and I'm sure they won't tolerate slackers." Stacey says, "mum, they don't, they're great people." Stacey and Estefanía speak with Reina and Stephanie after work, she tells them she isn't planning on going home, is it ok if she stays if she finds work? Reina smiles, "Stacey, you're family now honey, I'll speak with my daughters friend Isabella, who's a lovely kid and get you a job in a salon, soon you'll be doing our hair?" Stacey and Estefanía smile. The girls remind them to call Stacey's parents. They called Stacey's mum, they reassured her, that she has a good roof over her head, I'll sort out a job for her, it would be sad to let her previous training go to waste. Stacey's mum says, "if she gets too much, put her on a plane home, we'll foot the bill." Reina and Stephanie say, "nonsense, she's family as far as I'm concerned, we love her. She'll do just fine here." Stacey's mum is relieved she's out of Ireland and in a gorgeous home, with good people.

Estefanía starts working on the family business, while Stacey begins work in the salon, she's a natural according to Isabella and the clients. Isabella says "her Spanish is coming on well too, I hope we get to keep her, she's adorable." Reina and Stephanie are pleased, they share her sentiments, they adore her too. Stacey is making all her friends back home jealous by her Instagram and Facebook pictures and videos, at her at work, the house, the pool on the lands, the horses and being on yachts belonging to the family and the rich and famous of Marbella, British and Spanish. On the pictures she's dressed in clothes she wouldn't be able to afford back home, she's drinking champagne the expensive brand. On Facebook she updated her relationship status to in a relationship with Estefanía, which really outed her to her grandparents, who were upset to have found out that way. They of course blamed her mother for being gay herself. Estefanía didn't have much of a relationship before that, but they became even further distant after it. Although Olivia and Paloma was up their backsides. The upside was, her grandparents didn't unfriend her or block her, they just muted her account as they didn't want to see her kissing another girl. Estefanía called her grandparents homophobic, they didn't deny it, but they just wish she wouldn't throw it in their faces. Estefanía being very stubborn, told them to like it or lump it and if they wanted to cut her off, they can. They didn't they still gave her an allowance, they refused to call her girlfriend 'girlfriend. They called Stacey her friend. What annoyed her grandparents more, was the fact their life long friends sided with Estefanía, they said, "your grandparents are from a backwards era, we have gay grandchildren, we will introduce you and Stacey to them. We hope you're both happy but F them two. They believe that Reina influenced it, but if that was the case, then why is Olivia and Paloma not into girls, they're definitely into boys? Reina told her daughter to ignore them, you don't need them anyway. Estefanía says she "wasn't, nothing especially those two could anger her right now." Reina says, "good, now the two of you just get on with your lives."

Stacey asks Reina can she invite her parents over for a couple of weeks? Reina says, "darling, of course you can. Steph and I have said that you should invite them over, I'd like to get to know them." Stacey is excited, she calls her mum and says, "mum get your passports ready, Reina and Steph say you can visit for a few weeks." Stacey's mum Becky says, "wow, but we're skint at the moment Stace, since you left we haven't got any extra money coming in." Stacey says, "mum, don't worry about that, I've been saving my wages, I've now got a credit card, I will pay for it. You won't need to worry about money while you're here either. I'll sort you out and if you need money I can help? I'm earning more than I did at home." Becky says, "ok, your dad and I are due holiday leave soon anyway, oh and I'm behind in our mortgage, can you spare £2,000?" Stacey says, "sure, I'll wire you the money now. I'll book your tickets when you tell me, when you're due your holidays?" Becky says, "thank you, we're off in a weeks time." Stacey books their flights and sends the loan of £2,000. Stacey tells Estefanía that her parents are coming, Estefanía is over the moon, they can't wait for them to come, Estefanía loves Becky and her husband Steven. Reina suggests that Stacey and Estefanía moves into the main house and give the summerhouse for when Becky and Steven come. The couple haven't had a holiday in years, they feel bad for sponging off their daughter, so they payback her money as soon as they can. Reina loves having a full house, she misses the twins, she calls them everyday to make sure their grandparents and cousins don't brainwash them, so far it's not to be seen but of course that won't be seen until they girls come home. They plan to stay there the whole summer and possibly stay for home tuition that Estefanía had when she went to her grandparents. Stacey and Estefanía works hard, they need to tie everything up before the family come and they have time spare for having fun with Becky and Steven. Estefanía calls her sisters, they say, "sis, we know why you're calling? It's to find out if we hate you because you like girls?" Estefanía says, "yes, that's right? What do you think?" Olivia says, "sis, you're happy, I'm happy." Paloma says, "i echo what Olivia says, you're very happy, it's something we haven't seen in years. If we hate you for what you are, we hate mom too. We love you both." Estefanía says, "mom wants us to move into the main house, your room is the biggest, is it ok that Stacey and I move into it?" "They both say, move our beds out, move your own in, we don't want you sleeping in it." Estefanía says, "we wouldn't fit in your little singles anyway?" The girls laugh and have a great conversation. They tell their sister not to worry about the bigoted grandparents. They say speak soon and hang up. Stacey and Estefanía get to moving all their belongings into their room. It's the nicest room in the house, it has a skylight and a view of the pool, the land, the stables and the summer house. Estefanía notices a camera, it points directly to the summerhouse, but it's not plugged into anywhere. Estefanía mentions it to her mom and she says, "it was a fake camera, it was to frighten off prowlers." Reina is relieved that she got rid of the girls computer, otherwise they would've seen everything.

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