A Day Of Celebration.

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The wedding day arrives, Steven is with Marcus, they're like best friends now, Marcus loves his sense of humour, in fact they both share the same likes. Helena is in her dressing room getting ready, the girls down the hall, one at each side of the house. Becky is having her hair done by Stacey's boss, she's doing the whole bridal party. The girls are ready, the twins are ready, Helena is ready and Reina and Steph are ready. The twins are bridesmaids, Marcus and Steven give the girls away, they finally say their own vows. The wedding officiant then told the women to kiss the bride, they kissed and there was a thunderous applause. They signed the book, they were now Mrs and Mrs Magee-Perez. They had a wonderful reception, Marcus telling them that he will finish their house by the end of the month, they booked them two weeks in the Maldives, they finished the reception, then they had clothes packed for them and had a car take them to the airport. They flew off and booked into their hotel, where they consummated their marriage the moment they entered the room. They posted pictures of their wedding, the reception, their flight and their hotel to Facebook and Instagram. Their friends commenting on how beautiful it was, for the first time Stacey's old friends didn't snipe back, they congratulated her, even though they were still jealous, they asked to come and visit when they settle into their new house? Stacey said she would love that, Estefanía says, "see, I told you they'd come around." Stacey smiles saying, "you're always right baby, I love you." They adore the Maldives that much, that decide that this would be their holiday spot for them alone, they would always book the same room, eat in the same restaurants and swim in the same section of water. They post many pictures, Reina and Stephanie seeing how in love they are. Reina asks, "babe, do you think they'll last?" Stephanie says, "it's in their hands, only they can make it work. However, looking at them, what they do for each other. They'll definitely last as long as they don't hang around other lesbians. It's what causes the most solid of lesbians to split, it's like a free for all."

Olivia and Paloma are much better, they decide it's time to move back home with their mom and Stephanie. Helena and Marcus have rekindled their relationship, not that it was in bad shape, the death of their son and the revelations of his past drove them a little distant. The girls heard them making love and thought it was time to let the old couple have peace and quiet. The twins took separate bedrooms, Paloma moved into her own room and Olivia moved into Estefanías. They started hanging out with friends again, they both met new boyfriends, Olivia met a guy named Ricardo, Paloma met a guy named Pablo, funnily enough his last name was Escobar. Although he shared the same name, he was quite the opposite, he hated drugs but he did like to drink. Ricardo was a best friend of Miguel's, he was heartbroken when he died, he always liked Olivia but she wasn't attracted to him, but when she told him of her new affliction epilepsy, he too had epilepsy. He was born with it, so he could help her control any fits she might have while they were together. The foursome were inseparable, they spent their days after school in the girls summerhouse, they spent time in Ricardo's house with Pablo and Paloma. The twins were 18 in a few weeks, by that time, her sister and sister in law would be home, they would be moving into their new house. They concentrated on their homework as they had exams coming up. Olivia and Paloma went with their mom and Stephanie to help placing the furniture in the house, they will of course leave the locations of the furniture to the couple when they get home. They hung the curtains, made up the bed, there was a guesthouse outside and a pool. It wasn't a big house like theirs but it was big enough for a newly married couple and a few guests. They left newly arranged flowers all over and new candles for their baths. They brought new bedding and made up their bed. It was all brand new. Reina had their cars sent to the house, she installed a work computer so that Estefanía didn't have to travel to work, Stacey of course still had to travel to work. On their honeymoon Estefanía suggested she quit her job, but Stacey declined, telling her wife she loves her job.

The couple arrived home, to their brand new house. Helena and Marcus were there, Reina and Stephanie and the twins. They all had a family meal, Estefanía asked her grandmother to have some pictures printed, she wanted them framed to be placed around the house. Helena invited a priest, he blessed the house and all who lives in it. Helena couldn't bear the thought of anymore accidents she will try and protect the rest of the family. The couple assigned rooms for each member, the house had 6 bedrooms, the twins had a room each, they took the largest, a room for her mom and Steph and one for her grandparents and Reina's mother and father in law. On their next break, Stacey invited her parents. They were assigned the guesthouse for privacy. They couldn't believe the house their daughter lived in. They were telling everyone in Ballycastle how her daughter is now a highflying stylist to the stars. They were so proud of her and they adored Estefanía, they even nicknamed her Fanny, which Estefanía thought was hilarious. Estefanía tells Becky that she will visit Ballycastle the next time she has a break from work. The Magee's are delighted, they can't wait to show off their new daughter in law. Stacey is an only child, she did have a brother named Stevie after their dad, but he joined the army and was killed in Afghanistan. Stacey swears on her wedding day she seen him standing outside the pavilion waving and smiling, she told her wife who believed that her dad was there too. Stephanie came here two years ago desperately trying to win back the love of her life and ended up bringing another couple and family together. It's been an eventful two years, but the battle won't be won until she and Reina finally say "I do."

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