A Much Needed Break.

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Reina and Stephanie spent most of their time, with her mother, her sister and her brother in law and her nieces, they were roughly the same age as the twins, so they hung around together, with them and their friends. Reina and Stephanie barely seen the girls. They decide to go and visit Martin and his family. The Perez girls were 15 old enough to be left alone, they stayed on Rachael and her husband Tomas's property with their friends, promising not to get into the alcohol cabinet. Estefanía was at Stacey's house, her parents were at work, she had the house to herself, they spent their time getting to know each other and each other's bodies. Stacey's friends were annoyed she ditched them for the new pretty visitor to the town. Stacey telling them to piss off and leave them to it. Stacey was falling in love, Estefanía knew she had to go home at some point tried in vain to halt any feelings but she couldn't, she was in love. Estefanía was teaching Stacey Spanish as she would make sure their love story doesn't end when she goes home, that Stacey must come and visit. Stacey had only ever been to Spain once but it was Lanzarote not the real Spain where Estefanía lives. Stacey had a job in the local hairdressers, as they planned their future Estefanía said, "I could get you a job at my friends salon?" Stacey is like "really?" Estefanía replies, "of course, you would love Andalusia. We live in a large house, it's also close to the beach." Estefanía showing pictures of her house and stables, Stacey imagining herself there.

At Martin and his wife Michelles, Stephanie, her mother and Reina are eating a meal, again another Irish meal, one that Stephanie has cooked for Reina, it was Irish stew. Reina comments that Michelles tastes more authentic. Stephanie quips, "because Spain doesn't have Irish lamb." Reina falls in love with Soda bread and potato bread, she loved vegetable roll as well. Reina is falling in love with Ireland so much. They decide that Stephanie, Reina, Martin, Rachael, their mum and the children go to Donegal for a few days, Reina will see real Ireland then. Estefanía doesn't want to go, she wants to stay with Stacey and Reina tries and fails to convince her. Reina relents and let's her stay.

The next day, they pack up and drive north west to Donegal, there's three cottages, the biggest is taken by Rachael and her family, their mum would sleep with them too. Reina can't believe how beautiful it looks, they have the mountains as backdrops, the huge beaches reminded her of home but the sea being so far out, was something she hadn't seen before. Reina texts Estefanía to see how she's getting on, but Estefanía doesn't reply immediately, she texts back saying, "hi mom, I'm fine. I have enjoyed having the house to myself and Stacey has just left for work." Reina laughs and shows the text to Stephanie, Stephanie laughs, "she's just like her mum, she's in love with an Irish girl." Reina says, "i hope they don't lose touch, I've never seen her so happy." Stephanie suggests that they invite Stacey over once they get home, then we'll see if it'll last? Reina agrees. They travel all those few days around Donegal, Reina buying a lot of Irish momentos to bring home. They truly had a wonderful time. On the last day, Stephanie's mum pulls Reina aside and asks, "how has she been? Has she been a good partner and good with the girls?" Reina said, "yes Mrs McKinney, she's been amazing. It was like she never left all those years ago." Her mum also said, "I wish we didn't lose the house, you didn't lose your mother or father, you two would've been together all these years, but you may not have had the girls, some things truly happen for a reason." Reina nods, she says, "that's very true, but we're happy and where we want to be now, that's the main thing." "Very true indeed, make sure she keeps well, keep her working, that'll keep her head straight." Says Mrs McKinney. Reina says, "yeah, she told me everything, that she was in hospital for trying to take her own life." Stephanie's mum says, "i really don't wish to talk about that period, she was horrible to be around." Reina tells her she understands.

Their holiday in Donegal came to a close, Stephanie and Reina must head back to Spain as work was piling up and the person they hired couldn't keep up. The families were pleased to see Stephanie and how genuinely happy she was, they headed back to Ballycastle to pack, then drove to Belfast to lay flowers on her fathers grave. Stephanie was pleased she got to say goodbye. Estefanía wanted to stay, but Reina wouldn't let her but she spoke with Stacey's mum and asked could she book a flight for Stacey in a weeks time? Stacey's mum Becky says, "of course, she and Estefanía have been inseparable, I think the holiday would do her good." Stacey was excited, she only had to wait a week. They all said their goodbyes and Reina, Stephanie and the girls headed for the airport, they flew home. The girls went to visit their friends, Estefanía counting down the days and hours until Stacey got here. The couple caught up with work, they caught up with their sex life too, they didn't have much sex while in Ireland, but they sure made up for it when they got home. Estefanía heard them one evening and when she was alone with them both she asked nervously, "what pleases you both?" They say, well, tongues, hands and sometimes toys, if you're thinking of what'll satisfy Stacey, you best wait until she gets here, it's different for everyone. Estefanía says "ok, I'll purchase some toys, we'll see when she gets here." Reina and Stephanie laugh knowing exactly how she feels. The week flew in, Stacey was at the airport, Stephanie drives to pick her up, Estefanía going with her. Stacey is outside Malaga airport and Estefanía jumps out of the car, cupping her face in her hands and kissing her. They get into the car and drive to the house. It was exciting to Stacey, she couldn't believe it's size, the pool, the stables. Reina suggests that they sleep in the summerhouse, Estefanías sisters didn't know, but being 15 they're not stupid. Estefanía tells Stacey to leave her luggage in the hallway, she runs to the summerhouse house, she grabs candles, the bag of toys and some roses from the garden, she tore the petals off, spreading them all over the bed. Lighting the candles and bringing Stacey to their little love nest. Stacey showers, Estefanía brings some food, they eat and they open some wine, soon they were making love naked, no sliding of hands down the pants. Estefanía had researched how to please a woman on the internet, she used most of the methods the internet told her. Stacey like her was insatiable, they made love over and over, they only ever got up to eat. Reina goes over to the summerhouse to check up on them, they're on the floor, scissoring each other. Reina smiles, walking away she tells Stephanie what she accidentally witnessed and soon they were in bed. The twins discovered their sister having sex with Stacey. They came to understand that was the norm in the house, people having sex. The twins were still not sexually active, besides they're still children. Estefanía is technically an adult, she like many 18 year olds are discovering their sexualities.

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