Proud Parents.

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Stacey has her last client, she drives home, she quickly showers, she waits naked for Estefanía come back from the office, she sees her girlfriend on the bed naked, she jumps in the shower, they make love and then get dressed to go and pick up Becky and Steven. They drive to the airport waiting on the delayed Belfast flight, soon Becky and Steven were through the luggage carousel and walking out of the airport, Becky couldn't believe seeing Stacey behind the wheel, Stacey jumps out, she hugs her mum and dad and helps them put their luggage in the boot. Becky drives them home, driving up to the house, Becky can't keep her eyes off the house, the land and everything. Steven is also mesmerised, he asks Estefanía what she does for work, she says, "I help mom and Steph in the family wine business." Steve jokes, "honey, we've hit the jackpot we're staying on a vineyard." They all laugh. Stacey directs them to the summerhouse, Becky says, "Jesus, this summerhouse is bigger than our house back home." They drop their luggage, then head towards the main house, where there's a huge Spanish meal ready for them. Becky brought some soda bread, potato bread and vegetable roll for Stephanie and most of all Reina. Becky tells Stacey that she's paid the mortgage arrears, she hand her £500 telling her it's the first payment, they took it from their retirement savings. Stacey hands her the money back saying, "forget about the money, think of it as a gift and if I ever need help in the future, I know where to come." Becky reluctantly takes it back.

Becky and Steven sit down, they are famished, they eat nearly all that's on the table. Reina has some cold beers chilling and some wine chilled for Becky, they all sit in the sun outside, drinking. Then Steven suggests they go for a swim, they all get into their bathing suits. Reina and Stephanie just sit on the furniture, they look at their little family and lie in each other's arms. They finally join everyone in the pool, Steven is doing cannon balls in the pool, Becky is floating on an inflatable with a place to put your glass or cup. Steven is taking pictures, tagging his daughter, wife, Reina, Estefanía and Stephanie saying, "check out the in laws place, Becky and I's digs for a couple of weeks." All of Stacey's friends from back home commenting, things like, "oh how the other half live." "A blow in to our wee town and on the way out takes our wee friend." Stacey is getting upset, Steven telling her to ignore them, they're all jealous. Stacey says, "but dad, they're right, I've ignored them since moving over here, but I've done it for a reason, they're trying to make me feel bad for falling in love." Steven says, "darling, you're happy baby, that's all that matters. Their lives revolve around small town gossip and Facebook videos." Steven asks Reina where's the best place to watch the sunset? Reina says, "it's usually at the edge of the land, on horseback, but we've had a drink and the horses would be tired, but tomorrow we'll have a ride and watch the sunset." Steve and Becky says, "oh that sounds wonderful." Reina says "we should head out on the yacht tomorrow, then you'll see true Andalusia." Steve says, "woo hoo, let's rock and roll baby." The couples have a wonderful evening drinking and telling stories.

The next morning the couples have an early start, Estefanía and Stacey were up tying up loose ends in the family business before heading out for the day. They had the staff make breakfast for everyone, they even made Becky, Steven, Stephanie and Reina an Ulster Fry, they devour it as Steven and Becky are slightly hungover. Reina suggests they bring the scuba gear and go diving near a coral reef, then eat lunch on the boat. They would come back around 7 and ride the horses to watch the sunset. They all go diving and see sharks, they spot some juvenile tiger sharks, they stay still and allow them to pass. They see some juvenile great whites, Steven freaks out, he swims to the top, Reina swimming behind him to keep him calm as it's usually the juveniles that attack. She manages to calm him. The sharks pass without incident and Steve gets back on the boat, the others stay in the water. Steven opens a beer to calm his nerves. The rest get back on the boat after taking lots of pictures. They sail back to shore. They dry off, they sunbathe the entire way to shore. They get off the yacht and head back to the house, Steven still shook up about the sharks. The whole group laugh at Steven, he's constantly saying, "they were twice my size, I could've been eaten? Yet you lot think it's hilarious." They all tell him to shut up he's whinging for no reason, he's fine. They finally arrive home, Steve and the group get on the horses that were ready for them, they all get on the horses this time Becky is a tad worried, she's only ever been on a horse once, Stephanie rode beside her, she's keeping the horse calm because he would've sensed that his passenger was nervous. They find the spot, the spot is between two slopes, there's a grass verge and some trees, the horses know the area, it's their land, they graze while their passengers sat on the grass with bottles of wine, watching the sunset. They take more pictures. This is the last of the calmness until the incoming storm. Stephanie doesn't know what's about to hit her, neither does Reina. The camera that was found, wasn't just connected to a computer but an iPad that was in the Perez's home, they came across it while throwing out old things and donating to charity. They haven't figured out the password, but they've sent it to a computer repair shop to get it opened. Soon the events of Eduardos death will become public knowledge. Or will it?

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