Its Out In The Open.

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It's coming up to Stacey's 21st birthday, Helena and Marcus suggest they have a party in the yacht. It's the perfect place, plenty of booze, plenty of room for a lot of guests and they can have the captain the entire day. Estefanía goes onto the yacht the day before, she decorates the yacht, she sees it looks grubby and there's no staff around. Estefanía hasn't got much in the way of work, so she starts below deck, she goes into the room her mum and dad used to share. It could be for the twins in case they get tired or guests that fancy slipping away to make out. Estefanía notices how dusty it is, the bedding hasn't changed since her mum and dad slept in it. Estefanía goes looking for the bedding, she opens a cupboard below the bed, she didn't find the bedding in there, but she seen a box that used to be in her old house, she opens it. It had a laptop and pictures of children, children she doesn't know, but very gruesome, children being abused. Estefanía feels sick, she knows it's her dads box, the laptop was his too, she fired it up and it was cameras that were looking directly into the summerhouse. There was multiple children being brought in there, Estefanía feels sick, so she skips through and it comes to the night her father died.

The videos show Stephanie leave the summerhouse in the night, she is gone approximately 40 mins, she sees her drag what looks like a body inside, then back out, then she disappears from view. Estefanía calls her mom, she tells her what she sees, Reina tells her to bring the laptop home and they'll talk about it. Estefanía continues to clean the yacht, she decorated it for the party the next day. Estefanía is confused, she's angry she completely ignores Stephanie when she comes into the house, making her suspicious. Estefanía called her grandmother before telling her about the laptop and what she found, she didn't tell her about the body part because she was too confused about the abuse images to think. Reina sits her down, she goes through every single image leading up to the moment Eduardo died. Reina asks her daughter what she thinks she saw in the video, she said, "that looks like my stepmother dragging my dads body into the summerhouse and back out." Reina explains to Estefanía, "what's more important here? Your dad bringing children to our home to be abused or the fact you think Stephanie killed your dad?" Estefanía says, "so, you're saying Stephanie didn't kill dad?" Reina says, "no she didn't, I did it. Stephanie helped me dispose of him. I discovered what he was doing to children, he had to go." Estefanía says, "couldn't you not have just called the police?" Reina said "then the family would've been destroyed, your grandparents wouldn't have survived such a scandal, you know the Andalusian elites would've ostracised the family, you know how they are?" Estefanía says, "I'm going to have to think this over, I'm going home to my wife and I'll leave this laptop here, I can't let her see what's on it." Estefanía leaves and on her way out, she says, "I don't want you or Steph there tomorrow?" Reina says, "honey, if we're not there, isn't Stacey going to get suspicious?" Estefanía replies, "ok, but the pair of you keep your distance." Reina says ok. Then she calls Stephanie to look at the videos, she feels sick and psychically is sick. Reina tells her, that Helena knows, so Reina calls Helena telling her that what she witnessed on the videos was sickening. Helena demands she gets rid of it, if people find out about it, the family name is ruined. Stephanie opens it up, she pours acid from a car battery in the motherboard, destroying it. Reina calls her daughter telling her what her grandmother said, Estefanía replied "well did you inform her of how you and Steph killed dad?" Reina replies, "your grandmother knows something happened to him from this house and she blames Steph solely for it. She didn't believe me when I said I was involved." Estefanía answers, "well I agree with grandma, I believe it was her alone." Reina gets angry, "Este, your dad was a pedophile and he was using this home to abuse children and bring people here to abuse children. Think about that, I even wondered did he touch you or your sisters?" Estefanía says, "FYI he didn't, I'm near sure he didn't touch the twins either." Reina says, "how can you defend him? He was a pedophile. Why can't you get that? Think about that for a moment." Estefanía says, "I'll think about what you said, but seriously mom, you, I and Steph need a sit down, we'll do it after the party tomorrow." Reina says, "yes, cooler heads will prevail. Don't tell Stacey. We need to keep that lovely family out of this, this is Castillo-Perez business." Estefanía assures her mom she won't.

Estefanía goes home, she's in a foul mood but Stacey finished work early, her parents were there, Becky made a nice meal, she pours Estefanía a nice cold wine, then she says, I think we should have something stronger, they open a bottle of tequila, they make margaritas. They have a fantastic evening, Estefanía now understands her mom and calls her, telling that she gets it now. If I was a mom I think I would've done the same thing. They decide to put it behind them, Estefanía saying that she'll never visit her father's grave again.

The next day, the family head to the yacht, nothing is brought up about the laptop, or the discoveries. Later on at the party, Estefanía asks the twins did their father ever do anything to them? They reply, "what made you ask that?" Estefanía says, "well you had that video camera always pointed towards the summerhouse, what did you record?" The twins don't answer, they both tremble as if they're afraid. Estefanía saying, "you must've seen who he brought in there?" "Stop Este, just stop." Screams Olivia. Estefanía says, "I'm not going to spoil Stacey's day, by delving into what might've happened to you, but hear this sister, if he did and you haven't sought help I suggest you do." Olivia ignores this and goes to look for Paloma. Olivia and Paloma were huddled in a corner talking, Paloma begins to cry, Estefanía sees this, then her suspicions are confirmed. They continue with the party, Olivia and Paloma getting extremely drunk and using drugs someone has brought onboard. Stacey notices the girls have spiralled somewhat she asks them are they ok? They say, "cuñada it's fine, we'll be fine. Just remembering dad and how we miss him and how he would love to see Estefanía and you so happy." Estefanía overheard this, she tells her mom. Reina runs to a bathroom, Stephanie following closely behind her. Reina says, "that dirty bastard touched those twins, or someone he brought with him?" The twins finally come and tell their mom the truth.

It was the night they were left alone while Reina was in the office, the twins watched her father and another man bring two girls into the summerhouse. They snuck down and watched through the window, the man grabs Olivia, Eduardo tries to stop him, but the man is twice his size, he lets Olivia go and he grabs Paloma. The man raped the twin while her father watched and took pictures of it. The man already had a video camera set up. Olivia noticed that none of the children spoke Spanish, so those children may have been immigrants stranded in Spain, kidnapped by local pedophiles. This made sense, even though most were dark haired, and had dark eyes they were not Spanish.

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