Unexpected Philanthropy.

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Steven and Becky come down and Marcus is waiting, he asks, "do you remember our conversation from last night?" Steven says, "I do, but I'm unsure of the house will come with strings attached, no one just gives someone a house?" Marcus laughs, "I gave Reina her house, but I'm serious, I miss you when you're gone. I'd love for you both to be here, besides you will have more time, with Stacey and Estefanía. The house The could be finished in a month." Steven and Becky say, "Mr Perez, we'll think about it." Stacey sees her parents in deep conversation with her in laws, she asks, "what did Marcus say?" Steven says, "Marcus has offered us a brand new house next to yours, what do you think?" Stacey says, "dad it's up to you, but they're not short of money, if he's offering take it." Steven and Becky says, "I think we should, we've always wanted to move away, this might be the way to get away, I know Stacey wants us to keep the family home though?" Steven says, "ok, we'll take him up on his offer." Steven calls Marcus and says, "we'll take you up on your offer, but the house must be ours?" Marcus says, "don't worry, the deeds and titles will be in your name, I'll take you to my lawyer before you go back to figure out the paperwork." Steven shakes his hand and plans to meet him at the lawyers office in San Pedro the next day, they sign the paperwork and the builders go in the day after to finish it. In fact there's not much that needs finishing just aesthetics. Marcus hands Becky a brochure of kitchens, bedrooms and bathroom plans. Becky chooses some unique styles, very different from her daughters. Then shows her where she'll be living soon. Helena believes that Marcus has found a replacement son, she doesn't like it, but it makes Marcus happy that's all that matters.

Stacey can't believe her parents will be nearby, Becky asks Helena where she can find work and where Steven could find work. Helena says that they can work for them, Helena needs someone she can trust in the business, Steven can also work on the land, he is good with his hands, he can help them with things that they wouldn't trust people outside the family with as now that's what they are. Stephanie and Reina are relieved that they have people they can trust working on the vineyard. They fire the person that's been overseeing things for a while, Becky is placed in the office, Steven is working on the fields fixing the water supply, fixing broken fences, working on the stables, even working with the horses. They're staying in the summerhouse house while their house is finished. The house is ready for moving in, they even have their own pool, they have a jacuzzi bath in their bedroom. Steven is posting pictures on his Facebook, his friends from home commenting on how lucky they are. Some even ask have they won the lottery or something? Steven comments, "if I did, I wouldn't be telling any of you lot." After work, Steven spends time at the house, getting decorated to their taste, then he spends the evening with Marcus on the golf course, Steven never played golf before, but he has beginners luck and beats Marcus. Marcus walking the whole way back to the club saying, that was a fluke, saying he was jealous that a beginner beat him. They truly act like father and son. Helena sees a huge change in Marcus, he's not moping about anymore, he's not sitting doing nothing anymore either. Helena is delighted, she says, "please don't replace him with our son, he's a great guy but he's not Eduardo." Marcus says, "that's the point, I don't want him to be like him, remember our son was no angel. Neither is Steven but I enjoy his company and he's now family too." Helena stops her interrogation and says, "honey, just enjoy yourself."

Steven comes home from golf, Becky has the house how she expected it to look. There's food on the stove, she tells Steven that Stacey and Estefanía will be over for dinner after work. Not that Estefanía has a job now anyway, Becky now has it, so Estefanía is now a lady of leisure, Stacey is still working in the salon. They come over to Becky and Stevens, he's sunburned from being on the golf course all day. Becky is rubbing calamine lotion on him, he's finally cooling down. Becky cooks a real Irish meal, potatoes, cabbage and ribs. Estefanía says, "I remember this, it doesn't look colourful but its very tasty. " They all sit down and eat, they then head outside to the pool. They don't get in, they sit on the furniture and watch the sunset. Stacey can't believe her parents just live half a mile away. They have a few glasses of wine, then they head home. The couple leave their cars there and walk home, they come early in the morning as Estefanía asks Becky does she want to show her how to work the spreadsheets to keep the accounts even? Becky said she would love the help, given that most of the accounts are in Spanish and she needs to learn it. Stacey gets her car for work, Stacey has a busy day ahead, she even has clients booked in when it should be a siesta. Estefanía needs to find something that keeps her mind occupied, so a friend suggests she comes to her martial arts gym with her? Estefanía agrees to come to one lesson. After the lesson she books another because she enjoyed it. Stacey asks her wife how her day went, she tells her she joined a Muay Thai gym, Stacey says "wow, I have always wanted to do that, but if you just want that for you? It's cool I can find something else?" Estefanía says, "if you want to join with me, absolutely. It'll be great fun, plus we get fit at the same time?" They go the next day and Stacey has a lesson, she loves it. Stacey tells her dad, he says, "I used to be into kickboxing when I was a kid, I won a lot of competitions. I hope you're as good as me?"

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