Conceiving A New Generation.

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Stacey and Estefanías morning routine consists of shots of hormones, Áine helps them with their mood swings. They have their first harvesting appointment, they both have plenty of viable eggs, the doctor that is implanting any fertilised eggs is the one Áine is dating, she's tall, dark hair with amber highlights, she kinda looks a little like Reina. The doctor harvests lots of eggs, they're taken to be fertilised. The doctor named Abigail, tells the couple that they'll have the results in a few days and then they can be implanted. Áine spends a lot of time outside her working hours with Abigail, she really likes her, in fact, they both really like each other. Áine is quite the beauty herself, even Reina sometimes can't take her eyes off her, much to Stephanie's annoyance. Stephanie has known Áine since she was a child, her mother and Stephanie's mother used to be friends. Áine was born to an older mother and father, her mother was in her 50's when she had her, her father almost 60. Her home life became unbearable when her parents needed the extra care, but she moved in with her aunt who was an alcoholic, this is what drove her to seek out Stacey to get away. Áine was working in a local supermarket and it's what paid for the flights to Italy. Abigail asks her what she studied in school? It turns out she qualified in business, Abigail suggests she opens a shop or restaurant, to put her hard earned skills to use instead of working for Stacey and Estefanía in their house as a housemaid. Abigail tells her she will help her locate some premises, they find a bar for rent, Abigail loans her the money. Áine refuses but Abigail says, "once your business makes a profit in its first year, you can pay me back?" Áine then agrees.

Dr Abigail calls Estefanía and Stacey, their embryos are ready. They both go into the clinic to have them implanted, then they must wait a week or so, to make sure they have embedded in the uterine wall. Áine comes up with a name for her bar, she names it Reclaim, it's a nod to reclaiming her life and starting over. The daytime of the bar is relaxing, in the nighttime it becomes a place of hedonism. Áine is there almost every second of the day getting it ready. They soon have a grand opening, the who's who of Marbella turn up, Áine hired the best DJ's for the nighttime, there was 10's of thousands that went through the tills that night, Abigail suggested she get in the finest champagnes, wines and liquors, it certainly worked. The daytime, the same type of people ate from the finest menu, this time Áine sourced the food herself. It had the finest linguine's, sea bass, sushi, in the background the best ambient music. The tills rang again, bringing in more money that Áine could imagine in its first week. Áine paid back Abigail, Reclaim became the hottest location in Marbella for the richest of clients, the good thing about it, it kept out rowdy thugs, it kept out the worst clientele so people could enjoy their meals and nights in peace due to the prices of the menu and the drinks. Áine was pictured for the local paper, her bar was put on Facebook and all social media. It got really great reviews. Abigail couldn't have been more prouder, their relationship developed fast, soon she was introducing her to her friends, then slowly to her family whom are not completely agreeable on her sexuality. They had been trying in vain to make her marry a man from a rich family they knew, of course she said no.

The tests were finally in, Stacey and Estefanía were pregnant. They both have the same gestation and to have the babies on the same day, they need to have a C-Section. There's the possibility that one could go into labour before the other. They tell their families, they have a huge celebration, Áine suggests they use Reclaim for their evening of celebrations. Becky and Steven are ecstatic about the pregnancy, they love how Áine has turned her life around, of course her parasitic family try and leech off her, she of course rebukes them. Áine allows some to visit, but she send them packing after a mere week. Áine and Abigail grow very close, they find a little love nest to rent, it's close to the clinic, it's close to reclaim.

The couple both develop severe morning sickness, Becky is with them both helping them get over it. Becky attends every scan with them, Reina feels she's being left out, so she tags along. Since it's IVF they need a lot of regular scans. Reina and Becky bond over becoming grandparents, they're extremely excited, they soon find out the sex of the babies, they also find out that the babies are from the same father. They don't reveal the sex, the decide during the last scan they'll have a baby shower in Reclaim. Stephanie can't believe that she will be a grandmother, Helena is excited two new babies will be in the family, Olivia and Paloma who've been going through months of therapy for what happened to them and what they witnessed, they're really excited to become aunts. They're doing well in therapy, Olivia has benefited a lot from it, Paloma is still processing but she is working hard. Stephanie is restless, she kinda feels like her wife is more interested in the babies than her? Is Stephanie going to try and spoil this? Or is she going to stop being jealous and learn to embrace new dynamics to her family? Time will tell. Abigail meets Stephanie for the first time and makes it abundantly clear that she doesn't like or trust her. Abigail has a degree in psychology as well as being a doctor. Abigail and Stephanie argue and Abigail calls her a narcissist, this angers Stephanie, who even says out loud, if she gets in my way, she'll be saying hello to Eduardo. Reina begging her to calm down, that she doesn't need to go that far. Stephanie promises her that she only said what she did in anger as she gets under her skin. Reina believes it's deeper than that, she knows that Abigail has her number, she has her spot on. Reina decides to watch her wife closely. Abigail tells Áine that she doesn't like Stephanie, there's something off about her. Áine replies, "Steph has always been weird and intense." Abigail said, "Áine, I've a degree in mental health issues, I see through her. She has issues, I feel she has been in an institution before, do you know if she has?" Áine says, "I'm unsure, but she did go away for a while before she moved over here? It's possible she's been in a mental hospital." Abigail doesn't let it drop, she calls a doctor she knows in Belfast and she has her go through her medical records. The doctor named Sylvia calls her back, telling her she was diagnosed as a sociopath, with psychopathic traits. This makes Abigail feel uneasy, she calls Áine, she tells her what she finds out. Áine says, "wow, so this means she will be hyper jealous if the total focus is off her?" Abigail says, "how did you know that? That was a very astute response." Áine replies, "I used to want to be a doctor." Abigail says, "babe, don't tell her what we know, don't tell anyone. From this moment on, she is to be watched closely." They both agree.

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