Finally Together.

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It's been months since Eduardos death, the girls are getting ready to come home, the Perez's suspect that Reina and Stephanie are in a relationship, they try and brainwash the girls into hating their mother for being in a relationship with a woman, but according to Oliva and Paloma, they put their grandparents in their place, saying, "mom can't be on her own forever, it doesn't matter who she loves as long as she's happy." They don't reply, they bring back the youngest two, but Estefanía is staying a while longer, she wants to finish studying for her exams. When Helena and Marcus come with Olivia and Paloma, they stay in the car, but Reina says, "can I just say, thanks for helping out with the girls, but don't try and brainwash my children against me again, your son was no angel and I don't mean about the cheating, that's something that's forgivable, the other thing we've discovered is the fact he was into pedophilia, don't believe me? We've plenty of evidence if you wish to view it, don't for one second think poor Eduardo was some sorta angel." The girls hug their mother and run inside, where Stephanie has loads of food ready for them and activities planned for them. Helena asks, "what do you mean pedophilia?" Reina says, "it was on his computer, there was videos there that made me physically sick. Who the hell was I married to, Helena?" Helena replies, "well he's dead now, no need to worry anymore, I bet there's more perversion in your bed than that computer." Reina tells her to get off her property and until she apologises, stay away from me and my family.

Helena and Marcus drive off, they argue the whole way home. Helena doesn't believe what Reina told her, but Marcus does, simply because he caught him watching child abuse videos on his computer in the office once. Helena asked Marcus why didn't he tell her? Marcus said, "honey he lied, he said it was sent via email, he opened it by mistake, but only clients have the work email address, it was the reason I changed it the last time." Helena is furious with her husband, then says, "he's dead now, what use will it be to anyone knowing this disgusting behaviour?" Marcus looks at her, "he was looking at kids being abused Helena, those girls could've been our grandchildren. I can't believe you're defending that behaviour, then you have the nerve to denigrate our daughter in law about who she sleeps with. We're lucky she has Stephanie, without her running the business, our business would've went under. You wouldn't be in the living you've become accustomed to. So, I suggest Helena, when we get home you call and apologise to Reina and Stephanie. There was no need for your homophobic remarks either. Enough said." Helena remained quiet the entire journey home, she decided to call Reina and Stephanie and apologise. They accepted her apology.

Stephanie knows she can still use the evidence, given it was sent to the work email address, it's the responsibility of the entire company. The people of the company that don't report it, are guilty by association. Stephanie copies everything and sends it to the police from Marcus's email address, knowing Spanish fluently, knowing how Marcus speaks, she sent it to them. The police turn up and question Marcus about what he sent, Marcus adamantly tells them he didn't send anything. The police say child abuse images were sent from his email address to them, they take him to the station to question him on where they came from. Marcus finally gives in and says, "they were in my sons email address, he claimed they were sent to him and he opened them unintentionally, of course we can't corroborate this, my son is dead." They request the business computers to discover if they were sent directly to him or requested by him. Marcus calls Reina asking her to send the business computer into the station. Reina sends it, they discovered that Eduardo actively asked for the images and videos to be sent to him. This disgusted the whole family and Marcus even rang Reina to apologise. Marcus questions Reina did she send the images and files to the police using his address? Reina replies, "no, I don't have any of the business passwords, Stephanie does, I'll ask her if she sent them?" Marcus says, "you do that, why on earth would she try and hurt us like this?" Reina angrily states, "its not hurting anyone, Eduardo is dead and to be frank with you, Marcus. I believe she done the right thing, the sending of the images from your email address, will show that you were as horrified as we were to discover them, then the way you spoke to us both as if we were as vile as your son." Marcus hangs the phone up. Then it made Reina think, why would she send the files? Is she trying to hurt the whole family or Eduardo? Reina didn't become distant with Stephanie she became closer, she needed to know what was in her mind. Then it dawned on her, that Eduardo died not long after her arrival, did she have anything to do with it? Reina thought she couldn't, this isn't the Stephanie she knows and loves. Reina for the time being, put everything to the back of her mind and got on with life.

News finally came from San Pedro that Estefania passed her exams, that she plans to stay with her grandparents for a while longer while she gets used to the idea that she is coming home to women as her parents. Estefanía can't get her head around it, even though she herself has had dalliances with girls, but she does feel that maybe Stephanie who's she's named after, might've been her mothers first love? Reina sends her daughter a gift of jewellery for passing her exams and increases her allowance. This gives Estefania more freedom and allows her to spend time with her friends while giving her grandparents a break. Olivia and Paloma love Stephanie, Stephanie is so much more fun than what her dad was, she takes them with her everywhere, she takes them to school, she cooks them meals, she even helps their mother after they bathe. Reina looks at Stephanie with the girls and comes to the decision that she couldn't have hurt Eduardo, how could she? He was killed in a car crash miles from the house. Reina decides that sending the files to the police was a good thing, especially from Marcus' email address as it vindicates the family from blame. It even urges Reina to ask the girls had their dad touched them, the girls say he didn't, it made sense because he was hardly around. If he wasn't at home, he was at a business meeting or with a lover, but it did beg the question, did those clients he was sleeping with have children? Turns out only his lover in Argentina had children, however they were adult children. Reina just stops her investigation for now.

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