What A Rollercoaster.

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Aside from the revelations, the party was great, Helena and Marcus gave Stacey her own trust fund, one she can't access until she's 25, on the proviso that she becomes a successful salon owner. Steven and Becky gave her jewellery, it was from Becky's mother, she had diamond jewellery from her grandmother, who was very rich back in the day. Although at times Becky was tempted to sell it, but she couldn't given its value to the family. Stacey had all her precious stones put in a safety deposit box, it has accumulated a lot of precious items in the last few years. Items from Estefanía and her family as well. Stacey now feels a true Magee-Perez. Marcus is having a yacht commissioned for Stacey and Estefanía, one they can use at their leisure. Marcus calls Stacey asking it what it should be called? Stacey says, "it should be called, Waltzing Matilda." Marcus was curious, "why that name?" Stacey says, "my grandmother was called Matilda and my grandfather used to sing Waltzing Matilda to her." Marcus says, "thats absolutely beautiful. One we'll be delighted to see a nice yacht, with a unique name on the marina." Stacey can't believe it. Stacey calls her mum and tells her of Marcus' gift and what she named it. Becky says, "this family have been so good to us. I never thought the rich were so giving?" Marcus tells her that it'll be on the marina in two weeks, "I would suggest you and Estefanía take some time off work and head off into the Mediterranean and see the sights, all work and no play makes way for a dull marriage." Stacey says, "Marcus, your family has done so much for me and my family, no one has shown us this much love and care. I know you were sceptical at first of Estefanía and i's relationship, but I see you've came around to it." He says that's she's welcome as she is now family.

The girls seek time off work, they go and see their yacht, they see how beautiful it is. They get onboard and tell their captain to sail all around the Mediterranean for a month. They go to Gibraltar, Algeciras, Sicily, Italy and every place with a marina in the Med. They're very happy to be away from all the previous things that Estefanía has learned about her dad. Stacey is on her yacht posting pictures to her Facebook account showing her friends back home of her new yacht and family. One friend whom she was really close to, asks to be invited over sometime? Stacey says, "of course, when we get back, or if you wish, we're in Italy right now, fly out and come to the marina, then you can head back with us, you can meet our family. That evening Stacey brings up that she would like a baby, that she would like her wife to be the egg donor and that she would carry it or vice versa? Estefanía says, "I never thought you would ever want children? I've always wanted to be a mother? Maybe we should carry each other's eggs? We could be pregnant at the same time?" Estefanía tells Stacey, "once we finish our tour and send your friend home, we'll talk to mom and Steph about this?" Stacey Google's how it'll happen. The only part is they both must have daily injections. Estefanía can't stand needles.

In Italy, Stacey's friend Áine turns up to the marina, she comes onboard. Stacey shows her to her cabin, Áine tells her that this cabin is bigger than her room at home. They stay in Italy, they swim in the warm waters, they eat in Italy's finest restaurants. Stacey brings up the subject of IVF in a pizza restaurant in Nepales. Áine said her sister had the same procedure. They took an egg from her aunt and it was fertilised in the facility, they implanted it in her womb, it took a few goes but they got there. Stacey asked her could she have her sisters number so she can understand every step? Áine replies, "of course, I didn't think you were the mothering type?" Stacey said, "neither did I, but Este and I have talked about it, we want a family, we have work, we have money we can give our babies a solid life?" Áine said, "the both of you are going to swap each other's eggs and give birth to each other's babies?" Estefanía said, "it would be perfect, the babies would belong to us both." Áine tells them it would be a great idea. They decide that they should sail back to Marbella, Steven and Becky would love to see Áine, they haven't seen her in a while. They finally arrive in the marina, Áine is like, "wow, this is where you live now, I do love the name of that boat, think your Granda used to wind up your grandmother calling her Waltzing Matilda." Stacey says, "we'll drive to our house, you'll love it, you'll even have your own room." They finally arrive at their house, Áine wowing the whole way, then she walks in, "wow Stacey how on earth did you manage to pull a rich bird?" Stacey laughs, "if you stay around long enough, you'll meet a rich bird or bloke yourself?" Then Áine replies, "so you want me to stay a while then?" Stacey says, "I do, I want you to experience some of the life we live." Stacey asks, "so, what happened with you and Gerard?" Áine tells her, "well, he cheated on me on a night out in Belfast, but I didn't get mad I got even, I slept with his sister in his mum and dads bed, the prick caught us." Stacey laughs, "you slept with Bronagh? Did she not stalk you? She stalked me for months after I moved over here, I slept with her at your party before I met Estefanía, she thought I was her girlfriend." Áine laughs, "oh really, what a freak. She had it all over the town she was moving over with you, then when people seen your wedding pics, your salon and your house, they just told her to wind her neck it, she's currently seeing a girl called Grainne from Belfast, they're as toxic as each other. To be honest Stace, I do hope to meet the one over here, I don't wanna go home, you know what my home life is like." Stacey says, "I know love, you're welcome to stay as long as possible, we might even have paid work for you? We need someone to help around the house?" Estefanía heard the conversation and says, "that's a good idea, I'm always coming home and just wanna chill in a clean house, we don't have the time to clean up." Áine replies, "really? I could do with it?" The girls all open a bottle of wine, they sit around talking and then they take a dip in the pool. They begin fooling around. Then it becomes sexual, Áine felt a little embarrassed she gets out, then the couple invites her to join them. Áine declines at first, then she says "fuck it, why the hell not?" They have sex in the pool then in the house. They didn't stop until sunrise. Estefanía controlled the whole situation, she wouldn't allow Stacey to climax with Áine, only herself, she made Áine climax over and over. This became a nightly occurrence once they came home from work and ate. It stopped when they went to the clinic for tests to get pregnant, they both find out they're viable to get pregnant. Áine, goes with Stacey one day, she meets a lady doctor, that hands her a piece of paper with her phone number on it on the way out. Áine was finally dating, turns out the doctor is from a wealthy Andalusian family as well.

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