Winning Her Over.

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Weeks pass, Reina is almost back to her old self, she's out of her room, she is making regular calls to the girls, who miss her but want to spend the next few months in San Pedro, they have lots of friends there and Estefanías boyfriend is there, besides they spend most of their time on their grandparents yacht. Stephanie has kept the business flowing, she even took trips that Eduardo did, to all the places their wine was sold. Stephanie met the woman he was cheating with in Chile, she was very beautiful, she was very young but like him, she inherited her business from a dead relative. They seemed to have a lot in common, Stephanie was beginning to feel attracted to her, herself. This made her feel uneasy so she kept her distance and made sure she was never alone with her. Reina was calling Stephanie while she was on business trips like she done with Eduardo, she was becoming jealous if she spent time with clients that she knew Eduardo cheated on her with, which was most of them, to her surprise he even cheated on her with a bloke. This didn't shock her, it seemed he would sleep with anyone to get what he wanted. Stephanie didn't tell Reina any of this, she didn't want her to return to her bedroom and not come out for weeks again.

Stephanie was home, she came home to a dinner made for her by Reina, Stephanie was pleasantly surprised. Reina took her jacket, told her to shower, then come and join her for some food. Stephanie rushed to her summerhouse, she showered and changed, she dressed in something that Reina would see as worth ripping off. Stephanie sits down at the space where Eduardo used to eat, then she stands up and says, "I'm sorry, I completely forgot myself for a moment." Reina laughs, "he won't care, unless you're afraid he'll haunt you?" Stephanie says, "don't be daft, I don't believe in ghosts." As she sits down, Reina looks at her, in a way she recognises, the way she looked at her when they were together all those years ago. Stephanie smiles at her and says, "it's good to see you out of the room, out of bed and smiling." Reina asks her how her trip to Chile went? Stephanie says, "why, why do you want to know?" Reina says, "that Chilean bitch ruined my children's lives, tell me what she looks like? Is she pretty? Prettier than me? Young? Better body?" Stephanie says, "Reina stop, she was horrible inside and out, she's a whore, she would sleep with anything with a pulse." Reina replies, "please don't tell me you fucked that bitch too?" "If you must know, I stayed with her in only company, she flirted with me from the moment I got there, commenting on my accent and whatnot. I steered clear." answers Stephanie. "Well I'm glad someone could resist her, seems like that bitch thinks she's a siren or something." Laughs Reina. Stephanie tells her it's good to hear her laugh again, they finish their food and retire to the lounge. Reina tells Stephanie that she must move into the main house, she hates being alone in the huge house and she doesn't want the girls back yet, just Stephanie on her own, like they did all those years ago.

While sat on the couch, Reina is sat one end, Stephanie the other, she says, "i never loved him, like I love you." Stephanie says, "excuse me? Why are you bringing up the past? You could've made it work with me, but let's not go back there." Reina looks at her, "Stephanie, I've always loved you, I used to imagine having sex with you while making love to that big sweaty pig." Stephanie stops her, "Reina, you don't mean that. I know you loved him, please don't be cruel." Reina looks at her, "see, always the better option. Had my mother not died and our business flounder, I wouldn't have been pushed to marry him. We would still be together." Reina pours two more glasses of wine, she sits next to Stephanie and whispers in her ear, let's go back to the past tonight, let's remember what we've forgotten. Stephanie says, "this is the grief talking, Reina. Please not do this tonight." Reina kisses Stephanie on the cheek, she feels a shiver down her back, the butterflies swirling in her stomach, she turns around and kisses Reina on the lips. Reina takes Stephanie by the hand and leads her to her bedroom, not the room she shared with Eduardo, she moved out of it, the night he died.

They bring with them their glasses, a bottle of wine, they place the glasses on the bedside cabinets, they lie on the huge bed, Reina takes out an ice cube and says, "do you remember this?" Stephanie unable to control herself further replies, "of course I do, it was our thing. It made us cool and hot at the same time." Reina opened the blouse Stephanie was wearing, then she undoes her pants, she slides her hand down her pants, inside her knickers and slides her fingers inside, she feels how wet she is, she flicks on her clitoris until she writhes around the bed. Stephanie controls herself, she takes off her pants and blouse, she is just in her underwear now, she takes an ice cube and rubs it up and down Reina, undoing the zip of her dress, sliding it off, revealing she isn't wearing any underwear underneath. Reina is lay there naked, Stephanie gets on top of her, she straddles her pubic bone, leaning back while Reina is playing with her clitoris, Stephanie slides in her fingers, she's soaking wet, she doesn't take long to make her climax. Then Reina spins her and tells her to get on all fours, while on all fours, she reaches under the bed, she has a huge dildo, she inserts inside, she ferociously thrusts it until Stephanie comes all over the bed. Reina removes the dildo, she sticks her tongue inside, and while holding onto the headboard she pushes herself onto Reina's face and climaxes all over it. Stephanie flips her, she inserts the huge dildo inside Reina, she screams, she writhes, she begs for her to take it out and stick her tongue in, she removes it, she sticks her tongue in, then she slides her finger in, reaching her G-spot, she makes her climax over and over, the bed is flooded, it's that wet, before they fall asleep they put a towel down. They fall into each other's arms, they look at each other and say, "we don't know where this will end up, but one things for sure, we'll always be making love." Stephanie didn't want her plan to come to fruition so quickly, so she devises a plan to keep this going slow, otherwise she's gonna lose herself and Reina again.

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