The Blame Game.

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The summer was upon them, Estefania came home for a couple of weeks, Estefania and Stephanie spent some time alone together, they went to the movies, they went to the beach and on shopping trips, Stephanie has finally won her over, or so she thinks. Estefanía is investigating her, she overheard her grandparents say, "none of this started happening until that Irish woman came along." Reina was pleased to see that they were getting along, but she knew Estefania better than anyone, she is truly a Perez, she is like her grandmother in so many ways, that she knows this new found interest in Stephanie is all a ruse, no doubt started by Helena. Reina then thinks, if they think the same as I maybe there is a truth to it, I'll watch her and see. The family carried on, they hired someone to take over from Stephanie for two weeks, they headed off to Ibiza. This brought back memories for Stephanie and Reina, where they first made love. They booked into their hotel, they go out for dinner and on the way home, they look for the building they first made love in. It's now a shop, the room they made love in still visible to them both, they look at each other and smile. They knew exactly what happened in that room. The girls slept in their own adjoining room, Stephanie and Reina in the other, they were both sober this time, Reina says, "let's recreate what we done back then, get some ice." Stephanie goes and gets the ice, Reina is on the bed with just her knickers on, she whispers "we must do this quietly, we don't want to wake the girls up." Stephanie says, "I'll try, but you make me wanna scream." They begin making love, they make love into the morning, they wake up shattered but happy.

The girls knock on the door, Stephanie jumps up as if she's been up, she asks the girls what they would like for breakfast. The girls explain they ordered room service and they're just waiting on it. While the girls are eating breakfast, Stephanie is looking on an app for a villa, somewhere quiet and secluded where the girls have a room each and they have some privacy. Stephanie finds a villa, she tells Reina when she wakes up, she is reluctant at first, but she understands that she should have privacy to make love like they have been doing at the house. Reina gives in and once the girls finish breakfast, they pack and have a cab take them to the villa, it's about 5 miles from the hotel and near the beach but it has no houses around it, the nearest neighbour was about a mile away. The girls love it, it has a private pool, they each have a jacuzzi bath, it has plenty of grounds to play on and in the next town a mile away, there's a stables. Stephanie suggests that she takes the girls to the stables while Reina has a relaxing moment alone.

Stephanie and the girls have an amazing time at the stables, they've been there most of the day, riding on most of the horses. Estefanía is an accomplished rider, she even helps break a horse in. It was completely wild until Estefania could control it, the staff called her the "horse whisperer." While they were away, Reina had all the business emails directed to her phone, in comes more images, she doesn't open them, she sends them straight to the police. Then incomes an email from the police and Eduardos toxicology report, they discovered that he had high levels of arsenic in his blood and even though he was burned badly, there was viable samples they could take, they believe he could've been dead about an hour or two before he was found crashed in the ravine. This sent shivers down her spine, Stephanie may have killed him. This made her get close to her further, to make her confess. Reina knew Stephanie inside and out, she knows what buttons to press to make her confess. It won't end the relationship, as he was a vile man, he was interested in the abuse of children. Reina believes he deserved his fate. Reina wasn't worried about the girls, she knew Stephanie wouldn't hurt them.

The girls returned, Reina had such a meal prepared, the girls should go for a swim before eating and have a shower. While the girls were showering, Reina shows the email of Eduardos toxicology report, Stephanie doesn't shake, she says, "how on earth did he drive while dead?" Reina said, "Stephanie, I know you did it." Stephanie doesn't say a word she carries on what she's doing and finally says, "Reina, so what if I did? The man was a pedo, a cheat, a liar and an abuser. That night, I overheard him and you arguing, I saw him fast asleep on the couch after drinking a bottle of whiskey, I stuck a needle of arsenic in him, drove him up the road towards his mistress in Fuengirola and tossed his car and him off a ravine. He deserved all he got, if you think otherwise, you're as bad as he?" Reina isn't shocked, she knew that Stephanie would confess once confronted. Stephanie asks, "so, you're going to report me to the police now?" Reina says, "no, I love you Steph, but they'll come knocking once they see the report, I sincerely hope, that you have nothing in that summerhouse that'll tie you to his murder?" Stephanie is shocked at how blasé she is. Stephanie says, "theres nothing in the house or the grounds of where I terminated his life. Why are you defending me? Why aren't you turning me into the police?" Reina reveals that she had the same thoughts for many years, but never had the balls to carry it out. Reina believes that his parents might pin it on both of us, but we need to direct him towards his sick hobby. They agree, Stephanie also confesses this is why she sent the images to the police, it will placate them from his murder. His parents can cry foul all they like, there's no proof, unless this confession was taped? Reina says, "look around, search me, search everywhere there's no recording of this." Reina wasn't lying she didn't record her, there was nothing near that would. It would be stupid anyway, because Reina has just implicated herself.

The girls are ready to eat, they all head to the table set outside, they eat where it's shaded, Olivia and Paloma have their birthday this week, they're both turning 15. They decide to stay a week longer, it will give time for her ex in laws a bit of time to see the report and give Reina time to come up with a story to protect Stephanie and keep the girls without the knowledge she does have. Reina doesn't know but Estefania already suspected Stephanie, but since spending lots of time with her and how she sees how she makes her mother happy, she completely forgets her suspicions. They plan the girls birthday, they even invite Helena and Marcus to a party, they decline. They have been busy digging into Eduardos death. So far coming up empty handed, this includes the police. They searched the Perez home, while they were in Ibiza finding nothing to incriminate anyone.

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