Death Of A Love.

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Their weeks there passed fast, they were soon home. They were back at work, then Stephanie's parents came for their two week break, they stayed with Stephanie in her apartment, they could see how happy she was, they asked her, "have you met any nice Spanish lads yet?" Stephanie laughs then says, "no, where would I get the time, all I do is work." Stephanie's mum says, "sure, you have those lazy siestas, plenty of time to meet a fella." Stephanie says, "I'm too busy, you two. I'll meet someone when I'm good and ready." Later on that evening, Reina comes over to Stephanie's in tears, Stephanie asks, "whats the matter?" Reina unable to get the words out, she finally mutters, "shes dead, my mama is dead." Stephanie calms her down, then they head to Reina's house, there's an ambulance and medical personnel outside the house, Reina's mum is being taken out in a body bag. Reina is inconsolable, Stephanie spends the night with her, cuddling her. The next morning Reina asks Stephanie to leave, she wants to be alone. Stephanie just assumed that it was the grief talking and she left and goes back to her apartment. Stephanie's parents go and visit their old friends, they help as much as they can until they must fly home.

It's been weeks since Reina's mother died, she's only seen her a handful of times. The last time she spoke with her, Reina blamed her for keeping her in Ibiza for so long. Stephanie argued with her, telling her it wasn't her fault, it was no ones fault, her mum was sick and she hid it. Reina's father couldn't cope, he closed down the shop about two months after the death, Stephanie was out of work. After losing her job, she barely sees Reina, Stephanie finds a job in a local bar, until she was fired for being rude and always late for her shifts. Stephanie can't afford her apartment anymore and she flys home. Stephanie and Reina keep in contact, but not like they used to, Reina changed after her mother's death.  Reina became very cold and distant, that Stephanie took it as grief and left her to it for a while.

Months passed Stephanie contacted Reina, it was the first time since the distance she felt from her that she thought maybe she was ready to talk. Stephanie calls her, Reina wasn't as distant, but since her family shop hit rock bottom, Reina being the oldest was introduced to a rich local boy, she was encouraged to get engaged to him. Reina knowing that this marriage will not just secure her future, but the future of her entire family. Reina shares the news she got engaged to Eduardo Perez, Stephanie knew Eduardo too, they all used to hang around together as children and teens. Stephanie couldn't believe her ears, even though she was in love with her, she congratulates her and tells her that she hopes that she changes him from being the pretentious prick he has always been, Reina promised her she would try. They talked some more and Reina asked Stephanie to find a new love, to have a fulfilling life. It was like she wasn't to hear from her again. This is where it hurt her, this is where the damage began.

Stephanie tried all she could to get Reina out of her head, she dated other people, she became toxic to the point where she needed therapy. Stephanie eventually tried taking her own life, landing her in hospital for months on and off for years. This never stopped her obsession or love for Reina, the attempts on her own life made her want and need her more. This is where the spiral downwards began. Stephanie started to plan her route to getting her back, she swore to herself that she was willing to do anything to have the woman she loves back, she even thought about killing her husband. Stephanie lay in many hospital bed and planned in her head, how she would find her way back to Spain and finally into the arms of Reina. It was all Stephanie could think of day and night. Stephanie finally convinced psychiatrists and psychologists that she was ok, they finally discharged her, Stephanie could now put her plans in motion.

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