She Finally Gets Her.

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The business goes from strength to strength, Reina can afford to hire someone to take Stephanie's place, where she and Stephanie have time to themselves. Although the girls are getting much better, they still need to keep an eye on them until they finally get the all clear from the doctors. The couple agree that they won't marry until the twins get the all clear. They finally have their last appointments, Olivia's surgery worked, she's walking straight, she's even running a couple of miles each day, the physio truly helped. Paloma's epilepsy will be permanent but she has medication to ease it. The twins finally get the all clear. The couple set a date, it's in two months from now. They decide their wedding will be in Ibiza where they first discovered how in love they were. They find a hotel that's big enough for everyone, they find a chef that's willing to cook the food they ate, that night, it was Gallego food, it's Reina's favourite and they plan to take LSD on the night of the wedding. They find their dresses, they don't wear white but cream and black. It matches the bikini's that they both wore on that night. Stephanie wore a black one, Reina wore a cream one. Their dresses are matching, they have a dress maker add a black trim to the neckline, to the waist and to the hem, it was to have black buttons where the cream ones are. The idea sounded awful to everyone until it was described to them in detail.

The wedding day finally arrives, Rachael, Martin, her mother and her nieces arrive. Stephanie has dresses made in the same colours for the children, Martin is to walk Stephanie down the aisle, Marcus relented after much deliberation about giving Reina away, he does. None of Reina's family turn up, they can't bear the thought she's marrying a woman. This doesn't bother her, she will have a new family after today. Everyone is seated, the women appear, their dresses even more beautiful than she described, even Helena agrees, saying, "those dresses might be different but they're beautiful." Marcus has a tear in his eye, listening to the couples vows they wrote for each other. Words only they understand, only they feel, soon they were saying, "I do." They sign the register, they head off to the reception, Helena is impressed, as she herself isn't from southern Spain but a Gallego, it was her childhood food, she enjoyed every morsel. The women have their first dance, then Reina dances with Marcus, then her brother in law. Stephanie dancing with her brother and Marcus. Stephanie's mum tearing up the whole time wishing her husband was here to witness Stephanie marry. They plan to spend their honeymoon in Ibiza, as memories of when they first knew they loved each other. Stephanie's plan has worked out as she planned it. Stephanie planned this moment from her hospital bed all those years ago. That evening as they consummated their marriage, they made love like they never had before. They made love that much they broke the bed. The families all still in Ibiza, they were there for the last few weeks of party time of Ibiza, all of them including Helena and Marcus were partying in the clubs. While Reina and Stephanie were in their room high on LSD, then they decided to get dressed and head into town to look for the others. They found them all in a nightclub soon they were dancing like teenagers. Their friends and family noticed they were high, but they had pre warned them of that, that they were creating the exact same night when they first found love in each other. Helena was dancing like she was a teenager, Marcus was busy with his new buddy Steven. Marcus that night although drunk said, "you're my new son, you're my only friend and my best friend. I would like you and your wife to move over here. I'll have a house like Stacey and Estefanías commissioned for you?" Steven says, "Marcy Marc, you're drunk buddy, I'd love to move across here, but Stacey says I should keep the family home." Marcus says, "shes right, I wouldn't mind a visit across to rainy and cold Ireland. However Steven my offer stands, those houses are really cheap. I am friends with the mayor, he can push through the building work? But if you want to think about it? Take your time." Steven says, "thanks Marcus, I'll think about it, however I'll pay for the building work?" Marcus says, "nope buddy, it's on me." With that Helena comes over, "I'm taking this one home or he'll be giving our money away next?" She laughs and they head home. They move from bar to bar, drinking shots having the times of their lives. The whole family are pub crawling around every club in the town. By the time they finish, it's almost sunrise, they head back to the hotel, as they're coming in, Helena and Marcus are up eating breakfast, Marcus is really hungover. The troupe wave at them across the hall, they all head to their rooms. They get a few hours sleep, they get up and go down for food. Helena and Marcus are in the spa, Marcus still feeling the effects of the night before, Helena scolding him and he is saying, "woman, please I'm suffering here." Helena laughs, "self inflicted old man, you can't handle Ibiza anymore, you're too old. Oh and do you remember telling Steven that you're having one of the houses near his daughter commissioned for him?" Marcus says, "of course i remember, he's a good friend and when he's gone, I miss him." Marcus saying, "he reminds me of Eduardo a little, his sense of humour wise." Helena tells him she sees it too. He asks, "so, you wouldn't mind if I did have one of those buildings finished for him?" Helena says, "honey, I'll think about it."

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