Its All Your Fault.

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The family meal on Sunday arrives, Stacey and Estefanías family arrives, then Becky and Steven. Helena can't make it as Marcus has a bug, this irks Marcus because he misses Steven, he's not seen him for a couple of weeks as he had a bad flu himself, Olivia arrives with Áine the guest of honour on this occasion, Olivia can't keep her eyes off her. Stephanie quips, "that reminds me of your mum and I as young lovers. It's beautiful to see." Paloma and her boyfriend turn up, they treat him with respect but he's rude and arrogant and Paloma has love bites all over her neck. Olivia says, "sis, you keep up having sex the way you're doing, the next test will be positive." Paloma snaps back, "well at least he can get me pregnant." Reina stomps her hand on the table, "Paloma, you apologise to this whole table, now!" Paloma meekly apologises, she takes her boyfriend by the hand and they leave. Reina was about to call her back and Stephanie tells her to let her go. Paloma and her boyfriend storm out, Steven quips after hearing the door slam, "leave the door on its hinges love." The group starts laughing, they get on with their day, then Olivia and Áine make an announcement, they're moving into together in a few months, once college work is completed. Becky says, "Áine love, I know your mummy is really proud of you, she tells me all the time over Facebook, she sees your club on there but she's just a bit gutted she can't get over due to her being in a wheelchair?" Stephanie says, "is she in a wheelchair now? I'm sure we could accommodate her if she wants to visit? It's really only our house that has lower land and no hills near the house. Áine tell her she can stay here. What do you think Reina?" Reina says, "I'd really love to meet her, yes we can accommodate her, tell her to come over whenever she wants?" Áine asks, "are you sure?" Stephanie and Reina say together, "of course."

Paloma comes home one evening crying, her boyfriend slapped her. Stephanie flys into a rage, Reina calms her. Paloma goes to her room and doesn't come out for a week, then she finally does. Olivia and Paloma spend quality time with each other, they must before Olivia moves out. They decide to take the yacht out for a couple of days. While out on the yacht, not being experienced in sailing, they get a message from the coast guard that a storm is brewing, they were in trouble. The storm swirls them, it capsizes the yacht, Reina hasn't heard from them in 24 hours, Reina usually sees pictures on Facebook and Instagram but there's been nothing. Reina calls the coast guard, they send out boats and helicopters they find nothing, not even a capsized yacht. The coast guard has been out for a week and have found nothing. Reina and Stephanie are beside themselves. They're at the marina everyday, Helena is unable to be there as she is too ill with worry, Becky and Steven have been a great help, they have the babies while Stacey and Estefania are with their mother in law and mom. Áine is grief stricken but she is helping in other ways, she is contacting genuine mediums to try and locate them, all have have bad news. The coast guard expanded their search by 50 kilometres, they find the yacht, they don't find the twins. They don't understand why they didn't have a captain onboard when they set sail? Did they take the yacht out without telling the captain? Then the captain tells the family that Paloma told him to take the day off. Weeks go by and there's no news, there's nothing found except the yacht. They didn't have life jackets on either as all those onboard were there when the coast guard recovered the yacht. The coast guard call the search off. There's still no news, then they get news that two female bodies washed up on the island of Tenerife. The family can't identify them, they've been in the water too long, the only way to identify them is dental records. The results come back, it's the twins. Reina is beside herself again, she locks herself in her room, she doesn't come out. Helena and Marcus are that over come with grief that even Marcus has had a stroke. Stephanie is losing her grip on reality slowly. Stephanie is trying her best to cope, Reina resurfaces from her room, she tells Stephanie it's over, she blames her for everything. Stephanie packs and moves into the summerhouse. As her wife she doesn't have to leave the property but she's planning to. Stephanie is in the summerhouse, she is heartbroken, she goes into her bag to fetch her medication, it's not there but in the house. Stephanie refuses to go in. It's been days since Reina kicked Stephanie out of the house, Reina has been alone making plans for the twins funerals, everyone wondering where Stephanie is? Reina tells everyone that she kicked Stephanie out, although she's not far but in the summerhouse. Stacey goes to the summerhouse to find out why she is letting Reina do all she's doing alone? Stephanie has gone. Stacey comes back to the house and tells Reina that Stephanie has left the summerhouse, Reina doesn't take it in, she completely ignores that information. They all try calling her, including Reina. Stephanie doesn't answer. Stephanie is at a hotel, she's going through cold turkey from the medication she's been taking, after a few days she's past the worst of it. Stephanie is feeling somewhat murderous again. The twins funerals go ahead, Reina is comforted by Stacey, Estefanía and the rest of the family, Stephanie is nowhere to be found. A staff member from Reclaim calls Reina to tell her that she's seen Stephanie go into a hotel near the bar. Reina tells her that she doesn't care, Reina demands to be alone, she goes home and gets into bed. Reina wakes from a bad dream, she sees Stephanie in her dream holding a knife, she sees her lunge towards her. Reina decides to drive to the hotel. When she reaches the reception of the hotel she asks if her wife has a room here? The receptionist is reluctant at first as it's confidential information, but Reina explains her wife is sick and needs her medication, which she brings with her. The receptionist gives her a room key, she goes into the room and Stephanie is asleep, Reina sits on the chair waiting for her to wake up, she finally does after about 4 hours, Stephanie asks her, "what are you doing here? How did you find me?" Reina explains how she found out and tells her she must take her meds, Stephanie laughs, "are you serious? You're here to give me my meds? You threw me out, telling me you want a divorce and blamed me for the twins deaths? Yet it's me that's the problem?" Reina replies, "I still care about you and love you Steph. Take these and come home I need you." Stephanie looks into her eyes and says, "on one condition, you never blame me for all the bad things that happen?" Reina takes her by the hand and she hands her the pills. Stephanie tells her, I'm not taking these anymore, I'm now thinking clearer than I have in a while. I am fine, I don't need them anymore." Reina says, "fine, can we go home now?" Stephanie packs her things and they take separate cars home. The house is empty, Reina hates the silence, Stephanie goes and puts her clothes back into their room. Stephanie comes downstairs to a completely different Reina.

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