Shattered Nerves.

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The couple hear via the twins that their grandparents sent their old iPad they used to have connected to the camera in their room, Reina asks, "what shop did she send it to sweetie?" The twins say the one in San Pedro. Reina drives to San Pedro and gets the iPad, it's fully charged, it's opened, she looks for the videos of the night Eduardo died, the camera fails, there was a storm the night before, it knocked out the power, shutting down the camera system in the twins room. They didn't reboot it. Reina checks every single video minute, there's no evidence. The iPad is left back in the shop for the Perez's to pick it up. Stephanie has just dodged a massive bullet this time. Reina drives home telling Stephanie what the grandparents almost found out. Stephanie says, "thanks baby, that was close. Is there anymore hidden cameras we don't know about, the twins seemed to like hiding them all around the house." Reina tells her that they will both look when she gets home. Stephanie finishes off what she needs to do in the office. Then Stephanie decides to get looking for secret cameras. Along the summerhouse, there's some flowers, but they have tiny little cameras attached. Stephanie doesn't believe the girls would've put them there. She sees wires, they lead to near the main house. Stephanie follows the wires, they're going underground into where would be the wine cellar. Stephanie goes into the cellar, there's wires connected to a computer, it shows the night she killed Eduardo. Stephanie destroys the computer, loosens the wires and removes the cameras, incinerating them in the wood stove used to burn non grape producing trees. Once the fire is stopped, she takes away the burned plastic, she drives outside the home and buries them in woodland off the property.

Reina returns shaken, Reina believes that Eduardo placed the cameras around the place, if there was some there, there'll be more. They start searching the whole property. Estefanía and Stacey ask them what they're looking for? Reina says, she seen rats near the wine cellar. The girls say, "eww, I hope you find them." Then the girls head off to work. Reina gets a call from Helena, she was wondering why she wanted the iPad? Reina tells her that, there might've been pictures of the girls as newborns on there, she wanted them if she was donating it to charity? Helena says, "ah, no the girls told me they used it for a camera in their room, they were filming foxes in your garden." Reina says, "so, that's where the camera came from?" We found it when Este and Stacey moved into their room, we had no idea about the foxes." Helena replies, "yeah, that house used to have a family of foxes in the garden, they've came in for decades. I'm not surprised the girls filmed it. Funny the night of Eduardos death there's nothing?" Reina explains the night before there was a storm, it caused a power outage for several hours, those type of cameras, you need to reboot apparently." Helena says, "that makes sense, besides I wouldn't want to see him in his last few hours anyway." Reina says, "so, you still believe that Stephanie had something to do with his death?" Helena pauses for a moment, then says, "to be honest, I've no idea, but if I'm being honest no, she's a great woman from what I've been told. So, no I don't think she did." Reina then says, "Helena, I know you're not comfortable with me and Steph or Este and Stacey, but you're still welcome at the house." Helena goes silent then replies, "Reina, you're still family. I still love you like a daughter, just give us time." Reina tells her to take as much time as she needs. Helena and Reina have the first civilised conversation they've had in a very long time. Then Helena calls back, she says, "Rei, listen I'm not comfortable with all the homo shenanigans going on in my former home, but it's your house now, I'm willing to be a mother to you again if you allow it? I will always have reservations about the night Ed died, but there's definitely no evidence to convict anyone, I miss having meals with you guys, I miss coming over and us getting a bottle of our wine, in our Pj's drinking into the night and talking. I will also apologise about what I said about you and Steph, my son was into something nasty and I believe he was silenced by the people he got the pictures from. I now understand why Steph sent the images from my husband's email address, it was to placate us all, our family name would've been driven into the mud. Stephanie done us a favour. I just wish he was caught but alive and in prison." Reina can't believe her ears, is she saying this to try and wheedle her way back into our lives and unearth the truth? Reina invites her and Marcus over for dinner, that Stacey's parents are here, that she should get acquainted with her granddaughters partner? Helena said she would love that. They arrange to have a meal the very next night, Helena even suggested that they visit her home at some point before they return to Ireland, that they could even go out on the family yacht. Helena and Marcus' yacht is over 100ft longer than theirs, it has much more on it, they used to rent it out to the rich and famous. Many famous and rich English and Americans have been on her yacht, that it was even used in a telenovela. Steven and Becky said they would love to meet her. Reina warns them that she is truly an obnoxious woman, but she does have a good heart deep down and sometimes different people bring it out on her, she feels that Steven and Becky will make her laugh as much as they have her. Estefanía and Stacey come home from work, Estefanía asks, "did you catch or find any more rats mom?" Reina tells her no, but her grandmother has invited the whole family for a meal and sailing on her yacht. Estefanía says, "really? She's over the whole lesbian thing?" Reina says, "not quite honey but it's a start." Estefanías excited, she hasn't spent time with her grandparents in a while, she has missed her deep down. They look forward to a night of drinking and a day of sailing.

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